[Sig-bwp] Mobile MEDLINE (+): PubMed On Tap Upgrade Now

McKiernan, Gerard [LIB] gerrymck at iastate.edu
Mon May 18 15:41:41 EDT 2009



PubMed On Tap is an application for your iPhone or iPod Touch that lets
you search PubMed while on the go >>>



*         Specify fields and search mode, using AND, OR, and NOT logic

*         Specify option to find only articles with Full Text or Free
Full Text

*         E-mail the results as formatted text or an RIS tagged record,
ready to be imported into reference management applications like
Bookends and EndNote

*         EZproxy support

*         Link to Full Text articles that open in Safari or Internal Web
Browser (requires access privileges)

*         Internal Web Browser / Landscape view

*         Remember/recall recent searches

*         Navigation between references in the formatted view

*         Order full-text copies of articles using Loansome Doc Ordering


Format: Software / Date: Mar 2009 / Version: 1.3.1 / License: Purchase /
Price: $2.99 / Platform: Mobile / System Req: iPhone or iPod touch /


Links to the iTunes Download Link AND Other Screen Prints Are Available


[  http://tinyurl.com/pv9yy5  ]


!! Thanks To The Distant Librarian For The Original HeadsUp !!


NOTE>>> I Am Also Interested In Other Mobile Apps That Provide Access To
Medline/PubMed (and/or PubMed Central) <<< NOTE || Please Post As
Comment To The Associated Blog Entry At 


[  http://tinyurl.com/pv9yy5  ]


Happy Monday !






Gerry McKiernan

Associate Professor

Science and Technology Librarian

Iowa State University Library

Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu         


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