[Sig-bwp] RefWorks Announces Launch Of RefMobile

McKiernan, Gerard [LIB] gerrymck at iastate.edu
Sat May 2 14:41:38 EDT 2009

Bethesda, MD, USA (March, 2009) - RefWorks announced the launch of 

RefMobile, a new interface that enables students and researchers to 

use the RefWorks web-based research management service from anywhere, 

via web-enabled mobile phones, smart phones, and personal data 

assistants (PDAs). 


The RefMobile interface gives users immediate access to the most 

commonly used RefWorks functions, including searching their entire 

RefWorks databases, viewing references by folders, adding and removing 

references from folders, creating new folders, and adding comments to 

Notes fields. Users can also efficiently import new references to 

their RefWorks account using the new SmartAdd feature. 


With SmartAdd, users simply enter basic identifying information for a 

publication, such as ISBN number, digital object identifier (DOI) 

number, partial title, or author and publication year, and SmartAdd 

searches the Internet for the reference and import it to RefWorks. 


"Researchers and students are increasingly on the go, but need to stay 

highly productive," says Colleen Stempien, Executive Director of 

Operations for RefWorks-COS. "RefMobile puts RefWorks' world-class 

research management tools at the fingertips of researchers whenever 

they need them, wherever they happen to be." 


In 2001, the introduction of RefWorks revolutionized bibliographic 

management by making it accessible from any web-enabled computer. 

RefMobile demonstrates RefWorks-COS' continued commitment to providing 

world-class research services and support to researchers at every 

level, in every discipline, everywhere. 


Links And RefMobile Screen Shots Available From 


[ http://tinyurl.com/dkzxhj  ]




Gerry McKiernan 

Associate Professor 

Science and Technology Librarian 

Iowa State University Library 

Ames IA 50011 


gerrymck at iastate.edu  


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