[Sig-bwp] NPR: Go Get a (Virtual) Life - Second Life

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Sun Sep 2 19:04:23 EDT 2007



A Great Overview/Introduction to Second Life, a major Web 2.O

Talk of the Nation, August 31, 2007 · Tired of this life? With a few
clicks of the mouse, you can create an online, virtual "you." Guests and
callers discuss why we find virtual lives so addictive, and scientists
explain their efforts to use online communities to learn more about
real-life human behavior. Also, a game developer from Second Life talks
about what it's like to build a virtual world.

Dmitri Williams, Annenberg School, Annenberg Program in Online
Communities, University of Southern California

Cory Ondrejka, co-founder and chief technology officer, Linden Lab, San
Francisco, Ca.

Sherry Turkle, director, MIT Initiative on Technology and Self Program
in Science, Technology, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of

[ http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=14087749 ]


Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 5011

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