[Sig-bwp] NPR: Conservapedia

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Wed Mar 14 14:39:41 EDT 2007


Truth in Labeling | Fair and Balanced  [?]


Gerry McKiernan
Science and Technology Librarain
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

Iowa: Where the Tall Corn Flows ... and the West Wind Blows [:-)


Digital Culture
Conservapedia: Data for Birds of a Political Feather?
 by Robert Siegel 
 All Things Considered, March 13, 2007 · For conservative computer
users who find the online encyclopedia Wikipedia to harbor too many
values that conflict with their own, a new site awaits. 

Conservapedia founder Andy Schlafly says the new site is an alternative
to Wikipedia and what he deems to be a liberal bias.

Robert Siegel talks with Schlafly.

[ http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=8286084 ]

Check the Labels

'Liberal' on Conservapedia 
Liberal is a term used in US politics to describe a person who
generally is left-wing in his attitudes towards the government,
establishment, and many other laws. The term was first used in reference
to a political opinion c. 1801 A.D., in the aftermath of the French
Revolution, when it meant "tending in favor of freedom and democracy" -
at that time the liberal party was the party of individual political

The term liberal is used in the United States to characterize the
following set of beliefs: 

support of gun control 
taxpayer funding of abortion 
prohibiting prayer in school 
equal rights for men and women, including participation by men and
women in the military 
distributing wealth from the rich to the poor 
government programs to rehabilitate criminals 
same-sex marriage 
amnesty for illegal aliens 
teaching of evolution 
increased taxpayer funding of public school 
protection of all of God's creation 
taxpayer-funded rather than private medical care 
increased power for labor unions 
disarmament treaties 
increased taxes 
support of government programs such as welfare 
reduction of military expenses 
support of affirmative action 
government-sponsored education about human reproduction 

Liberals in the US typically align themselves with the Democratic
Party. Note, that liberal in the European context refers to moderate and
center-right parties, often with a pro-business stance.[2] The same
holds for many liberal parties throughout the world.[3]. The US
definition of liberal is much more similar to the politics of European
socialist or social democratic parties.[4]. 

[ http://www.conservapedia.com/Liberal ]

Conservative' on Conservapedia 

A conservative is one who adheres to principles of limited government,
personal responsibility and moral virtue. He agrees with the statement
in George Washington's Farewell Address that "religion and morality are
indispensable supports" to political prosperity.[1] Conservatism arose
in the 19th century as a response to liberalism, particularly as
manifested in the French Revolution. 

A conservative relies more on the application of reason rather than
personal whim. Conservatives oppose collectivism and emphasize equal
opportunity rather than equal results. Conservatives support a complete
right of self-defense both on an individual level and for our nation as
a whole. 

In the United States, conservatives are generally characterized by the
following beliefs: 

National defense and high military spending 
Return of prayer in school 
Stronger protection of 2nd Amendment rights (weaker gun control laws) 
Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity) 
Stronger law enforcement and anti-crime laws, including the death
Prevention of teaching sexual education, evolution, global warming, and
other controversial issues in public schools 
Abandonment of public schools in favor of private, particularly using
tuition vouchers 
Private medical ca
re and retirement plans 
Strong, unilateral foreign policy 
Weakening or cancellation of failed social support programs 
Government restrictions on same-sex marriage and abortion 
Many conservatives hold a strong libertarian conviction in the belief
that the state should not interfere with the economy, gun control, and
the redistribution of wealth. 

About every 20-60 years, a conservative has been elected president of
the United States. Examples include: 
George Washington 
James Monroe 
Abraham Lincoln 
Grover Cleveland 
Warren G. Harding 
Ronald Reagan 

In America, most conservatives tend to align with the Republican Party
or the Libertarian Party. 

In the United Kingdom the present parlimentary opposition party is
called the Conservative party [1]and as it's name suggests hold
traditional conservative views. 

[ http://www.conservapedia.com/Conservative]

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