[Sig-bwp] Facebook Functionality/App(s) for BibSoftware | Databases | Full-Text | Etc.

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Sun Jun 10 13:35:47 EDT 2007


_Facebook Functionality/App(s) for BibSoftwore | Databases | Full-Text
| Etc._


Earlier today I queried A Rep from RefWorks who visited a few a weeks
ago about a possible Facebook App
for RW:

"I am writing to request that you give serious consideration to
incorporating a Share function in RefWorks 

As I mentioned during your presentation, there are many e-publications
that offer a 'Share' functionality. For example, the New York Times
offers a 'Share' to 'Facebook' (among other sites). As I envision it,
the Share function would also a Facebook member with legitimate use to
RefWorks could 'Share' his/her-her/his RW  file to his/her Facebook (as
opposed to exporting or saving) ...

This takes Us to Part Two Of My Recommendation(s)

In addition, I also recommend that you create a Facebook App that
allows uses to access/use the full  RefWorks functionality within

For information about Facebook Apps  See: Facebook Expands Into
MySpace*s Territory 
[  http://tinyurl.com/2h8ouy ] 

A directory of currently available FbApps are available [
http://apps.f8.facebook.com/apps/ ]
NOTE: One Needs To Be A Facebook Member

Information for Facebook developers is also available [
http://developers.facebook.com/get_started.php ]"


It occurred to me that a Share function and Facebook for Databases |
Full-text | Etc. (e.g., digital collections, datasets, images) would be
A Great Benefit to the Facebook user.

Sooooooo. ListenUp Vendors ... Make It So [:-)

BTW-1: If There are Any Current Facebook Apps Along These Lines, Let
Me/Us Know
BTW-2: Facebook OPAC Apps are also of interest

BigThanks To Lisa Hinchliffe (Head, Undergraduate Library @ The
University of Illinois-UC)
for her posting to the FacebookAppsFor Libraries Wall
7:52pm on June 8th, 2007
In case people are interested in a search app integration: 

[ http://uillinois.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2414276217] 

Search UIUC Library (catalog and a few databases) from Facebook. :) 

BTW-3: If It Were to Happen AnyWhere It Certainly Would Be At Illinois
[:-) [My MLS Home][1975] [Yikes!] [:-)
P.S. Listen to Lisa about SN and Libraries @ 


BTW-4: The FacebookAppsFor Libraries Group is a Facebook Global Group,
and thus Open To All
FacebookAppsForLibraries is a Global Group devoted to the use of
third-party Facebook applications 
for enhanced library services

GO TO [ http://iastate.f8.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2469777131 ]  and
'Join This Group'

Have a GreatWeek !!!


Gerry McKiernan
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 5011

[ http://www.facebook.com/p/Gerry_McKiernan/16926735  ] 
[ http://alternativeenergyblogs.blogspot.com/ ]

Iowa: Where the Tall Corn Flows and the (North)West Wind Blows

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