[Sig-bwp] Call for Papers: Internet Research 9.0 (AoIR 2008 conference)

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Thu Dec 20 10:49:22 EST 2007

> apologies for xposting -jh
> Please distribute to colleagues and relevant lists!
> Lisbeth Klastrup
> Conference Chair
> IT University of Copenhagen
> Brian Loader
> Program Chair
> University of York
> ************************************************************************
> International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of
> Internet Researchers (AoIR)
> Copenhagen, Denmark
> Workshops / Doctoral Colloquium: October 15th, 2008
> AoIR. conference: October 16–18th, 2007
> Deadline for paper submissions: February 8th, 2007
> In the past few years, new forms of net-based communities have  
> emerged,
> distributed on various websites and services, and making use of  
> several
> media platforms and genres to stay connected. Now, as mobile and
> location-based technologies are reintroducing "place" as an  
> important aspect
> in the formation of communal and social activities, it is time to  
> consider
> and rethink the concept of online or virtual communities. Not  
> forgetting the
> lessons we have learned from studying the early virtual communities,  
> how do
> we describe, analyse, theorise and design the communities and social
> formations of the early 21st century? How do we address the blurring  
> of
> boundaries between places and communities on- and offline?
> We call for papers, panel proposals, and presentations from any  
> discipline,
> methodology, and community, and from conjunctions of multiple  
> disciplines,
> methodologies and academic communities that address the conference  
> themes.
> Sessions at the conference will be established that specifically  
> address the
> conference themes, and we welcome innovative, exciting, and  
> unexpected takes
> on those themes. We also welcome submissions on topics that address  
> social,
> cultural, political, economic, and/or aesthetic aspects of the  
> Internet
> beyond the conference themes. In all cases, we welcome disciplinary  
> and
> interdisciplinary submissions as well as international  
> collaborations from
> both AoIR and non-AoIR members.
> We seek proposals for several different kinds of contributions. We  
> welcome
> proposals for traditional academic conference papers, but we also  
> encourage
> proposals for creative or aesthetic presentations that are distinct  
> from a
> traditional written ‘paper.’
> We also welcome proposals for ROUNDTABLE SESSIONS that will focus on
> discussion and interaction among conference delegates, as well as  
> organized
> PANEL PROPOSALS that present a coherent group of papers on a single  
> theme.
> All papers and presentations in this session will be reviewed in the  
> normal
> manner. Detailed information about review and submission will be  
> available
> through the conference submission website: http:// 
> conferences.aoir.org in
> early January 2008.
> Format
> - PAPERS (individual or multi-author) - submit abstract of  600-800  
> words
> - CREATIVE OR AESTHETIC PRESENTATIONS - submit abstract of 500-750  
> words
> - PANEL PROPOSALS - submit a 600-800 word description of the panel  
> theme,
> plus 250-500 word abstract for each paper or presentation
> - ROUNDTABLE PROPOSALS - submit a statement indicating the nature of  
> the
> roundtable discussion and interaction
> Papers, presentations and panels will be selected from the submitted
> proposals on the basis of multiple blind peer review, coordinated and
> overseen by the Program Chair. Each individual is invited to submit a
> proposal for 1 paper or 1 presentation. A person may also propose a  
> panel
> session, which may include a second paper that they are presenting. An
> individual may also submit a roundtable proposal. You may be listed as
> co-author on additional papers as long as you are not presenting them.
> Several publishing opportunities are expected to be available through
> journals, including a special issue of "Information, Communication &
> Society", based on peer-review of full papers. The website will  
> contain more
> details.
> Graduate students are strongly encouraged to submit proposals. Any  
> student
> paper is eligible for consideration for the AoIR graduate student  
> award.
> Students wishing to be a candidate for the Student Award must send a  
> final
> paper by June 30, 2007.
> Ph.D. students will also want to consider participating in the  
> Doctoral
> Colloquium:
> Following the very successful examples of previous Doctoral  
> Colloquia, we
> will again aim to offer an all-day Doctoral Colloquium on October  
> 15th 2008
> (Wednesday) for Ph.D. students who wish to present their current  
> work for
> critical evaluation by their peers and senior scholars. Submission and
> registration details will be available on the conference website
> http://conferences.aoir.org as soon as possible.
> Prior to the conference, there will be a limited number of pre- 
> conference
> workshops which will provide participants with in-depth, hands-on  
> and/or
> creative opportunities. We invite proposals for these pre-conference
> workshops. Local presenters are encouraged to propose workshops that  
> will
> invite visiting researchers into their labs or studios or locales.  
> Proposals
> should be no more than 1000 words, and should clearly outline the  
> purpose,
> methodology, structure, costs, equipment and minimal attendance  
> required, as
> well as explaining its relevance to the conference as a whole.  
> Proposals
> will be accepted if they demonstrate that the workshop will add
> significantly to the overall program in terms of thematic depth,  
> hands on
> experience, or local opportunities for scholarly or artistic  
> connections.
> These proposals and all inquiries regarding pre-conference proposals  
> should
> be submitted as soon as possible to both the Conference Chair and  
> Program
> Chair and no later than March 31, 2007.
> Submission site available: January 10, 2008
> Proposal submission deadline: February 8, 2008
> Presenter notification: March 31, 2008
> Final workshop submission deadline: March 31, 2008
> Submission for student award competition: June 30, 2008
> Submission for conference archive: July 31, 2008
> Program Chair: Dr. Brian Loader, University of York, UK <bl506 at york.ac.uk 
> >
> Conference Chair: Dr. Lisbeth Klastrup, IT University of Copenhagen,  
> Denmark
> <ir9conf at itu.dk>
> President of AoIR: Dr. Charles Ess, Drury University <cmess at drury.edu>
> Association Website: http://www.aoir.org
> Conference Website: http://conferences.aoir.org
> _______________________________________________
> The Air-L at listserv.aoir.org mailing list
> is provided by the Association of Internet Researchers http://aoir.org
> Subscribe, change options or unsubscribe at: http://listserv.aoir.org/listinfo.cgi/air-l-aoir.org
> Join the Association of Internet Researchers:
> http://www.aoir.org/

Jeremy Hunsinger
Information Ethics Fellow, Center for Information Policy Research,  
School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (www.cipr.uwm.edu 

Words are things; and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a  
thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.  

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