[Sig-bwp] Brief Survey of Social Networking Sites Presence of College and Research Libraries

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Tue Aug 7 13:48:32 EDT 2007


Brief Survey of Social Networking Sites Presence of College and
Research Libraries


For a variety of purposes, I have created a brief 10-question
SurveyMonkey survey on the presence of College and Research Libraries in
one or more of the more popular Social Networking Sites (Facebook,
MySpace, Orkut) 

I would most appreciate if my Friends (and/or Enemies) [:-)] take this
survey within the next 10 days

I have embedded the Survey Link within my posting on the survey in my
_Friends_ blog


The survey requests basic information about library and institutional
presence in any of the major Social Networking Sites, as well personal
and/or professional membership.

The survey should take no longer than 10-15 minutes (15-20 if you*re
over 50) [:-)

NOTE: Survey Ends on Friday, August 10, 2007 (a week from this Friday)

And Feel Free To Spread the Word About The Survey !!!

Thanks for participating!


Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011

!!! Social Networking is People !!!
[ http://www.facebook.com/p/Gerry_McKiernan/16926735  ]

Iowa: Where the Tall Corn Flows and the (North)West Wind Blows ...
[ http://alternativeenergyblogs.blogspot.com/ ]

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