[Sig-bwp] Wiki-Based Earth Sciences Encyclopedia (Away message)

Elizabeth Liddy liddy at syr.edu
Fri Oct 6 13:34:50 EDT 2006

I'm off to Africa for a 2 week photo safari from October 1st to 15th.  Its highly unlikely I'll have any email access during that time.  I'll catch up with my emails as soon as I can after I return.  In the meantime, if you need something immediately, please contact my Admin Assistant Lois at lelmore at syr.edu or 315-443-5484.


>>> sig-bwp 10/06/06 13:33 >>>



A Most Welcomed Development   ....

_Encyclopedia of Earth_

[ http://www.eoearth.org/ ]

[ http://www.eoearth.org/eoe/about ]


Gerry McKiernan
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library 
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 


"Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Earth, a new electronic reference about
the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society.
The Encyclopedia is a free, fully searchable collection of articles
written by scholars, professionals, educators, and experts who
collaborate and review each other's work. The articles are written in
non-technical language and will be useful to students, educators,
scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public."


"Content for the Encyclopedia is created, maintained, and governed by
this community of experts via a specially adapted "wiki" - an online
tool that allows experts to collectively add and edit web content.
Unlike other, well-known wikis, such as Wikipedia, access is restricted
to approved experts and all content is reviewed and approved by Topic
Editors prior to being published from the wiki to this public site.
Revisions to existing articles are also done on the authorâ€*s wiki, and
when approved they become the current version at the public site. This
process produces a constantly evolving, continuously updated


[ http://www.eoearth.org/eoe/about ]

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