[Sig-bwp] Info. Pros. Wanted for Free Tech Event, BarCamp, June 3-4, Maynard, MA

Jessica Baumgart jessica_baumgart at harvard.edu
Wed May 10 13:38:13 EDT 2006


One of my friends, who's involved in BarCamp, e-mailed me to ask if I 
could encourage librarians/archivists/information professionals/etc. 
to participate.

A free unconference during the weekend of June 3-4 at Monster 
Worldwide in Maynard, Massachusetts, BarCamp encourages 
collaboration, networking, and sharing. All registrants must 
participate in some form--perhaps by giving a formal presentation, 
leading a discussion, giving a five minute talk, demoing something, 
hacking, or doing something completely different.

I've already signed up and will give some kind of presentation, 
probably about blogs, XML feeds, and/or wikis.

If you're interested in getting involved, simply register for the 
conference: http://barcamp.org/BarCampBostonRegistrants.

If you would like to collaborate with me on a presentation, please let me know.


Jessica Baumgart

--Please pardon the cross-posting.--

Jessica Baumgart
Information Resources Specialist
Office of News and Public Affairs
Harvard University
1060 Holyoke Center
1350 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02138
Phone Number: 617.495.4739
Main News Office Number: 617.495.1585
Fax: 617.495.0754
E-mail:jessica_baumgart at harvard.edu
Web site: http://www.news.harvard.edu/
Photo Services: http://www.news.harvard.edu/photo/

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