[Sig-bwp] If you're in the Washington DC area, you might enjoy....

Nancy G. Faget zemogogog at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 5 09:12:06 EDT 2006

There is a significant push in federal government to begin using blogs, wikis as collaborative tools.  The use in the intelligence community has been especially surprising.  Please join us either at the National Science Foundation facilities .... or let me know if you would like to join remotely.
  Collaborative Expedition Workshop 52
  Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 8:30 a.m.
  National Science Foundation
  4201 Wilson Blvd, Stafford I Building, Room 1235
  Arlington, VA
  Open Collaboration: Networking Wiki Information Technology
  for Information Sharing and Knowledge Management
  Purpose / Description  
  Participants will explore opportunities for multi-disciplinary and community-based collaboration around national challenges. By drawing on strategic leadership and "best practices" underway in the geospatial area, participants will learn how to conduct open collaboration in their own settings. Presentations will illustrate exemplary collaboration that is transforming geospatial information technology today. Growing Communities of Practice will benefit from knowledge-sharing including:
   COLAB: Collaborative Work Environment Community Wiki  
   open standards development  
   web-based collaboration environments  
   ontologies for efficient information-sharing and semantic interoperability  
   Federal Enterprise Architecture Data Reference Model V2.0 and the SICoP Knowledge Reference Model Implementation in Wikis and Semantic Wikis  
   Community to national scale needs and applications
   See Collaboration Wiki:  
   Check in and badges: Main NSF (Stafford I), 4201 Wilson Blvd. Laptop Scan: Room 357 NSF Boardroom: Room 1235  
   Lunch: On your own for lots of eating places in area – food can be eaten in meeting rooms.
   Upcoming Events :
   July 26th - Special Sessions on Networking EA and KM at FCW Conferences.
   See http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ExpeditionWorkshop
   Is your Wiki part of your content development and management strategy? If so, what role does it play?  
   What do you see as the essential elements of a good charter for a Government Wiki?  
   What are the key components of a quality set of guidelines for community participation?  
   Based on your experience in planning and operating a Wiki, what are the problems to avoid?  
   What are your concerns about Wikis?  
   Are there aspects of current Wiki technology that you find inadequate for meeting your needs? 
  Tuesday, July 18, 2006
  Welcome and Overview:
   8:40 am – Workshop Organizers  
   9:00 am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose?
  Keynote: Wikis Changing Agency Culture for Information Sharing 
   9:30 am - D. Calvin Andrus, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer, Center for Mission Innovation, CIA
   BREAK: 10:15 am
  Panel: Agencies are starting to ask for Wikis and even advertise formal requirements for them (see page 1)
   10:30 am - Your agency wants or uses a Wiki  
   GPO, TC Evans, Moderator  
   USGS, Fred Travnichek (invited)  
   CIM3, Peter Yim  
   NIH, Olga Brazhnik  
   NARA, John Kane  
   GSA, Susan Turnbull
   Keynote: The Wiki - A grassroots approach to providing KM solutions
   11:15 am - Niall Sinclair (confirmed-remote), Director, KM Public Domain Initiatives, Institute for Knowledge and Innovation, George Washington University, and Author
  NETWORKING LUNCH: 12 noon – 1 pm (on your own, but preferably in groups)
  Featured Presentations and Questions:
   1:00-1:20 pm Mills Davis, Project10X  SICOP/SWIM Vision for Semantic Wikis and Information Management  
   1:20-1:40 pm Mark Kurtz and Aaron Fulkerson, MindTouch,  Next generation Open Source collaborative wikis, enterprise network appliances, and wiki mash-ups.  
   1:40-2:00 pm Conor Shankey, Visual Knowledge,  Semantic wikis for information management, knowledge delivery, and semantic agent-based  applications.  
   2:00-2:20 pm Chuck Rehberg, Semantic Insights, Automating the read, write, and reporting functions of semantic wikis to leverage knowledge worker productivity.  
   2:20-2:30 pm Questions & Answers and Wrapup
  BREAK: 3 - 3:15 pm
  Hands-on Experience and Discussion of Next Steps
   3:15 - 4 pm
   ADJOURN and NETWORKING: 4 - 5 pm

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.
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