[Sig-bwp] David King: Integrating Video into Library Websites

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Thu Jan 5 17:25:13 EST 2006


Integrating Video into Library Websites 

[ http://daweed.blogspot.com/ ]

What else can one do with video on a library website?

* Use it as support info (that's what we did with my video)
*Post downloadable versions of library events, seminars, author talks
*Short snippets of library events for use on future event descriptions
*Videocast of bibliographic instruction, downloadable when a student needs it
*Tours of the library
*Showing what a meeting room looks like
*Directions to the library! Visual can't hurt here...
*Oral histories - libraries are big on audio version of oral histories... why not capture them on video, too?
*From our Children's website RFQ - short video tours of area attractions, online storytellers, kids showing off their cool collectables
*Something completely original... one idea: a video version of "what's new to read" at the library

Am I leaving anything out? Let me know!

***Great Suggestions! **

Thanks Dave King !!!

BTW: Don't' Forget to Read a Comment by my ISU colleague Sean Cordes

[ http://daweed.blogspot.com/2006/01/integrating-video-into-library.html#comments ]


Gerry McKiernan
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library 
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu  

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