[Sig-bwp] Dawn of the Embedded Library (NEASIS&T) - Oct. 3, Medford, MA

Caryn Anderson carynlanderson at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 17 15:01:00 EDT 2006

Please excuse cross-postings.
 Another exciting program from the New England chapter of the American
 Society for Information Science and Technology (NEASIS&T)
 The Dawn of the Embedded Library:
 Integrating Library Services into People's Trusted Networks
 Tuesday, 3 October 2006, 8:30am - 4:00pm (lunch included)
 Tufts University, Medford, MA
 So you've got a handle on the social software stuff, what's next?
 How do libraries position themselves where patrons are actually
 How can libraries put tools where patrons want them?
 Join us for another engaging program featuring five pace-setters
 innovating at the edge of new library services! They will focus on
 examples of how and why libraries need to think beyond "marketing &
 advocacy" to a new level of findability, usability, and service. It is
 future moving towards full integration of the library into users'
 web practices.
 * Learn new integrative technologies
 * Understand how they work together
 * Discover opportunities for your own library
 * Explore the future with speakers and colleagues during the always
 lively panel discussion!
 * Nicole Hennig
 - Web Manager & Usability Specialist at the MIT Libraries
 * Annette Bailey and Godmar Back
 - Creators of the LibX Firefox toolbar extension
 * Tim Spalding and Abigail Blachly
 - Founder and Librarian of LibraryThing (http://www.librarything.com/)
 $50 ASIST Members - $70 Non-Members - $30 Student/Retiree/Between Jobs
 Lunch Included
 Questions?: E-mail Caryn Anderson (caryn.anderson at simmons.edu)

 Caryn Anderson
 Program Coordinator
 PhD/Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions
 GSLIS, Simmons College
 300 The Fenway, P-204E
 Boston, MA  02115
 caryn.anderson at simmons.edu

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