[Sig-bwp] Podcast|Data for _Nature_ Wikipedia Article

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Thu Dec 15 14:52:06 EST 2005

***Apologies for Receipt of Duplicate Postings***

Podcast|Data for _Nature_ Wikipedia Article


In case you didn't notice, there is a podcast associated with the _Nature_ December 15th article on Wikipedia 

"Internet encyclopedias go head to head" by Jim Giles

[ http://www.nature.com/news/2005/051212/full/438900a.html ] [FREE]

The podcast  is available from the _Nature_ podcast page 

[ http://www.nature.com/nature/podcast/index.html ]

BTW: The feature includes an interview with the author of the article as well as one with 
Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia.

BTW: In addition, a table  with a list of the 50 entries reviewed in the study and the number of inaccuracies 
found in the Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia respectively is available and located at 

[ http://www.nature.com/news/2005/051212/multimedia/438900a_m1.html ]

*** All Are Well Worth The Read (and Listen) ***

Season's Greetings !!!


Gerry McKiernan
Science and Technology Librarian 
Iowa State University Library 
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

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