[Pasig-discuss] OCFL at LDCX

Andrew Woods awoods at duraspace.org
Mon Mar 19 11:37:18 EDT 2018

Hello LDCXers,
The preservation-layout specification initiative, Oxford Common Filesystem
Layout (OCFL), will be taking advantage of the fact that many stakeholders
and interested parties will be at Stanford during LDCX [1].

In addition to suggesting an unconference session during LDCX, there will
be a side-meeting on Wed, March 28th from 9am to 1pm PT to:
- discuss OCFL use cases
- contribute feedback on the OCFL discussion paper [2]
- deep-dive similarities and differences between OCFL and Moab [3]
- formalize next steps: timeline, milestones, use case development,
specification development, etc

The meeting location will be announced shortly. In the meantime, please
mark your calendar if you are interested... all are welcome.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Andrew Woods
[1] https://library.stanford.edu/projects/ldcx/2018-conference
[2] bit.ly/ocfl-discussion-paper-v2
[3] http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/8482
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