[Pasig-discuss] Meeting Outputs: Oxford Common Filesystem Layout 2018-03-09

Andrew Woods awoods at duraspace.org
Thu Mar 15 21:59:48 EDT 2018

Hello All,
The recording and notes from the 2018-03-09 Oxford Common Filesystem Layout
(OCFL) conference call are now available:
* Notes: https://bit.ly/ocfl-2018-03-notes
* Video: https://bit.ly/ocfl-2018-03-video
* Audio: https://bit.ly/ocfl-2018-03-audio

This call includes updates on work in-progress from institutions working on
OCFL-related efforts and a review of comments on the OCFL Discussion Paper (

The next meeting will be an in-person event at the upcoming LDCX [],
followed by the next call on May 27th @11am ET

Andrew Woods
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