[Pasig-discuss] Digital Preservation 2018: In/Visible Work -- Call for Proposals

Nathan Tallman ntt7 at psu.edu
Fri Mar 9 15:21:06 EST 2018

Please see the call below for proposals for NDSA Digital Preservation 2018.

From: The NDSA organization list [mailto:NDSA-ALL at LISTS.CLIR.ORG] On Behalf 
Of Collie, Aaron A
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 1:03 PM
Subject: [NDSA-ALL] Digital Preservation 2018: In/Visible Work -- Call for 



The Call for Proposals for Digital Preservation 2018 (#DigiPres18) is now 
open!! We are inviting any and all proposals related to digital 
preservation, especially those that will further the conversation around 
this year’s conference theme of “In/Visible Work.” The deadline to submit is 
May 7th, 2018.

For the full CFP and more information, please see: 
<http://ndsa.org/meetings/> http://ndsa.org/meetings/

To submit, please see:  <https://www.conftool.pro/dlf2018/> 

For more information on the DLF Forum and Learn at DLF, see the below message 
from Team DLF.

Please share this information widely, and I really hope you will consider 
submitting! And, don’t hesitate to reach out to me, or 
<mailto:forum at diglib.org> forum at diglib.org, with any thoughts or questions 
about the conference.

-Aaron Collie, on behalf of the #DigiPres18 planning committee (and with 
special thanks to our DLF hosts):

Monique Lassere, University of Arizona Libraries

Richard Higgins, Indiana University Libraries

Marco Seiferle-Valencia, Michigan State University Libraries

Amy Rudersdorf, AVP

Sibyl Schaefer, University of California-San Diego

Chad Garrett, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas 
History and Culture

Alex Kinnaman, Virginia Tech

John Class, Wayne State University

Maria Esteva, Texas Advanced Computing Center, UT Austin

Daniel Noonan, The Ohio State University

Graham Hukill, Wayne State University

Marina Georgieva, University of Nevada – Las Vegas

Miriam Meislik, University of Pittsburgh

From: Aliya Reich [mailto:areich at CLIR.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 11:13 AM
Subject: [External] CFPs are here for the DLF Forum, Learn at DLF, and NDSA’s 
Digital Preservation 2018!

CFP season is upon us 
! Have a great idea for a session to share in Las Vegas? You’re in luck! We 
have issued Calls for Proposals for our three conferences happening this 

*	our brand-new Learn at DLF <https://forum2018.diglib.org/learnatdlf/> 
pre-conference (#learnatdlf, October 14);
*	the DLF Forum <https://forum2018.diglib.org/call-for-proposals/> 
(#DLFforum, October 15-17);
*	NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2018 <http://ndsa.org/meetings/> 
(#digipres18, October 17-18).

If you haven’t yet heard, this year’s pre-conference, Learn at DLF, will be 
structured entirely as a workshop day. Through engaging, hands-on sessions, 
attendees will gain experience with new tools and resources, exchange ideas, 
and develop and share expertise with fellow community members. Learn more 
and check out the CFP here:  <https://forum2018.diglib.org/learnatdlf/> 

Submit for one conference or all three (though, different proposals for 
each, please)! Session options range from 60-second Minute Madness sessions 
at DigiPres to daylong workshops at Learn at DLF, with many options in between.

The deadline for all three opportunities is May 7 at 11:59pm Pacific Time. 

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any questions, please write us at 
<mailto:forum at diglib.org> forum at diglib.org. We’re looking forward to seeing 
you in Las Vegas!

-Team DLF

P.S. Want to stay updated on all things #DLFforum? 
Subscribe to our Forum newsletter, “like” us on Facebook, or follow us at 
@CLIRDLF on Twitter!

Aliya Reich

Program Assistant for Conferences and Events
The Digital Library Federation

1707 L Street NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20036


diglib.org <http://diglib.org/>  | clir.org <http://clir.org/>

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