[Pasig-discuss] Meeting 2018-01-19: Oxford Common Filesystem Layout

Andrew Woods awoods at duraspace.org
Tue Jan 2 19:56:35 EST 2018

Hello All,

The next Oxford Common Filesystem Layout (OCFL) call will be:
- Friday, Jan 19th @4:00pm UTC (11am ET)

The agenda and call-in information will be in the following Google Doc:
- http://bit.ly/ocfl-2018-01-notes

The assumptions, scope and requirements of the OCFL initiative are
documented in the above agenda. We will ensure adequate discussion time for
any comments/questions added to the above document prior to the call.

During the previous call we discussed several tools and initiatives related
to the same issues OCFL is trying to address. Not wanting to reinvent the
wheel, the Moab approach appears to offer a strong basis for further
discussion. It defines a clear pattern for organizing digital object data,
metadata and administrative files in support of preservation and versioning.

That said, it is constructive to understand the experiences and practices
from other successful initiatives with the intention of enhancing and
supplementing the foundation defined by Moab. Additionally, there has been
allusion to potential areas for Moab evolution. It will be helpful to
understand what Moab practice in the field has revealed.

We would like to continue the conversation with a focus on how the Moab
approach can be improved based on the community’s collective experiences.

Andrew Woods
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