[Pasig-discuss] Time for a Cool Change: Adding and Updating the NDSA Levels of Preservation

Daigle, Bradley J. (bjd2b) bjd2b at virginia.edu
Tue Apr 3 09:14:25 EDT 2018

Please forgive cross posts

Dear All,

The NDSA created its landmark Levels of Preservation<http://ndsa.org/activities/levels-of-digital-preservation/>, Version 1.0, in 2013. You can read the original explanation for why we created the Levels here<http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/documents/NDSA_Levels_Archiving_2013.pdf>.  As many of you know, the Levels document was meant to be adapted as new preservation solutions and strategies emerged. You have told us the Levels need to be updated and we have heard you.

The NDSA proposes to launch a Levels of Preservation Working Group whose primary task will be to provide the methodology by which this important document can be adapted more readily—taking in the broadest possible feedback in the process. How is this different than the other NDSA Working Groups? We will not limit this group to NDSA members, though we will strongly encourage everyone to participate. The preliminary charge for this group will be:

Identify those actively engaged in adapting the Levels
Cast a wide net for those willing to engage in updating the current version
Create a methodology by which disparate approaches can be fully vetted and harmonized into Version 2.0 of the Levels
Devise an ongoing strategy by which the Levels can be adapted on a regular basis.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out our form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGkLh-elDvuSDt7RJubNSmBmOxxKAeTgH6-4hEyvNmnZQyrg/viewform?c=0&w=1>.


Bradley for the NDSA Coordinating Committee

Bradley J. Daigle
University of Virginia Library
bradley at virginia.edu<mailto:bradley at virginia.edu>

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