From cmmorris at Tue Apr 3 10:22:43 2018 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2018 10:22:43 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Announcement: CASRAI to Become a DuraSpace Project Message-ID: April 3, 2018 Contact: David Baker Read it online: *CASRAI to Become a DuraSpace Project* *The Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI) improves the flow of information within and between research stakeholders by developing and maintaining standard information agreements among various stakeholders in the research enterprise.* The DuraSpace organization and CASRAI are pleased to announce that CASRAI is now a project of DuraSpace. Together they will work to enable CASRAI in becoming a sustainable, community-driven project; on continuing to develop new community-based standards; and on expanding the CASRAI community beyond the over 50 organizations currently engaged with the project. The CASRAI community has developed the CASRAI standard dictionary of research administration information to facilitate controlled information exchanges between stakeholders enabling collaborative teams to work across academic research, clinical, and applied domains. The dictionary is shared infrastructure meant to serve as a key component of the national and international interoperability strategies of research organizations. It represents the integrated outputs (and ongoing maintenance) of an international network of subject matter experts from stakeholder organizations. The dictionary is intended as a canonical collection of common terms and their descriptors as well as basic structural groupings. For more information about CASRAI, please visit: Speaking for a long-time member of the CASRAI community, Dr Simon Kerridge, Director of Research Services at the University of Kent and CASRAI Chair said, ?I strongly support CASRAI?s alliance with DuraSpace. It ensures the sustainability of the CASRAI effort, and it signals the growing maturity of this exciting collaborative enterprise. But most important, the connection with DuraSpace will drive innovation that research offices, libraries, and other campus services concerned with knowledge and research information management can offer their communities." *Connecting CASRAI with the DuraSpace Community* Recognizing the complementarities and synergies within the international open ecosystem the addition of the CASRAI project marks a broadening of the DuraSpace mandate in two key ways. First, we are adding ?open systems? and ?open standards? to our current focus on ?open source? - a layered open stack we will be calling OS3 or ?OS-cubed?. Second, we are adding a Research Management Information (RMI) dimension to our scholarly communications and open access program areas and we are excited to have the CASRAI project spearhead our new Research Management Information (RMI) efforts. By taking advantage of DuraSpace support services that include executive leadership, technical leadership, community outreach, communications, business development, and administration,( projects minimize administrative costs while connecting with well-established open source development communities. CASRAI and DuraSpace began efforts towards establishing CASRAI as a formal project in January 2018. -- Carol Minton Morris Communications and Marketing Director DuraSpace 607 592-3135 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bjd2b at Tue Apr 3 09:14:25 2018 From: bjd2b at (Daigle, Bradley J. (bjd2b)) Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2018 13:14:25 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Time for a Cool Change: Adding and Updating the NDSA Levels of Preservation Message-ID: <> Please forgive cross posts Dear All, The NDSA created its landmark Levels of Preservation, Version 1.0, in 2013. You can read the original explanation for why we created the Levels here. As many of you know, the Levels document was meant to be adapted as new preservation solutions and strategies emerged. You have told us the Levels need to be updated and we have heard you. The NDSA proposes to launch a Levels of Preservation Working Group whose primary task will be to provide the methodology by which this important document can be adapted more readily?taking in the broadest possible feedback in the process. How is this different than the other NDSA Working Groups? We will not limit this group to NDSA members, though we will strongly encourage everyone to participate. The preliminary charge for this group will be: 1. Identify those actively engaged in adapting the Levels 2. Cast a wide net for those willing to engage in updating the current version 3. Create a methodology by which disparate approaches can be fully vetted and harmonized into Version 2.0 of the Levels 4. Devise an ongoing strategy by which the Levels can be adapted on a regular basis. If you are interested in participating, please fill out our form. Best, Bradley for the NDSA Coordinating Committee Bradley J. Daigle University of Virginia Library 434-924-4735 bradley at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From arthurpasquinelli at Thu Apr 5 14:56:52 2018 From: arthurpasquinelli at (Arthur Pasquinelli) Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2018 11:56:52 -0700 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] iPres 2018 Final Call for Contributions - final peer-reviewed submissions due April 15 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Below is a note on iPres contributions. There are also openings for iPres sponsors. If your company may be interested in sponsoring, please contact Nancy McGovern at nancymcg at Subject: iPres 2018 Final Call for Contributions - final peer-reviewed submissions due April 15 Come help us celebrate the first 15 Years of iPRES, the premier international conference on digital preservation! The theme for iPRES 2018: where art and science meet: the art in science and the science in art - aims to broaden the voices and approaches participating in the conference. iPRES brings together a broad array of practitioners, researchers, educators, providers, students, and others to share lessons learned from engaging in digital preservation, including recent research, developments, and innovations. MIT Libraries and Harvard Library are co-hosting the conference is in Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts on September 24-27, 2018. The iPRES 2018 Organizing Team seeks contributions that tell stories about bridging knowledge gaps in teams, implementing technologies, and overcoming barriers towards proper digital stewarding of digital items, assets, works and collections. Be creative. Be inspiring. Be inclusive. In keeping with the theme, we will embrace creative proposals that demonstrate how research and theory directly impact and influence practice at all levels. All peer-reviewed submissions (papers, posters, demonstrations, workshops, tutorials, and panels) are due April 15. Please note that non-peer reviewed submissions (digital preservation games, original graphics, and lightning) will not be submitted through EasyChair. Watch for instructions and updates in May! Important Dates Optional Abstracts: We encourage authors to submit papers abstracts to receive feedback on your proposal prior to submitting your paper. The iPRES 2018 Organizing Team will provide feedback to submitters for abstracts received between 15 February and 20 March. Papers: Full papers for peer review are due by 15 April. Submitters will receive review comments by 15 May. Revised papers with revisions that address reviewer comments are due 15 June. Other peer-reviewed contributions: proposals for posters and demonstrations, workshops and tutorials, and panels are due 15 April. Non-peer reviewed contributions: digital preservation games, original graphics, and lightning talks will not be submitted through EasyChair. These contributions will be due beginning in May ? watch for details. Post-conference revisions: Authors are encouraged to update their papers based on discussions during the conference. These will be due by October 31. See for the full text of the Call for Contributions and submission instructions. Look forward to seeing you! iPRES 2018 Organizing Team -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From maria at Sun Apr 8 18:58:52 2018 From: maria at (Maria Esteva) Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2018 22:58:52 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Reminder CFP Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure and Machine Learning for Digital Libraries and Archives at JCDL 2018 Message-ID: Reminder In conjunction with JCDL 2018, on June 3rd this workshop will discuss the need for research and development of projects with strong connections between cyberinfrastructure, machine learning, and library and archival digital collections. Please, consider submitting an abstract and participate from this important discussion. The deadline for submissions is April 23rd. Maria Esteva, PhD Texas Advanced Computing Center University of Texas at Austin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From arthurpasquinelli at Tue Apr 10 21:37:29 2018 From: arthurpasquinelli at (Arthur Pasquinelli) Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 18:37:29 -0700 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST 2018) - May 14-16, 2018 Message-ID: The Massive Storage Systems and Technology Conference has posted its preliminary agenda at This conference will take place at Santa Clara University May 15-16. There will be a morning workshop on Distributed Digital Preservation and LOCKSS technical developments on May 14. This conference is a leading venue for technical practitioners interested in storage-related topics such as long-term architectures, new hardware technologies and trends, high performance computing, and massive data scalability. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stelnabli at Wed Apr 11 13:46:25 2018 From: stelnabli at (Elnabli, Stefan) Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 17:46:25 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] ALA 2018 CFP: Digital Conversion Interest Group / Diversity & Inclusion Message-ID: Dear PASIG list members, **Please excuse any cross-postings** The ALCTS PARS Digital Conversion Interest Group is currently accepting proposals for 15 minute presentations at the ALA Annual Conference (New Orleans, LA) on a date to be determined between June 21 and 26, 2018. This year?s theme is Diversity and Inclusion as it relates to projects or theory concerned with digitization, preservation, and access of print, audio, photographic, and moving image materials, as well as the migration, preservation, and access of born digital collections, including web-based and software-based materials. Both academic and public institutions are encouraged to propose presentations. Special priority will be given to proposals that focus on equal access and respected participation of all groups and individuals regardless of their culture, race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic origin, political views, or level of education. Topics may include: * Projects featuring digitized or reformatted content related to underrepresented groups * Collaborations with underrepresented communities * Influencing digital conversion through accessibility guidelines for online access (e.g. OCR technologies/methods, video captioning) * Collaborations with library information technology experts and staff on making web accessible platforms for access * Promoting digitized/reformatted collections related to underrepresented groups (whether through social media, presentations, cooperation with historical societies and/or genealogical societies) Please email proposals to the co-chairs (William Schlaack or Stefan Elnabli) by May 11, 2018 The co-chairs are also seeking a new co-chair to serve from 2019-2020. Please send an email to express your interest. In this role you will work alongside a co-chair (Stefan Elnabli, UC San Diego) to plan and coordinate IG meetings for the ALA annual meeting (Midwinter is not required but encouraged). William Schlaack (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Stefan Elnabli (UC San Diego) DCIG Co-Chairs -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From simeon.warner at Tue Apr 17 08:13:42 2018 From: simeon.warner at (Simeon Warner) Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 08:13:42 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Open Repositories 2018 Early Bird closing 22nd April Message-ID: <> Early Bird registration closes on 22nd April. Outline Program: Sunday, informal meet-ups from mid afternoon Monday, workshops please sign-up during registration as places are limited, Ideas Challenge reception and launch in the evening Tuesday, opening keynote from Casey Fiesler, Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Science at University of Colorado Boulder, conference sessions during the day, and evening poster reception. Wednesday, conference sessions all day and evening Gala Dinner Thursday, conference sessions and closing keynote from Asaf Bartov, Wikimedia Foundation. Please note the Program Committee and Local Hosts reserve the right to update the conference schedule, therefore times and dates of sessions may change. There is more information about the conference at the conference website. Keep up to date via our Twitter feed at the hashtag for this year?s conference is #OpenRepo2018. We look forward to seeing you in Bozeman. Best regards, Claire Knowles and Evviva Weinraub Program Committee Co-Chairs On behalf of the Program Committee and Local Hosts Code of Conduct Openness Statement From cmmorris at Tue Apr 17 09:12:30 2018 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 09:12:30 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Early Bird registration for the Open Repositories Conference 2018 closes on 22nd April Message-ID: Early Bird registration for the Open Repositories Conference 2018 closes on 22nd April. Outline Program: ? Sunday, informal meet-ups from mid afternoon ? Monday, workshops please sign-up during registration as places are limited, Ideas Challenge reception and launch in the evening ? Tuesday, opening keynote from Casey Fiesler, Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Science at University of Colorado Boulder, conference sessions during the day, and evening poster reception. ? Wednesday, conference sessions all day and evening Gala Dinner ? Thursday, conference sessions and closing keynote from Asaf Bartov, Wikimedia Foundation. Please note the Program Committee and Local Hosts reserve the right to update the conference schedule, therefore times and dates of sessions may change. There is more information about the conference at the conference website . Keep up to date via our Twitter feed at the hashtag for this year?s conference is #OpenRepo2018 . We look forward to seeing you in Bozeman. Best regards, Claire Knowles and Evviva Weinraub Program Committee Co-Chairs On behalf of the Program Committee and Local Hosts Code of Conduct Openness Statement inclusion-and-openness/ -- Carol Minton Morris Communications and Marketing Director DuraSpace 607 592-3135 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Karina.Wratschko at Tue Apr 17 09:40:58 2018 From: Karina.Wratschko at (Wratschko, Karina) Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 13:40:58 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Registration Open - Is This Permanence: Preservation of Born-digital Artists' Archives In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <86A91FF038F6A34B97EEF4E5097247DF9B7D4016@PMAMSX2.pmant1.local> Is This Permanence: Preservation of Born-digital Artists? Archives Registration is open! May 11, 2018 10 am ? 5 pm Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut Register online: Please join us for a day of presentations and conversation about digital preservation and artists? archives at the Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, CT. The internet pioneer Vint Cerf has said, ?Preservation by accident is not a plan.? Without a plan, will born-digital art last even one lifetime? If we do not develop solutions now, we risk losing not only born-digital art but artists? archives as well, effectively erasing the work and memory of this generation and subsequent generations? art history. Today, an artist?s studio ephemera likely consists of old laptops and iPhones, professional websites and social media accounts, as well as traditional analog materials. Artists? archives are increasingly hybrid collections, requiring adaptable preservation methods. This symposium will explore the challenges of born-digital preservation and artists? archives, including: artists? use of born-digital methods as part of their practice and as a means of documentation, the state of the digital preservation field for artists and those who steward their archives, and preservation strategies for artists, museums, collectors, archives, and libraries. The keynote speaker is Jon Ippolito, Professor of New Media and Director of the Digital Curation graduate program, University of Maine. In addition to Ippolito?s talk, this program will feature presentations by Clifford Allen and Deb Verhoff, Watermill Center, Robert Wilson Archives and New York University; John Bell, Dartmouth College; Deena Engel and Glenn Wharton, New York University; Sara England and Mikhel Proulx, Concordia University; Josh Franco and Hilary Price, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution; Laura Molloy, University of Oxford; Colin Post, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; and Farris Wahbeh, Whitney Museum of American Art. This event is co-sponsored by the Yale Center for British Art, the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, Yale University Library Digital Preservation Services, Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/ NA), and the National Digital Stewardship Residency for Art Information (NDSR Art). If you have questions about the event, please contact Cate Peebles, National Digital Stewardship Resident for Art Information: catherine.peebles at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sam at Wed Apr 18 10:21:46 2018 From: sam at (Sam Meister) Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2018 10:21:46 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] BitCurator Users Forum 2018: CFP Deadline Extended to April 30th Message-ID: *BitCurator Users Forum 2018Living on the Edge: Extending Digital Forensics into New SectorsCall for Proposals Submission Deadline Extended to April 30, 2018!Submit proposals here The BitCurator Consortium (BCC) invites proposals for the 2018 BitCurator Users Forum , to be held September 13-14 at the University of California, Los Angeles. An international, community-led organization with 27 member institutions, the BCC promotes and supports the application of digital forensics tools and practices in libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage organizations.For more details please go to: * Sam Meister Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute sam at @samalanmeister -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From N.Harrower at Mon Apr 23 09:18:42 2018 From: N.Harrower at (Natalie Harrower) Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 13:18:42 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Digital Repository of Ireland hiring a Project Manager for Research Data Alliance Europe project DEADLINE 27 April at noon Message-ID: ? With the usual apologies for cross-posting ? The Digital Repository of Ireland is seeking a Project Manager to contribute to the Research Data Alliance Europe H2020-supported project. The post will be based at the DRI offices at the Royal Irish Academy, in the centre of vibrant Dublin, Ireland. Applications close at NOON this Friday, 27th April. Interviews expected to take place on 10th May 2017. Job Title: Project Manager Purpose of Role: The role is to manage DRI?s contributions to the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe 4.0 Horizon 2020 project, to align DRI?s practices with the RDA, and to assist in developing national and European capacity in research data sharing and re-use across research domains and sectors. The post will involve a certain amount of travel both within Europe and internationally. This is a fixed term contract for 2.5 years. Applicants must have existing permission to work in Ireland /EU. The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is the national trusted digital repository for Ireland's social and cultural data, and has been certified by the Core Trust Seal (2018). The repository links together and preserves both historical and contemporary data held by Irish institutions, providing a central internet access point and interactive multimedia tools. As a national e-infrastructure for the future of education and research in the humanities and social sciences, DRI is available for use by the public, students and scholars. Originally awarded ?5.2M from the Higher Education Authority PRTLI Cycle 5 to build the repository and research centre, DRI is funded from 2017 by the Department of Education and Skills via the Higher Education Authority and the Irish Research Council. DRI has also received awards from Enterprise Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, The European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Horizon 2020, and Atlantic Philanthropies. DRI is supported by a network of academic, cultural, social, and industry partners, including the National Library of Ireland (NLI), the National Archives of Ireland (NAI) and RT?. For more information see Key Duties ? Manage a project to deliver DRI?s support activities for the Research Data Alliance Europe ? Develop and implement partnerships and activities to support early career researchers, technical experts and domain ambassadors (e.g. training, events, creation of resource materials, webinars and website development) ? Aligning DRI?s support for research data management with RDA, national approaches in Ireland, Europe and internationally ? Disseminating best practices in research data sharing and RDA outputs via Irish and European channels ? Contributing more broadly to the ongoing development of the Digital Repository of Ireland?s capacity in research data management via involvement in relevant taskforces and working groups ? Actively contributing to grant and funding proposals ? Any other duties as assigned within the scope of the role Full job specification and details for applicants at: ______________ Dr. Natalie Harrower Director, Digital Repository of Ireland Royal Irish Academy n.harrower at | @natalieharrower | @dri_ireland The Royal Irish Academy is subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 2014 and is compliant with the provisions of the Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003. For further information see our website -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mary at Mon Apr 23 11:59:55 2018 From: mary at (Mary Molinaro) Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 10:59:55 -0500 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Join us for the annual DPN meeting Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, The Digital Preservation Network community will be gathering for the annual DPN face-to-face meeting at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska on May 21st and 22nd. The meeting will be an opportunity for members to engage face-to-face for learning about new DPN services, hearing about member successes and challenges, and helping to identify the significant problems for which DPN can be a catalyst for creating solutions. We invite you to join us at this meeting. Register before April 30 to receive the early registrants discount on registration. The hotel also has a discounted rate before April 30. Full details about the meeting are available at . Full details are on the DPN website at I hope to see you there! Mary __________________________ Mary Molinaro Executive Director Digital Preservation Network (DPN) mary at 859-608-6310 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 1555 bytes Desc: not available URL: From sarah.middleton at Tue Apr 24 07:00:48 2018 From: sarah.middleton at (Sarah Middleton) Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 11:00:48 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Maturity and Resourcing Survey for Digital Preservation - invitation to participate In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear all The Digital Preservation Oxford and Cambridge (DPOC) project in collaboration with the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has developed a short survey intended to gather information from collecting and research organisations around the world who have a remit to manage digital content. The survey has a particular focus on staffing resources, but also briefly covers policy, strategy, and maturity modelling. We are aware that concrete information for benchmarking institutions against their peers - particularly in regards to maturity and staffing resources - is required by those looking to make the case for digital preservation within their organisations. We are interested in obtaining figures from institutions around the world, regardless of an institution?s size or whether any digital preservation effort has already commenced. We are particularly keen to obtain information from institutions based outside of the USA. We would be very grateful if you would take the time to fill out our survey: The survey should take between 10-20 minutes to complete. Deadline for survey responses is: 31 May 2018 (Though we would very much appreciate input earlier than this date.) Anonymised raw data will be shared via the DPOC website for all in the digital preservation community to use, in August 2018: Any questions about the survey can be directed to: digitalpreservation at *Apologies for cross-posting* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On behalf of -- Somaya Langley Digital Preservation Specialist - Policy and Planning (Polonsky Fellow) Cambridge University Library West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DR T: +44 (0)1223 765576 E: szl20 at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From SKlein at Wed Apr 25 11:39:04 2018 From: SKlein at (Klein, Stephen) Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 15:39:04 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] CFP: The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy=>Teaching and Research with Archives Message-ID: <> Please consider submitting to the special issue on Teaching and Research with Archives: Thank you. Sincerely, Stephen Stephen Klein Digital Services Librarian Room 2318 Graduate Center Library 365 5th Avenue New York, NY 10016-4309 212 817 7074 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kussmann at Wed Apr 25 12:49:06 2018 From: kussmann at (Carol Kussmann) Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 11:49:06 -0500 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] NDSA Fixity Survey Report Released! Message-ID: *[Please excuse cross-posting.]Earlier this year NDSA requested your participation in a survey about your institution?s current fixity practices. The NDSA Fixity Survey Working Group is happy to announce the publication of the 2017 Fixity Survey Report. The report summarizes the results of the 2017 survey, including both broad trends and detailed information captured in the survey about respondent?s fixity practices. The Fixity Survey Working Group would like to thank the 89 organizations who took the time to complete the survey and provide the community with information around these issues. The report and survey data is available on the Fixity Survey?s OSF page. [ ] Questions or comments can be sent to the Working Group at : NDSA-FIXITY at Future work to develop case studies around individual organization?s fixity practices is expected. If you are interested in activities like this, or in joining with other organizations committed to the long-term preservation of digital information? Get involved with NDSA yourself at: --The NDSA Fixity Survey Working Group* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kara at Wed Apr 25 14:01:37 2018 From: kara at (Kara Van Malssen) Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 14:01:37 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Announcing Release of Exactly 0.1.6 / Anunciamos el lanzamiento de Exactly 0.1.6 Message-ID: *Announcing Release of Exactly 0.1.6AVP is pleased to announce the release of a new version of Exactly! Exactly is a simple and easy to use application for remotely and safely transferring any born-digital material to the archive. Exactly uses the BagIt File Packaging Format. It supports FTP and SFTP transfers, as well as standard network transfers, and integrates into desktop-based file sharing workflows such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Exactly can also send email notifications when files have been delivered to their destination.This release addresses the following issues: - Fixed bug with transferring files to a Dropbox managed folder caused by locks during synchronization process.- Updated the BagIt Library from LOC to the latest version (v5). This is what prompted the most changes as a lot of the old API methods were deprecated due to v5 being a complete rewrite of the library.- Preserve all file metadata (including modified time, ownership, etc) during Transfer by explicitly reading from source and writing to destination after Transfer. Not valid for FTP transfers.- Lock destination files during copy. This prevents external programs (like Dropbox) from locking files until we have finished copying to destination.- Changed the lookandfeel to use system default because ?Nimbus? had some strange behavior on Windows (particularly scroll bars being cut-off)- Place sources directly into ?/target_destination/data/? directory before bagging instead of ?/destination/?. This prevents the need to move the files after they have been bagged.- Added a retry when trying to delete unserialized version of a bag. This is file-lock related.- Minor UI changes: better modal dialog placement, improved logging of progress, and better scrolling in the metadata window.- Add metadata before bagging to remove the need for rewriting and recalculating the md5 of baginfo.txt after bagging.- Remove the nbproject folder, because maven takes care of project structure now.Exactly is available for Mac and Windows. Download links and related documentation can be found at the following URL: The source code for Exactly can be found at released under an Apache License.We thank all Exactly users for your continued feedback and input! Special thanks to Erik Hauck from Gates Archive for substantial contributions to this release.We invite you to stay tuned for more exciting updates in the near future. You can stay in the loop by joining the Exactly user group and you can contact us via Twitter @WeAreAVP or email exactly at .______Anunciamos el lanzamiento de Exactly 0.1.6AVP se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de Exactly 0.1.6Exactly es una aplicaci?n simple y f?cil de usar que permite transferir de forma remota y segura cualquier material nativo digital a un archivo. Exactly usa el formato de empaquetado de archivos BagIt. Permite transferencias FTP y SFTP, como tambi?n transferencias est?ndares a trav?s de redes e incluye integraci?n con aplicaciones de escritorio de programas de intercambio de archivos como Dropbox y Google Drive. Exactly tambi?n puede enviar notificaciones por email cuando los archivos han llegado a su destino.Esta versi?n incluye las siguientes mejoras: - Correcci?n de errores con transferencias de archivos a carpetas administradas por Dropbox causadas por bloqueos durante el proceso de sincronizaci?n.- Actualizaci?n de la Biblioteca BagIt de LoC a la versi?n m?s nueva (v5). Esto ha generados los cambios m?s significativos puesto que muchos m?todos de API antiguos quedaron obsoletos ya que la v5 fue una reescritura completa de la biblioteca.- Preservaci?n de todos los metadatos de archivo (incluyendo hora de modificaci?n, datos de propiedad, etc.) durante la transferencia a trav?s de la lectura expl?cita de la fuente y escritura en destino despu?s de la transferencia. No es v?lido para transferencias FTP.- Bloqueo de archivos de destino durante la copia. Esto previene que programas externos (como Dropbox) bloqueen los archivos hasta que la copia se finalice en el destino.- Cambio en la apariencia para utilizar la de defecto del sistema porque ?Nimbus? ten?a un comportamiento extra?o en Windows (particularmente que cortaba las barras de navegaci?n)- Ubicaci?n de los recursos directamente en el directorio ?/carpeta_de_destino/data/? antes de crear la bolsa en vez de en ?/carpeta_de_destino/?. Esto previene la necesidad de mover los archivos despu?s de haber sido empacados.- A?adidura de un ?reintento? al tratar de borrar una versi?n no-serializada de una bolsa. Esto tiene relaci?n con el bloqueo de archivos.- Cambios menores de la interfaz de usuario: mejor ubicaci?n de di?logos modales, mejoramiento de procesos de bit?cora, y mejor navegaci?n en la ventana de metadatos.- A?adidura de metadatos antes de empaquetar para eliminar la necesidad de reescribir y recalcular el md5 del archivo baginfo.txt despu?s de empaquetar.- Remoci?n de la carpeta nbproject, porque ahora maven se hace cargo de la estructura del proyecto.Exactly est? disponible para Mac y Windows. Los links de descarga y documentaci?n relacionada pueden encontrarse en el siguiente URL: El c?digo fuente de Exactly puede encontrarse en publicado bajo una Licencia Apache.?Le agradecemos a los usuarios de Exactly por su retroalimentaci?n y aportes continuos! Agradecimientos especiales a Erik Hauck del Archivo Gates por sus aportes substanciales a esta publicaci?n. Lo invitamos a mantenerse al tanto de m?s actualizaciones en el futuro pr?ximo. Puede mantenerse conectado uni?ndose al grupo de usuarios de Exactly y puede contactarnos v?a Twitter @WeAreAVP o email exactly at .* -- Kara Van Malssen New York | Wisconsin | Florida | Wyoming | Chile 917-475-9630 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jessica at Thu Apr 26 22:52:51 2018 From: jessica at (Jessica Meyerson) Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 21:52:51 -0500 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] RECORDING POSTED: Episode 1 // Software Preservation Webinar Series Message-ID: Greetings Colleagues! This week, we kicked off our Software Preservation Webinar Series! The recording from this week?s episode *?Episode 1: Introduction to Software Preservation?* is now available! You are invited to watch the recording and explore the supplementary resources provided for this episode here: This episode provides an overview of software preservation including past and current programmatic and project-based efforts to address key facets of software preservation such as metadata & standards, law & policy, technological infrastructure, research and training & education. Presenters provide additional detail about the subsequent episodes in the series, and solicit questions/topics from attendees that will inform open discussion with guests. *Episode 1* features William Kilbride (DPC), Paul Wheatley (DPC) and Jessica Meyerson (SPN). More to come next week after *?Episode 2: Software Collections? *featuring special guests Patricia Falcao (Tate), Paula Jabloner (Computer History Museum), and Tim Walsh (Center for Canadian Architecture)! *Episode 2* Research & Facilitator Lead is Anne-Marie Tr?panier (Canadian Center for Architecture). *About the Series* The Software Preservation Webinar Series provides a survey of software preservation contexts. Each episode explores a different software preservation context by providing an overview, discussion with guest speakers (specialists in digital preservation, software studies, scholarly communication, open source software and more) and open discussion with attendees. The webinar is jointly hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and the Software Preservation Network (SPN). Special thanks to Sarah Middleton (DPC) and all the members of SPN Training & Education Working Group: Anne-Marie Tr?panier (Canadian Centre for Architecture), Sherry Lake (University of Virginia), Andi Altenbach (Studio Gang), Neil Chue Hong (Software Sustainability Institute), Elizabeth Parke (McGill University), Daina Bouquin (Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics). Due to user limits on our web conferencing software, registration for the series is now closed. However, all episodes will be recorded and posted to the DPC and SPN websites. We plan to build on this series with additional programming, including a series of in-depth interviews with researchers, developers, archivists, curators and others on their work in software preservation and curation. Stay tuned! On behalf of the SPN and DPC*,* Jessica Meyerson *Jessica Meyerson* Research Program Officer Educopia Institute Working from Austin, TX jessica at | 512-864-4575 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From arthurpasquinelli at Mon Apr 30 15:12:48 2018 From: arthurpasquinelli at (Arthur Pasquinelli) Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 12:12:48 -0700 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Digital Preservation and LOCKSS Materials Available Message-ID: The latest updates on the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) program and open source technology are now available. The program is in the midst of a lot of evolving discussions around 1) developing new community LOCKSS Network models, 2) flexible preservation schemes with options for fewer copies than has been historically accepted, 3) broader content and super-node use cases, 4) commercial and open source developer collaborations around the LOCKSS architecture as web service components, and 5) active sharing of innovations and best practices between existing and new LOCKSS Networks. I shared the information below with the LOCKSS community and several people suggested that I make this information more broadly available. 1) Anthony Leroy, who manages the SAFE LOCKSS Network at the University of Brussels and is on the LOCKSS Advisory Committee, gave a great two part Digital Preservation and LOCKSS workshop at the ILIDE library conference in Slovakia April 15-18. ILIDE is one of the lead digital library conferences in Europe. This LOCKSS workshop was part of the PASIG-oriented section of the conference. Anthony went over the need for digital preservation, the principles of distributed digital preservation, LOCKSS concepts, and how and why SAFE implemented LOCKSS. The workshop materials are available at: 2) Below is information from the last LOCKSS monthly call on April 24. This call was a review of the annual LOCKSS Alliance Meeting that was held March 29-30 at Stanford. Nicholas Taylor, the LOCKSS Program Manager, and Thib Guicherd-Callin, the LOCKSS Technical Manager, presented. This was followed by extended and insightful discussion with many of the LOCKSS community leaders and Advisory Committee members. Topics included: Kick-off slides and Meeting Recap Strategic Directions Key Resources Technical Updates on LOCKSS Architected As Web Services (?LAAWS") and LOCKSS-O-Matic Open Discussion Presentation slides with audio: The slide decks can be directly accessed at: ---- Art Pasquinelli LOCKSS Partnership Manager Stanford University Libraries Cell: 1-650-430-2441 artpasquinelli at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: