[Pasig-discuss] Arguments for keeping an onsite copy of digitally preserved/stored digital content?

Raymond, Lee-Anne lraymond at museum.vic.gov.au
Wed Jun 21 22:53:26 EDT 2017

Hi Gail,
Such a big question and topic.
In support of key arguments raised in support of “on site” too - is to monitor and audit fixity and the control of masters angle. It can’t be about budget alone, if it has to be, supply your decision makes with as much detail in risk analysis as you can as a reality check. I’d have to support the hybrid with onsite argument/s fielded already with emphasis that it is one that ensures retaining control of master (original) and access/derivative supply without a third party delivery to manage/have an impact upon management of it. Retention and control over monitoring and auditing of fixity as a crucial responsibility “within the walls” in concert with sovereignty over asset and its related data, being that, it relies ultimately on the integrity and stability of the solution. Cost, affordability and performance is obviously key to cloud services replacing onsite infrastructure but (goes without saying perhaps) it must tick all our local compliance requirements (which will differ State to State).

Just for interest. At the dramatic end: A recent development here which has some bearing on who, if not ‘the State’, owns/runs/has a stake in the infrastructure housing or servicing the data/assets of ‘the State’ http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-20/security-concerns-over-defence-files-in-data-centres/8632360  - The contract will be exited as soon as practicable and legal to do so, at high cost.


Lee-Anne Raymond
Senior Coordinator, MV Images
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From: Pasig-discuss [mailto:pasig-discuss-bounces at asist.org] On Behalf Of gail at trumantechnologies.com
Sent: Thursday, 22 June 2017 5:48 AM
To: pasig-discuss at asis.org
Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Arguments for keeping an onsite copy of digitally preserved/stored digital content?

Experts, please share your thoughts.

Are your institutions ready to "trust" the cloud for all copies of data, or is there still an argument for an onsite copy? I usually lean to keeping one onsite copy, but am I stuck in an old paradigm? From earlier PASIG thread (started by Tim) it's clear other institutions are keeping at least one copy on site.

But how do you defend this decision?


Gail Truman
Truman Technologies, LLC
Certified Digital Archives Specialist, Society of American Archivists

Protecting the world's digital heritage for future generations

+1 510 502 6497

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