[Pasig-discuss] AVAILABLE NOW: Fedora and Samvera Camp Curriculum

David Wilcox dwilcox at duraspace.org
Thu Jun 15 13:14:32 EDT 2017

Find out what will be covered in the Fedora and Samvera (formerly Hydra) Camp in the curriculum–now available <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/2017-09+Fedora+and+Samvera+Camp+UK>. The Camp will be held at Oxford University, Sept 4 - 8, 2017. Register here <http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ee5ik0pya3fdf38d&llr=5iy95gcab&showPage=true>, and remember that an early bird discount will be offered until July 10.  The camp is hosted by Oxford University  <http://www.ox.ac.uk/>Oxford, UK and is supported by Jisc <https://www.jisc.ac.uk/>.

View the draft five-day detailed schedule of topics and activities here <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/2017-09+Fedora+and+Samvera+Camp+UK>. A reception and other social activities are in the planning stages—stay tuned!

• On day one an overview of Fedora and Samvera will be offered along with the basics of Fedora repository software, linked data best practices and object modeling with PCDM (Portland Common Data Model).

• Day two features an in-depth review of core Fedora services followed by an hands-on session, "Rails for Zombies" with a group exercise focused on content types.

• A Hyrax installation and walk-through kicks off day three. Afternoon sessions will be about the Hyrax metadata model and new object creation. Day four continues with a deeper dive into using Hyrax.

• Day five brings the previous four days of practices and ideas together for group discussions on how participants will use what they learned and potential roadblocks.

Space is limited so register early <http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ee5ik0pya3fdf38d&llr=5iy95gcab&showPage=true>!

David Wilcox
Fedora Product Manager
dwilcox at duraspace.org

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