[Pasig-discuss] Fwd: NDSRDC 2017 Symposium speakers announced and registration open!

Joe Carrano jfcarrano at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 09:40:10 EDT 2017

Registration for NDSRDC 2017 now open!
The National Digital Stewardship Residents of DC are pleased to open
registration for their annual symposium, Blending Collaborations and
Bridging Gaps: Digital Preservation Communities of Practice, occurring
August 17, 2017 at the World Bank in Washington, DC.

The NDSRDC 2017 symposium will emphasize community-supported efforts that
have allowed for project-based or grant-funded digital stewardship
activities to transition into long-term, sustainable services. Much like
NDSR is funded in order to create a community of practice for digital
preservation, the symposium will highlight work being done by both local
and distributed communities to support preservation and access to
electronic resources. This program is centered around ways these
communities leverage both local and international connections to build more
robust relationships and greater interoperability between their services.

To see more details about the schedule and speakers see below or check out
our website: ndsr2017.wordpress.com

We hope to see you on August 17 at #ndsr2017!

*Speakers and Rountable*
We've got an all-star group to discuss digital preservation from multiple
perspectives. They include:

Keynote: T-Kay Sangwand, UCLA Library
Speaker 2: Jessica Meyerson, Briscoe Center for American History, UT Austin
Speaker 3: Matt Zumwalt, Protocol Labs


   - Guha Shankar, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress
   - Lauren Algee, District of Columbia Public Library
   - Joe Tropea, Maryland Historical Society


To register, please visit our Eventbrite page

*Thank you to our sponsors:          Copyright © 2017 National Digital
Stewardship Residency, All rights reserved.*

*Our mailing address is:*
National Digital Stewardship Residency
101 Independence Ave SE
Washington, DC 20540

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