[Pasig-discuss] NEWS RELEASE: HykuDirect Pilot Program and Hyku Beta Testing Underway

Carol Minton Morris cmmorris at duraspace.org
Tue Jun 6 08:34:46 EDT 2017

June 6, 2017

Read it online: http://bit.ly/2rtHnta

Contact: hyku-contact at googlegroups.com

*HykuDirect Pilot Program and Hyku Beta Testing Underway*

The Hydra-In-A-Box team is pleased to announce that Beta testing for local
installs of Hyku repository have begun! Read all the details on our wiki
<https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hyku/Hyku+Product+Beta+Test> and learn
how your institution can participate through June 23.

Hyku is a digital content repository that provides robust deposit
workflows, standards-based metadata management, convenient collection
organization, preservation support, as well as integrated search,
discovery, and access capabilities.

Pilot Institutions for the HykuDirect pilot program have also been
selected, and the pilot is underway. HykuDirect, the fully hosted service
version of Hyku repository software, handles all of the server and storage
provisioning, all of the Hyku repository software installation, deployment,
upgrades, and scaling.

There was significant interest in the hosted service pilot program from all
types of institutions. With thanks to all the institutions who volunteered,
we had far more institutions interested than we could accommodate for a
limited term pilot. Six institutions representing many different
institution sizes and use cases were selected, and asked to contribute
$1,000 each to help cover the cost of the pilot.

The following institutions are piloting the HykuDirect service this summer:


   Arizona State Library & Archives <https://www.azlibrary.gov/>

   Cleveland Public Library <https://cpl.org/>

   University of Miami <http://welcome.miami.edu/>

   New Hampshire Digital Project <https://www.nh.gov/nhsl/>

   PALCI <http://www.palci.org/>

   St. Lawrence University <http://www.stlawu.edu/>

These institutions are providing valuable feedback to the hosted service
team to help ensure a robust and competitive service will be available to
all institutions beginning in the fall of 2017. Pricing and subscriptions
for the new service will be available in late summer.

Eric Williams-Bergen, Director of Digital Initiatives, St. Lawrence
University Libraries explained his institution’s interest in participating
in the HykuDirect Pilot Program:

"As a small liberal arts college, we are excited to join the HykuDirect
pilot and to manage our digital assets using a robust and technologically
advanced open-source platform. We are also eager to explore the
opportunities HykuDirect pilot presents for us to share knowledge and
experiences with other partnering institutions.”

Hyku and HykuDirect were made possible by a generous grant from the
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to fund the Hydra-In-A-Box
project led by The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), Stanford
University, and DuraSpace. Together, and in collaboration with their
communities, these organizations extended the existing best-in-class
Samvera Community (formerly Project Hydra) codebase to build, bundle, and
promote a feature-complete, robust digital repository system.

*Stay Up-to-Date On the Latest Hyku and HykuDirect News*

Learn more by following us on  <https://twitter.com/hykurepo>Twitter
<https://twitter.com/hykurepo> and reading the
<http://hydrainabox.projecthydra.org/blog.html>project blog
<http://hydrainabox.projecthydra.org/blog.html> You may already be
receiving the Hydra-in-a-Box Update, but if not you can
receive monthly updates. Please be in touch with any questions by writing
to us at hyku-contact at googlegroups.com.
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