[Pasig-discuss] MetaArchive Cooperative: Celebrating over 10 Years of Community-based Digital Preservation

Sam Meister sam at educopia.org
Wed Jul 5 09:02:02 EDT 2017

*Apologies for cross-postings*

Since 2007, the MetaArchive Cooperative has preserved the digital
collections of more than 60 archives, museums, public libraries, and
library consortia in Europe, South America, and across the United States.
It has done so in a network run by members, for members.

In celebration of our first decade milestone, our membership community
wants to help more organizations - including smaller and under-resourced
libraries, archives, and museums - to preserve their content. To further
lower the barriers to entry in our community of practice, our members have
designed and launched the following:


   A new option (in 2017) to pay a technology fee rather than operating a
   server node within our preservation network.

   A Collaborative Membership Level that allows many organizations to band
   together and share their membership costs (see e.g., InDiPres

   A simplified and streamlined ingest process using BagIt.

For more details, including how to join the MetaArchive Cooperative, please
visit our new and improved website at metaarchive.org or contact
sam at educopia.org!

Sam Meister
Preservation Communities Manager, Educopia Institute
sam at educopia.org
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