[Pasig-discuss] PASIG Survey: we need your feedback and ideas!

Sarah Mason sarah.mason at bodleian.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jan 26 03:45:06 EST 2017

Hello all,

If you have attended PASIG NYC in October 2016 and haven’t received the survey email, please click on the link below to have your say! Alternatively, if you didn’t attend PASIG NYC and are planning to come to Oxford this September, we welcome you to fill out the survey with your ideas for this year’s conference.

Survey: https://goo.gl/forms/RmZQFubg1idb6F7g2 <https://goo.gl/forms/RmZQFubg1idb6F7g2>
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to give us your feedback and to help us shape the next PASIG. We hope to see you in Oxford this September!
For more PASIG Oxford details visit: https://pasigoxford.org/


Sarah Mason (Bodleian Libraries)

on behalf of the PASIG steering committee
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