From bertram at Wed Jan 4 15:54:12 2017 From: bertram at (Bertram Lyons) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 14:54:12 -0600 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] =?utf-8?q?=F0=9F=93=A2_AVPreserve_Launches_New_Fr?= =?utf-8?q?ee_Webinar_Series?= Message-ID: AVPreserve is pleased to announce the launching of a free webinar series, kicking off with a look at three essential open-source tools. Each 45-minute webinar will consist of a demonstration of the tool followed by questions and answers. Details for the first three webinars are as follows: 1. Date: January 19th Time: 2:00 - 2:45PM EST Instructor: Bertram Lyons Topic: Exactly: a tool that enables simple, safe and verifiable delivery of digital materials from a sender to a recipient. REGISTRATION: 1. Date: January 27th Time: 2:00 - 2:45PM EST Instructor: Rebecca Chandler Topic: AVCC: a web-based collection management application that enables the efficient production of information critical to prioritizing and planning preservation work with audiovisual materials. REGISTRATION: 1. Date: February 8th Time: 2:00 - 2:45PM EST Instructor: Amy Rudersdorf Topic: Fixity: a tool that allows simple and automated monitoring and reporting of file integrity and attendance to let you know if files in your collection are valid, corrupt, new, missing, moved or renamed. REGISTRATION: For more information please visit news/avpreserve-launches-new-free-webinar-series/ We hope to see you there! ______________________________________ Bertram Lyons, CA AVPreserve 634 W. Main St., Ste 202 Madison, Wisconsin 53703 office: 202-430-4457 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tibbo at Wed Jan 11 16:15:46 2017 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:15:46 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] IDCC17 Workshop on Educating Information Professionals and Researchers in Research Data Management Message-ID: Please excuse cross postings. I am excited to announce a half-day workshop at IDCC17 on Educating Information Professionals and Researchers in Research Data Management. * When: Thursday afternoon, February 23, 2017 * Workshop organisers: Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Robin Rice, Data Librarian (Mantra Service), University of Edinburgh; William Kilbride, Executive Director, DPC. * Description: This workshop aims to present brief overviews of key international RDM education efforts with a synthesizing overview of research progress in this area. Helen Tibbo will report on "Research Data Management and Sharing." the MOOC (Massively Open Online Course), produced by the CRADLE project-- ( - and the University of Edinburgh's MANTRA ( program. CRADLE is an IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services)-funded project undertaken by the School of Information and Library Science and the Odum Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. CRADLE partnered with MANTRA to produce a MOOC that is relevant to librarians, archivists, and other information professionals tasked with research data management and preservation as well as to researchers themselves. This is the first international MOOC on data management, curation, and preservation and can be found at: Tibbo will also report on a project to provide disciplinary data profiles to support the MOOC and make it more relevant to researchers in a number of fields. Robin Rice will provide an update on MANTRA and RDM efforts at the University of Edinburgh, reflect on her experience with the Coursera MOOC, and discuss how this tool might be enhanced for librarians and especially researchers. William Kilbride will talk about the DPC's "Getting Started" and "Making Progress" workshop series and discuss how fundamental preservation concepts are essential to RDM plans and training and lead the panel in a discussion of where RDM education is, how far it has come, and where it needs to go. These presentations will provide the audience with a starting point for breakout sessions. Breakout groups will discuss questions that may include but are not limited to: * How do you handle data training at your institution? * How do (or could) you mix online and face to face resources? * How do (or could) you collaborate across your institution to deliver training? * What are your professional needs in RDM (education for librarians/archivists)? * What tools would make your researcher support for RDM easier and more effective? * What lessons have you learned from working with research on their RDM needs? * The Target Audiences for this workshop are individuals who are 1) librarians/archivists supporting researchers in RDM; 2) RDM educators; and 3) researchers interested in learning about RDM training opportunities. Hope to see you in Edinburgh! -Helen Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor & Society of American Archivists, President 2010-2011 and Fellow School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 1+ 919 418 4557 Fax: 1+ 91 962 8071 tibbo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From chris at Thu Jan 12 11:26:16 2017 From: chris at (Chris Lacinak) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 09:26:16 -0700 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] AVPreserve Tool Survey - Win $100 Amazon Gift Certificate Message-ID: AVPreserve (AVP), a consulting and software development company, has created and distributed a variety of free and open source tools over the years. Now we want to hear from you to help us better understand who is using them, where and how they are (or are not) being used, and what we can do to make them better. At the end of the survey if you choose to enter your contact information you will automatically be entered to win a $100 gift certificate from Amazon if completed by January 31, 2017. Use the following link to participate in our brief survey. Thanks for your time and participation! Chris Lacinak | AVPreserve 253 36th Street, Suite C302, Brooklyn, NY 11232 office: 917-475-9630 <(917)%20475-9630> | mobile: 917-548-8632 <(917)%20548-8632> | | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rhmcdona at Mon Jan 16 11:08:52 2017 From: rhmcdona at (McDonald, Robert H.) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 16:08:52 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] =?windows-1252?q?2nd_CFP=3A_17th_ACM/IEEE_Joint_C?= =?windows-1252?q?onference_on_Digital_Libraries_=28JCDL_=9117=29?= Message-ID: <> [Apologies for cross postings] A friendly reminder as the JCDL '17 CFP deadlines are looming. Papers and other contributions can be submitted through EasyChair at For submission details and further information about the conference, please visit our site at We're extremely excited to announce our three keynotes: Salvatore Mele (CERN), Liz Lyon (Pittsburgh), and Ray Siemens (Victoria). You can read more about them at We're looking forward to seeing you in Toronto in June! ********************************************************************** 2nd Call for Papers 17th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL ?17) #TOScale #TOAnalyze #TODiscover June 19-23, 2017 Toronto, Ontario CA Follow us on: Twitter: ********************************************************************** IMPORTANT DATES January 15, 2017 - Tutorial and Workshop proposal submissions January 29, 2017 - Full paper and short paper submissions February 1, 2017 - Notification of acceptance for tutorials and workshops February 12, 2017 - Panel submissions February 12, 2017 - Poster and demonstration submissions March 20, 2017 - Notification of acceptance for full papers, short papers, panels, posters, and demonstrations April 16, 2017 - Doctoral Consortium abstract submissions April 16, 2017 - Final camera-ready deadline for full papers, short papers April 26, 2017 - Final camera-ready deadline for posters, demonstrations, panels May 1, 2017 - Notification of acceptance for Doctoral Consortium June 19, 2017 - Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium June 19 - 23, 2017 - Main Conference June 22 - 23, 2017 - Workshops AIMS The field of digital libraries has undergone dramatic changes as digital collections grow in scale and diversity. These changes call for novel analytical tools and methodologies for making sense of large amounts of heterogeneous data, for deriving diverse kinds of knowledge, and for linking across different collections and research disciplines. Thus the theme of the 2017 conference is #TOScale #TOAnalyze #TODiscover. Digital libraries must improve outreach efforts, engage diverse communities, and provide scholars and users with effective and flexible access to materials which will in turn empower them to make new observations and discoveries. This year, we particularly invite papers, panels, workshops, and tutorials that present new discovery methods for diverse kinds of collections and datasets (e.g., documents, images, sounds, videos), that apply recent technologies in related fields like machine learning and data mining, and that report on innovative digital library applications that engage diverse communities, facilitate user access, and enable discovery and exploration in all domains including science, art, and the humanities. This year, in addition to the research-oriented program, we are organizing a practitioners? day so experts and practitioners can share their experiences and report on major projects. Practitioner contributions will take the form of posters and demos. Participation is sought from all parts of the world and from the full range of established and emerging disciplines and professions including computer science, information science, web science, data science, digital humanities, librarianship, data management, archival science and practice, museum studies and practice, information technology, medicine, social sciences, education and the humanities. Representatives from academe, government, industry, and others are invited to participate. TOPICS JCDL welcomes submissions from researchers and practitioners interested in all aspects of digital libraries such as: collection discovery and development, hybrid physical/digital collections; knowledge discovery; applications of machine learning and AI; services; digital preservation; system design; scientific data management; infrastructure and service design; implementation; interface design; human-computer interaction; performance evaluation; user research; crowdsourcing and human computation; intellectual property; privacy; electronic publishing; document genres; multimedia; user communities; and associated theoretical topics. Submissions that resonate with JCDL 2017 theme are especially welcome, although we will give equal consideration to all topics in digital libraries. SUBMISSIONS Full papers report on mature work, or efforts that have reached an important milestone, and must not exceed 10 pages. Accepted full papers will typically be presented in 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Short papers may highlight preliminary results to bring them to the community?s attention. They may also present theories or systems that can be described concisely in the limited space. Short papers must not exceed 4 pages in the conference format. Accepted short papers will typically be presented in 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Posters permit presentation of late-breaking results in an informal, interactive manner. Demonstrations showcase innovative digital library technologies and applications, allowing you to share your work directly with your colleagues in a high-visibility setting. Proposals for posters or demonstrations should consist of a title, extended abstract, and contact information for the authors, and should not exceed 2 pages in the conference format. Accepted posters and demonstrations will be displayed at the conference. All paper submissions (full/short papers, posters and demos) should use the ACM Proceedings template and are to be submitted in electronic format via the conference's EasyChair submission page [forthcoming-see website for link]. All accepted papers will be published by the ACM as conference proceedings and electronic versions will be included in both the ACM and IEEE digital libraries. ------------ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE GENERAL CO-CHAIRS * Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University Bloomington * Nicholas Worby, University of Toronto Libraries PROGRAM CHAIRS * Cathy Marshall, Texas A&M University * Ian Milligan, Department of History, University of Waterloo * Adam Jatowt, School of Informatics, Kyoto University PROGRAM COMMITTEE TREASURER * Leanne Trimble, University of Toronto Libraries DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM CO-CHAIRS * Jiangping Chen, College of Information, University of North Texas * Sampath Jayarathna, California State Polytechnic University PANEL CHAIRS * Martin Klein, University of California Los Angeles Library * Periklis Andritsos, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto WORKSHOP CHAIRS * Michele C. Weigle, Department of Computer Science, Old Dominion University * Xiaozhong Liu, School of Informatics & Computing, Indiana University ? Bloomington TUTORIAL CHAIRS * Glen Newton, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada * Kim Pham, University of Toronto ? Scarborough Libraries POSTER & DEMO CHAIRS * Justin Brunelle, MITRE * Emily Maemura, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto PUBLICATIONS CHAIR * Jim Hahn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library CONTINUITY ADVISOR * Michael Nelson, Department of Computer Science, Old Dominion University LOCAL ORGANIZATION CHAIRS * Christina Tooulias-Santolin, University of Toronto Libraries PUBLICITY CHAIRS * Jesse Carliner, University of Toronto Libraries * Min-Yen Kan, National University of Singapore * Nattiya Kanhabua, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University SPONSORSHIP CHAIR * Kyla Everall, University of Toronto Libraries LOCAL ORGANIZERS * University of Toronto Libraries ? ********************************** Robert H. McDonald Associate Dean for Research & Technology Strategies Deputy Director-Data to Insight Center, Pervasive Technology Institute Indiana University 1320 East 10th Street Herman B Wells Library 234 Bloomington, IN 47405 Phone: 812-856-4834 Email: rhmcdona at Skype: rhmcdonald ORCID: ISNI: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From at Mon Jan 16 14:22:19 2017 From: at (Matthew Weber) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 19:22:19 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] CFP: Archives Unleashed 3.0 Web Archive Datathon Message-ID: <> Call for Participation: Archives Unleashed 3.0: Web Archive Datathon Internet Archive, San Francisco CA 23 - 24 February 2017 We expect to be able to offer travel grants for US-based graduate students Applications due 20 January 2017 ***Call for Participation*** **This event is a follow-up to the Archives Unleashed datathon series - the first was held in March 2016 in Toronto and the second was held in June 2016 Washington DC. We?re continuing the datathon program in 2017, and are excited to bring this program to the Internet Archive.** The World Wide Web has a profound impact on how we research and understand the past. The sheer amount of cultural information that is generated and, crucially, preserved every day in electronic form, presents exciting new opportunities for researchers. Much of this information is captured within web archives. Web archives often contain hundreds of billions of web pages, ranging from individual homepages and social media posts, to institutional websites. These archives offer tremendous potential for social scientists and humanists, and the questions research may pose stretch across a multitude of fields. Scholars broaching topics dating back to the mid-1990s will find their projects enhanced by web data. Moreover, scholars hoping to study the evolution of cultural and societal phenomena will find a treasure trove of data in web archives. In short, web archives offer the ability to reconstruct large-scale traces of the relatively recent past. While there has been considerable discussion about web archive tools and datasets, few forums or mechanisms for coordinated, mutually informing development efforts have been created. Our series of datathons presents an opportunity to collaboratively unleash our web collections, exploring cutting-edge research tools while fostering a broad-based consensus on future directions in web archive analysis. This event will bring together a small group of 20-30 participants to collaboratively develop new open-source tools and approaches to web archives, and to kick-off collaboratively inspired research projects. Researchers should be comfortable with command line interactions, and knowledge of a scripting language (such as but not limited to Python) is strongly desired. By bringing together a group of like-minded scholars and programmers, we hope to begin building unified analytic production effort and to continue coalescing this nascent research community. At this event, we hope to continue to converge on a shared vision of future directions in the use of web archives for inquiry in the humanities and social sciences in order to build a community of practice around various web archive analytics platforms and tools. ***Please also save the date! Archives Unleashed 4.0 will be held at the British Library in London, UK, June 11 - 13. Check back here for more details *** Thanks to the generous support of the National Science Foundation, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the University of Waterloo?s Department of History, the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science and the University of Waterloo, and the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University, we will cover lunches and refreshments for attendees. We are also providing sample datasets for people to work on during the datathon, or they are happy to use their own. Included datasets are: * the .gov web archive covering the American government domain * the End of Term Web Archives (.gov/.mil), from 2008, 2012, and 2016 * social media collectios from the 2016 archive * Canadian Political Parties and Political Interest Groups collection * and other datasets to be announced We will also have datasets from the Internet Archive's recent event available, some noted above and the rest available at Those interested in participating should send a 250-word expression of interest and a CV to Matthew Weber ( at by 20 January 2017 with ?Archives Unleashed? in the subject line. This expression of interest should address the scholarly questions that you will be bringing to the datathon, and what datasets you might be interested in either working with or bringing to the event. Applicants will be notified by 25 January 2017. We expect to be able to issue a limited number of travel grants available for US-based graduate students; preference will be given to those who have not participated in the Archives Unleashed program in the past, although we welcome returning participants. These grants can cover up to $750 in expenses. If you are in an eligible position, please indicate in your statement of interest that you would like to be considered for the travel grant. On behalf of the organizers, Matthew Weber (Rutgers University), Ian Milligan (University of Waterloo), Jimmy Lin (University of Waterloo) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jschne at Wed Jan 18 11:44:51 2017 From: jschne at (Josh Schneider) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 16:44:51 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Personal Digital Archiving 2017 - Registration Open & Program Online (Palo Alto, CA) Message-ID: Registration is now open for Personal Digital Archiving (PDA) 2017, which will be held March 29-31 at the new Lathrop Library on the Stanford campus, in Palo Alto, CA, a short commuter train away from San Francisco. The conference program /schedule is available here. Register here before February 28, 2017 to qualify for the early bird rate. This year, we hope to shine a spotlight on projects and research by digital archivists, faculty, tool and service developers, independent researchers, and others engaged in the collection, preservation, and study of data shedding light on individuals, their families, and their communities. The conference will consist of presentations, panel discussions, posters/demos, and hands-on workshops. Keynote speakers include Kim Christen and Gary Wolf. More info about PDA 2017 (including travel/lodging recommendations) can be found here. Note the PDA conference is co-scheduled with several other conferences hosted by Stanford Libraries, including LDCX (March 27-29, 2017), and BDAX (March 28, 2017), in order to encourage co-attendance and cross-pollination. We look forward to seeing you as many of you as possible in Palo Alto! Best, Josh (on behalf of the PDA 2017 Planning Committee) -- Josh Schneider Assistant University Archivist ePADD Community Manager Special Collections & University Archives Stanford University josh.schneider at 650-497-6489 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From R.Rice at Fri Jan 20 09:42:01 2017 From: R.Rice at (RICE Robin) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 14:42:01 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Experience with Bagit? Message-ID: Hi, If anyone has experience of using Bagit with large and voluminous files (e.g. research data) could you please get in touch? We have some questions about performance, etc. Cheers, -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robin Rice Data Librarian EDINA and Data Library University of Edinburgh R.Rice at @sparrowbarley (twitter) #RDMSmooc - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From matthew.addis at Fri Jan 20 11:08:26 2017 From: matthew.addis at (Matthew Addis) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 16:08:26 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Experience with Bagit? Message-ID: Hi Robin, We use bagit at scale within our archiving service (following the spec but using our own implementation), e.g. we recently bagged up and stored approx 100M files totalling 2PB into something like 20,000 bags for one of our customers. We also have some experience of bagit through Archivematica and know that it can produce AIPs in bagit format that can cope with 100,000 files in a bag and that single bags can be as large as 1TB in either 7zip or uncompressed format without problems using the python implementation. Happy to talk more about this off-list if you?re interested. Cheers, Matthew Matthew Addis Chief Technology Officer tel: +44 1249 405060 mob: +44 7703 393374 email: matthew.addis at web: twitter: @arkivum This message is confidential unless otherwise stated. Arkivum Limited is registered in England and Wales, company number 7530353. Registered Office: 24 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3ND, United Kingdom From: Pasig-discuss > on behalf of RICE Robin > Date: Friday, 20 January 2017 14:42 To: "pasig-discuss at" > Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Experience with Bagit? Hi, If anyone has experience of using Bagit with large and voluminous files (e.g. research data) could you please get in touch? We have some questions about performance, etc. Cheers, -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robin Rice Data Librarian EDINA and Data Library University of Edinburgh R.Rice at @sparrowbarley (twitter) #RDMSmooc - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jfarmer at Fri Jan 20 14:35:15 2017 From: jfarmer at (Jacob Farmer) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 14:35:15 -0500 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Experience with Bagit? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hi, Robin. My team has built a product called Starfish ( which is designed specifically for managing the life cycle of scientific research data and digital collections. We built in Bagit support specifically for the Library of Congress who was one of our earliest clients. Our software is designed to handle billions (with a B!) of files and we are able to break up large jobs into smaller batches so that we can attack the job in parallel. We use the Library of Congress Bagit code library. If you are managing scientific research data, you would probably love our product vision. We enable you to associate metadata with files and directories in live file systems, such that you can start the curation process right when the files are created. Metadata can then drive the scientific pipeline or be derived from the scientific pipeline. I work for both Cambridge Computer and Starfish. I copied my Starfish email account. - Jacob *From:* Pasig-discuss [mailto:pasig-discuss-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *RICE Robin *Sent:* Friday, January 20, 2017 9:42 AM *To:* pasig-discuss at *Subject:* [Pasig-discuss] Experience with Bagit? Hi, If anyone has experience of using Bagit with large and voluminous files (e.g. research data) could you please get in touch? We have some questions about performance, etc. Cheers, -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robin Rice Data Librarian EDINA and Data Library University of Edinburgh R.Rice at @sparrowbarley (twitter) #RDMSmooc - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From communications at Fri Jan 20 12:33:06 2017 From: communications at (Educopia Communications) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 12:33:06 -0500 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Please add me to your list Message-ID: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From communications at Tue Jan 24 09:25:55 2017 From: communications at (Educopia Communications) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 09:25:55 -0500 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] 2017 BitCurator User Forum Message-ID: View this email in your browser *2017 BitCurator User Forum Registration Now Open! * We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2017 BitCurator User Forum, taking place April 27-28 at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, has officially opened! We invite archivists, librarians, museum, and other information professionals engaged in (or considering) digital forensics methods and tools to acquire, better understand, and make available born-digital materials to attend. The 2017 forum will take place over two days, providing even more opportunities for community members and users to engage and learn from each other. It will balance discussion of theory and practice of digital forensics and related digital analysis workflows with hands-on activities for users at all levels of experience with the BitCurator environment, digital forensics methods in general, and other tools used in digital analysis and curation. *The event is open to all and advance registration is required. *Registration fees (Members $50, Students $65, Non-members $100) include lunch, refreshments, and a reception on April 27. Register for the BitCurator User Forum 2017 *Call for Proposals Deadline Extended! * The BitCurator Consortium (BCC) is accepting proposals for the 2017 BitCurator User Forum , to be held April 27 - 28 at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. An international, community-led organization with over 25 member institutions, the BCC promotes and supports the BitCurator environment, an open source environment of digital forensics tools for use in libraries, archives, museums, and other educational applications. Proposals should be related to the application of digital forensics in libraries, archives, museums and related settings including topics such as ethical concerns with forensics, records, management, donor and curatorial relations, data management, digital humanities, and more . The deadline for proposals is January 27, 2017 Call for Proposals and Submission Form [image: Twitter] [image: Website] Nayeli Pelayo Communications Specialist nayeli at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sarah.mason at Thu Jan 26 03:45:06 2017 From: sarah.mason at (Sarah Mason) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 08:45:06 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] PASIG Survey: we need your feedback and ideas! Message-ID: <> Hello all, If you have attended PASIG NYC in October 2016 and haven?t received the survey email, please click on the link below to have your say! Alternatively, if you didn?t attend PASIG NYC and are planning to come to Oxford this September, we welcome you to fill out the survey with your ideas for this year?s conference. Survey: We greatly appreciate you taking the time to give us your feedback and to help us shape the next PASIG. We hope to see you in Oxford this September! For more PASIG Oxford details visit: Thanks, Sarah Mason (Bodleian Libraries) on behalf of the PASIG steering committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From susanmalsbury at Fri Jan 27 13:04:26 2017 From: susanmalsbury at (Susan Malsbury) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 13:04:26 -0500 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Project Announcement - Archivematica HFS Disk Image Support Message-ID: Artefactual Systems, under sponsorship of the New York Public Library and University of California, Los Angeles, has begun a project to develop functionality in Archivematica to ingest, characterize, and extract files from HFS disk images. Currently, Archivematica relies on tsk recover which only recognizes 18 file systems ; correct file system identification is necessary for identifying and invoking the correct tools for all subsequent steps in an Archivematica pipeline. The first main development task in this project will be a pre-ingest script, which could be used alone or in Automation Tools, that identifies and records the file system of a disk image. Subsequent tasks will be to develop tools that can characterize and extract files from HFS disk images. An overview of the project can be found on the Archivematica Wiki page: All comments and contributors are welcome, particularly from people who have done work in this area or would like to join in on the sponsorship of this project! Please reach out to the Archivematica listserv , Shira Pelzman ( speltzman at or Susan Malsbury (susanmalsbury at . Thanks, Susan -- *____________________________________________* Susan Malsbury | *The New York Public Library* *Digital Archivist, Archives Unit* Library Services Center 31-11 Thomson Avenue, Rm. 202, Long Island City, NY 11101 T: 917.229.9644 | susanmalsbury at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: