[Pasig-discuss] Introducing the 'UC Guidelines for Born-Digital Archival Description'

Peltzman, Shira speltzman at library.ucla.edu
Tue Dec 12 11:50:25 EST 2017

**this announcement will be cross-posted**

To improve the clarity and usefulness of finding aids and to promote consistency across campuses, a working group of University of California digital archivists has collaborated to develop a descriptive standard for born-digital archival material. The 'UC Guidelines for Born-Digital Archival Description' are available for download here: https://github.com/uc-borndigital-ckg/uc-guidelines

The guidelines, which will be implemented on a system-wide basis in the coming year, include the following:

*         recommendations for describing born-digital content in an archival finding aid using 12 standard elements such as Scope and Content, Processing Information, and Organization and Arrangement.

*         guidance on determining an appropriate level and method of description of born-digital components

*         a minimum standard requirement for finding aids created within in the UC system

*         a metadata crosswalk to map the elements described in these guidelines to their relevant counterparts in DACS, EAD3, ArchivesSpace, MARC, RDA, and ISAD(G)

*         a comprehensive controlled vocabulary for born-digital source media and for other relevant born-digital terms, developed by Courtney Dean, Margaret Hughes, Kelly Kress at UCLA.

*         a sample finding aid

To learn more about the background, development, and working method used to create the UC Guidelines for Born-Digital Archival Description, take a look at today's bloggERS! Post: https://saaers.wordpress.com/2017/12/12/introducing-the-uc-guidelines-for-born-digital-archival-description/

We welcome comments and feedback. If you have questions about the standard or suggestions for how it could be improved or leveraged, please don't hesitate to be in touch.


Shira Peltzman on behalf of co-authors Annalise Berdini, Charlie Macquarie, and Kate Tasker

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