[Pasig-discuss] Meeting Outputs: Oxford Common Filesystem Layout 2017-12-01

Andrew Woods awoods at duraspace.org
Wed Dec 6 12:58:03 EST 2017

Hello All,
As a follow-up from last week's Oxford Common Filesystem Layout (OCFL)
conference call, we enjoyed a great turnout (49 attendees) and six
excellent presentations on existing digital preservation approaches from:
* Univ of California, San Diego (Tim Marconi)
* Stanford (Julian Morley)
* California Digital Library (John Kunze)
* Notre Dame (Don Brower)
* Emory (Rosalyn Metz)
* Univ of North Texas (Mark Phillips)

In addition to increasing a shared understanding of how others in our
community are addressing digital preservation needs, the intention of the
OCFL initiative is to establish a community-based recommendation describing
the presentation-centric layout for repository resources on the filesystem
(or cloud storage).

The notes, video and audio-only from last week's meeting are available.
* Notes: https://bit.ly/ocfl-2017-12-notes
* Video: https://bit.ly/ocfl-2017-12-video
* Audio: https://bit.ly/ocfl-2017-12-audio

The next call in the on-going OCFL initiative will be on January 19th @11am
Stay tuned for further information.

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