[Pasig-discuss] Electronic Records Task Force Phase 2 Report Available

Carol Kussmann kussmann at umn.edu
Wed Aug 30 10:32:47 EDT 2017

[Please excuse cross posting]

The Electronic Records Task Force, sponsored by the University of Minnesota
Libraries, completed its second year at the end of 2016.  The Task Force
worked to monitor electronic record ingest and to develop new workflows,
policies, procedures and mechanisms for processing and providing access to
users.  The final report documents the work of the Task Force during phase
2 and provides recommendations for both short and long-term sustainability
and is now publicly available.

Please find the report at: http://hdl.handle.net/11299/189543

For questions you can contact me or the Task Force at lib-ertf at umn.edu.

Thank you,


Carol Kussmann
Digital Preservation Analyst
Digital Preservation and Repository Technologies | University of Minnesota
499 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel: 612.626.0099
Email: kussmann at umn.edu
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