From cmmorris at Thu Sep 1 09:29:45 2016 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 09:29:45 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] =?utf-8?q?NEWS_RELEASE=3A_TRAC_Certified_Long-ter?= =?utf-8?q?m_Digital_Preservation=E2=80=93DuraCloud_+_Chronopolis?= Message-ID: Sept. 1, 2016 Read it online: *NOW AVAILABLE: TRAC Certified Long-term Digital Preservation?DuraCloud and Chronopolis for Institutional Treasures * An institution?s identity is often formed by what it saves for current and future access. Digital collections curated by the academy can include research data, images, texts, reports, artworks, books, and historic documents help define an academic institution?s identity. Trustworthy Repositories Audit and Certification (TRAC ) certification was developed by OCLC, CRL and NARA to provide universities and colleges with an understanding of which repositories could be trusted to host and preserve their academic digital treasures. In collaboration with the University of California at San Diego?s Chronopolis service, DuraSpace is pleased to announce the availability of the DuraCloud Enterprise Chronopolis subscription plan which provides DuraCloud customers with the following benefits: - Content stored in the TRAC-certified Chronopolis network, which consists of three non-profit research organizations - Geographic replication and synchronization of content between three diverse Chronopolis storage locations - Web-based administrative dashboard with deposit workflow - Access to deposit transaction information - End-to-end content integrity monitoring in a dark storage option - Included bandwidth (up and down) To learn more about the new DuraCloud Enterprise Chronopolis subscription plan visit the pricing page on our web site: or contact . *About DuraCloud* DuraCloud ( is a hosted service and open technology developed by DuraSpace to help organizations take advantage of cloud services. DuraCloud uses existing commercial cloud infrastructure to enable long-term access to digital content. It is particularly focused on providing preservation support services and access services for academic libraries, academic research centers, and other cultural heritage organizations. The service offers cloud storage across multiple commercial and non-commercial providers, as well as smart preservation tools that enable security, data access, transformation, and sharing. *About Chronopolis* The Chronopolis ( digital preservation network at the University of California San Diego Library has the capacity to preserve hundreds of terabytes of digital data of any type or size, with minimal requirements on the data provider. Chronopolis comprises partner organizations that provide a wide range of services. The partners include: - UC San Diego Library (UCSDL) - National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) The project leverages high-speed networks, mass-scale storage capabilities, and the expertise of the partners in order to provide a geographically distributed, heterogeneous, and highly redundant archive system. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From erin at Thu Sep 15 10:30:24 2016 From: erin at (Erin Tripp) Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 11:30:24 -0300 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Islandora Webinar: Building workflows with the Drupal Rules Module - Wednesday, September 28 at 12pm EDT Message-ID: Discoverygarden is pleased to present a discussion on how to build digital curation workflows using the Drupal Rules Module. The Drupal Rules Module provides support for an Islandora installation to react to actions taken by users or processes. It also allows administrators to define actions based on occurring events. In effect, it is designed to help build flexible digital curation processes. Once again, the discussion will be led by discoverygarden developer Dan Aiken ( After the presentation, Dan will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding the Drupal Rules Module. We hope that you can join us on Wednesday, September 28 at 12pm EDT for another exciting webinar brought to you by discoverygarden. For more information, please visit our blog: Warmest Regards, ~ the discoverygarden team Contact: Adam Smith Sales & Marketing Associate discoverygarden Inc. adam.smith at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cmmorris at Wed Sep 21 09:02:24 2016 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 09:02:24 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] CALL for Open Repositories Conference 2017 Proposals Message-ID: *==From the organisers of the Twelfth International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2017==* September 21, 2016 *CALL for Open Repositories Conference 2017 Proposals * The Twelfth International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2017, will be held on June 26th-30th, 2017 in Brisbane, Australia. The organisers are pleased to issue this call for contributions to the program, with submissions due by *20 November 2016*. In 2017 the Open Repositories conference returns to Australia, where the Open Repositories journey started in Sydney 2006. Repositories have come a long way in the intervening years, having emerged as critical systems for managing, preserving and sharing intellectual, artistic and scientific output. As such, repositories have found a firm placing within scholarly processes and becoming an integral vehicle to moving towards true Open Science. The OR community has established itself as an important contributor in this space, something we would like to emphasise in Brisbane by promoting the community?s ability to always stay at the forefront of development of both infrastructure and good practice. For OR2017 the theme is Open : Innovation | Knowledge | Repositories, aiming to reflect how the Open Repository community continues to be at the forefront of developments, sharing knowledge, and working as an enabler of scholarship and open science. OR2017 will provide an opportunity to: - showcase innovative repository services as well as innovations in functionality and user experience of repository software; - introduce innovative uses of repositories, for example to accommodate new types of content, serve new groups of users, or achieve new goals; - analyse drivers for repository innovation, including evolving technologies, changes in scholarly communication processes, as well as policies around open access to research outputs at institutional, national and international levels; and - explore and highlight innovation in the wider ecosystem around repositories. We welcome proposals on these ideas, but also on other theoretical, practical, technical, organisational or administrative topics related to repositories. Submissions that demonstrate original and repository-related work outside of these themes will be considered, but preference will be given to submissions which address them. We are particularly interested in the following themes. 1. SUPPORTING OPEN SCHOLARSHIP, OPEN DATA, AND OPEN SCIENCE Proposals are invited to consider how repositories can best support the needs of open science and open scholarship to make research as accessible and useful as possible, including: - Open access, open data and open educational resources - Scholarly workflows, publishing and communicating scientific knowledge - Exposure of research and scholarship from under-represented groups and disciplines - Compliance with policies around open access, including funder mandates 2. REPOSITORIES AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Proposals are invited to consider how repositories and their associated infrastructures best support the needs of cultural heritage collections, organisations, and researchers. Areas of interest include: - Impact of aggregation on repository infrastructure and management - Exposure of collections and cultural heritage from under-represented groups and disciplines - Special considerations in access and use of cultural heritage collections - Reuse and analysis of content 3. REPOSITORIES OF HIGH VOLUME AND/OR COMPLEX DATA AND COLLECTIONS Proposals are invited to consider how we can use tools and processes to highlight data patterns and user pathways through large corporas including: - Data and text mining - Linked data - Interoperability and standardised interfaces - Interaction with large-scale computation and simulation processes - Issues of scale and size beyond traditional repository contexts 4. MANAGING RESEARCH DATA, SOFTWARE, AND WORKFLOWS Proposals are invited to consider how repositories can support the needs of research data and related software and workflows. Areas of interest are: - Curation lifecycle management, including storage, software and workflows - Digital preservation tools and services - Reuse and analysis of scientific content - Scholarly workflows, publishing and communicating scientific knowledge - Training, awareness raising and outreach 5. INTEGRATING WITH THE WIDER WEB AND EXTERNAL SYSTEMS Proposals are invited to explore, evaluate, or demonstrate integration with external systems, including: - CRIS and research management systems - Notification and compliance tracking systems - Identifier services - Preservation services and repositories - Publisher systems - Collection management systems and workflows - Repository networks and aggregators of repository content 6. EXPLORING METRICS, ASSESSMENT, AND IMPACT Proposals are invited to present experiences on tools and services to measure the impact of research via the repository as well as elsewhere, including: - Bibliometrics - Downloads (e.g. COUNTER compliance) - Altmetrics - Other alternative methods of tracking and presenting impact 7. MANAGING RIGHTS Proposals are invited to examine the role of rights management in the context of open repositories, including: - Research and scholarly communication outputs - Copyright status and licenses (e.g. Creative Commons, Open Data Commons) - Embargoes - Management of cultural property rights, including indigenous intellectual property rights - Requirements of funder mandates 8. DEVELOPING AND TRAINING STAFF Proposals are invited to consider the evolving role of staff who support and manage repositories across libraries, cultural heritage organisations, research offices and computer centres, especially: - New roles and responsibilities - Training needs and opportunities - Career paths, retention, and recruitment - Community support *KEY DATES* Readers of this call for proposals who are familiar with the OR conference series will notice that it is issued somewhat earlier than in previous years. This is done to benefit international participants, aiming to provide earlier feedback on submissions in order to leave enough time in advance of the conference to make travel arrangements for a journey to Australia. - *By 30 September 2016: Submission system opens* - *20 November 2016: Deadline for submissions* - *14 December 2016: Deadline for Scholarship Programme application**s* - *03 February 2017: Submitters notified of acceptance (except Interest Groups)* - *03 February 2017: Registration opens* - *10 February 2017: Submitters notified of acceptance to Interest Groups* - *10 February 2017: Scholarship Programme winners notified* - *26-30 June 2017: OR2017 conference* SUBMISSION PROCESS Accepted proposals in all categories will be made available through the conference?s web site, and later they and associated materials will be made available in an open repository. Some conference sessions may be live streamed or recorded, then made publicly available. PRESENTATIONS AND PANELS ? GENERAL TRACK We expect that proposals for full presentations or panels will be two to four pages (see below for Proposal Templates). Successful submissions to the general track in past years have typically described work relevant to a wide audience and applicable beyond a single software system. Panels in the general track are expected to include at least some degree of diversity in viewpoints and personal background of the panelists. In general, sessions in this track will have three full presentations; panels may take an entire session or may be combined with a presentation. Relevant proposals unsuccessful in the general track may be considered for inclusion, as appropriate, as an Interest Group presentation, developer track presentation, poster or 24?7 presentation. PRESENTATIONS AND PANELS ? INTEREST GROUPS The opportunity to engage with and learn more about the work of relevant communities of interest is a key element of Open Repositories. One to two page proposals are invited for presentations or panels that focus on the work of such communities, traditionally DSpace, EPrints, and Fedora, describing novel experiences or developments in the construction and use of repositories involving issues specific to these technical platforms. Further information about applications for additional Interest Groups and guidance on submissions will be forthcoming. 24?7 PRESENTATIONS 24?7 presentations are 7-minute presentations comprising no more than 24 slides. Proposals for 24?7 presentations should be one to two pages (see below for Proposal Templates). Similar to Pecha Kuchas or Lightning Talks, these 24?7 presentations will be grouped into blocks based on conference themes, with each block followed by a moderated discussion / question and answer session involving the audience and whole block of presenters. This format will provide conference goers with a fast-paced survey of like work across many institutions, and presenters the chance to disseminate their work in more depth and context than a traditional poster. POSTERS We invite one-page proposals for posters that showcase current work (see below for Proposal Templates). OR2017 will feature digital rather than physical posters. Posters will be on display throughout the conference. Instructions for preparing the digital posters will be distributed to authors of accepted poster proposals prior to the conference. DEVELOPER TRACK: TOP TIPS, CUNNING CODE AND IMAGINATIVE INNOVATION Each year a significant proportion of the delegates at Open Repositories are software developers who work on repository software or related services. OR2017 will feature a Developer Track that will provide a focus for showcasing work and exchanging ideas. Building on the success of the Developer Track at OR2015 and OR2016, where we encouraged live hacking and audience participation, we invite members of the technical community to share the features, systems, tools and best practices that are important to you. Presentations can be as informal as you like, but once again we encourage live demonstrations, tours of code repositories, examples of cool features and the unique viewpoints that so many members of our community possess. Submissions should take the form of a title and a brief outline of what will be shared with the community. Developers are also encouraged to contribute to the other tracks. IDEAS CHALLENGE OR2017 will also again include the popular Ideas Challenge. Taking part in this competition provides an opportunity to take an active role in repository innovation, in collaboration with your peers and in pursuit of prizes. The Ideas Challenge is open to all conference attendees ? developers, non-developers, and everyone in between. Further details and guidance on the Ideas Challenge will be forthcoming. WORKSHOPS AND TUTORIALS One to two-page proposals for workshops and tutorials addressing theoretical or practical issues around digital repositories are welcomed. See below for Proposal Templates; please address the following in your proposal: - The subject of the event and what knowledge you intend to convey - Length of session (e.g., 2 hours, half a day or a whole day) - A brief statement on the learning outcomes from the session - The target audience for your session and how many attendees you plan to accommodate - Technology and facility requirements - Any other supplies or support required - Anything else you believe is pertinent to carrying out the session PROPOSAL TEMPLATES The OR2017 proposal templates help you prepare an effective submission. Please select the submission type from the below to download the templates. Templates are available in Microsoft Word, Plain Text and RTF. GENERAL TRACK TEMPLATES Microsoft Word Template Plain Text Template RTF Template POSTER AND 24?7 TEMPLATES Microsoft Word Template Plain Text Template RTF Template WORKSHOP TEMPLATES Microsoft Word Template Plain Text Template RTF Template -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tibbo at Wed Sep 21 16:14:59 2016 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 20:14:59 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Thinking of a Ph.D. Program? Consider UNC-Chapel Hill! Message-ID: <> Dear Archival and Curation Communities, The School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applicants to our PhD program for start in August 2017. Our doctoral program provides intensive, highly flexible and customizable preparation for a range of careers including those in academia and research centers. The program consists of a combination of coursework and independent and guided research in broad range of areas, including a digital and data curation, digital archiving, digital forensics, and a range of issues in archives and records management. For those interested in pursuing faculty positions, we also offer extensive training in teaching and curriculum development. We expect to provide at least 4 years of funding (tuition, stipend and health insurance) to all PhD students. The application period closes December 13. For more information about our PhD Program and application process, please visit: I invite interested students contact me at tibbo at with questions about archival and curation research at SILS. For general questions about our program and the application process, please contact Prof. Arcot Rajasekar, Doctoral Program Director, at rajasekar at Cheers, Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor & Society of American Archivists, President 2010-2011 and Fellow School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 1+ 919 418 4557 Fax: 1+ 91 962 8071 tibbo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: