[Pasig-discuss] OAIS Review: Deadlines Approaching

William Kilbride william.kilbride at dpconline.org
Mon Dec 12 09:28:06 EST 2016

Dear All,

The deadline for sending submissions on changes in the OAIS standard to the official CCSDS channel (http://review.oais.info/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__review.oais.info_&d=CwMFAw&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=LPdSCPFhvO8mDmjvl_-JlDGPt3orxJrHLmT4bld8Hro&m=Ssm-wyoL73h2QeWFPI0RBePIpXN9Q3Nqgao7gCYw9ys&s=7bqW2fV9XW5RY9K7XUMLCHsyfD5aW138_1TJUp4emwY&e=>) is 31 december 2016 and is approaching fast.  If you in the past added some suggestions for change to the DPC OAIS Community wiki, we would like to draw your attention to the following:

*       The DPC OAIS Community Wiki now has a page where proposals can be discussed before they are officially submitted to the OAIS 2012 review process: http://wiki.dpconline.org/index.php?title=Candidate_proposals_for_change<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__wiki.dpconline.org_index.php-3Ftitle-3DCandidate-5Fproposals-5Ffor-5Fchange&d=CwMFAw&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=LPdSCPFhvO8mDmjvl_-JlDGPt3orxJrHLmT4bld8Hro&m=Ssm-wyoL73h2QeWFPI0RBePIpXN9Q3Nqgao7gCYw9ys&s=TNtxz08GJSqZLby2lGIwBYJHUdfYsvhVXfWTYlfWt1w&e=>

*       This page will contain links to draft proposals for candidates, posted by authors who would like feedback from the community. Please use the discussion tab to give your feedback on the proposal.

Ultimately you should submit your proposals for changes of the OAIS 2012 version to the official review website at http://review.oais.info/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__review.oais.info_&d=CwMF-g&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=LPdSCPFhvO8mDmjvl_-JlDGPt3orxJrHLmT4bld8Hro&m=FI9WHb6hU9Z-JMFP5ZRltbSed0DnWo4ux1utO5EpnI0&s=sL24gRtjKHgX32VLp2EwjmLSDaR587Ex-cP7c5woHVs&e=>. But if you would like to discuss your proposed changes within the community before submitting an official review proposal you can post your proposal to the wiki, where the discussions can take place behind the discussion tab.

The deadline for these discussions will be 16 December 2016, after that you could adapt your proposal based on the community feedback but you need to submit your proposal yourself to htt://review.oais.info/ before 31 December 2016.


The DPC OAIS community wiki group

Dr William Kilbride FSA
Executive Director, The Digital Preservation Coalition

My email hours are 0800-1000 Monday-Friday
0141 330 2252
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