From carl.grant at Fri Dec 9 08:44:31 2016 From: carl.grant at (Grant, Carl) Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2016 13:44:31 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Preservation of Virtual Reality and Research Data - a beginning roadmap Message-ID: <> Here at the University of Oklahoma Libraries, we?ve been doing a lot of work with virtual reality and its usage in pedagogy and research. When I presented at the PASIG meeting in Prague, I discussed some of the challenges we were facing in this area and mentioned that we were hiring a CLIR Postdoc Fellow to begin working on those issues (and others) and others related to preserving and archiving research data. The link below will take you to a roadmap of how we think we plan to begin addressing these issues. I?m sending it to the PASIG group for reading and commentary. We?re thick skinned, so please don?t hesitate. Any problems accessing, please let me know. We look forward to hearing from you. Best, Carl Carl Grant Associate Dean, Knowledge Services & Chief Technology Officer University of Oklahoma Libraries E: carl.grant at M: +1.540.449.2418 O: +1.405.325.2611 Twitter: carl_grant LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Flickr, Facebook From cmmorris at Mon Dec 12 10:42:08 2016 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 10:42:08 -0500 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] NEWS: Institutional Treasures Preserved with DPN and DuraCloud Vault Message-ID: *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE* December 12, 2016 Contact: Mary Molinaro, DPN COO & Service Manager, (859) 608-6310 mary at; Heather Greer Klein, DuraSpace Services Coordinator, hklein at Institutional Treasures Preserved with DPN and DuraCloud Vault In January of 2016 the Digital Preservation Network (DPN) began accepting collections to a vital corpus of digital scholarly resources through DuraCloud Vault. DPN and DuraSpace, developer of DuraCloud Vault with Chronopolis, are pleased to report that member deposits into DPN through DuraCloud Vault are well underway. Numerous notable collections are now permanently preserved and will last beyond the life spans of individuals, technological systems, and organizations. The 60+ members of DPN have come together around a commitment to preserve vital scholarly, historic and cultural digital collections as the basis for a transformative understanding of how and why we are who we are as a nation far into the future. DPN is focused on developing tools and services to ensure that the cultural and research assets of today are available to scholars in the future. The following overviews offer insights into the critically important digital content that institutions have chosen to preserve in DPN through DuraCloud Vault. Tufts University Library: Edward R. Murrow Papers The impact of current journalistic practices in reporting news accurately is being felt all over the world. The historic significance of permanently preserving a record of how and why early broadcast investigative journalism became a part of our national persona is reflected in the Tufts University Edward R. Murrow Papers. The corpus includes documents, correspondence, personal materials, work and activities-related files, and over 320 photographs, about 1700 books, memorabilia as well as audiovisual material. ?Over the decades, numerous publications have portrayed Murrow as one of the architects of U.S. broadcast news, but in the political climate of recent years, he is increasingly viewed as a defender of rights against McCarthy-type witch hunts.? ?From The Life and Work of Edward R. Murrow, An Archives Exhibit University of Kentucky Libraries Nunn Center: Civil Rights Hall of Fame Oral History Project The University of Kentucky Library Civil Rights Hall of Fame Oral History Project web site states that the purpose of the Collection is, ?To educate and inspire viewers on the power of the human spirit and how it is moving our nation towards greatness.? These video recordings of first-hand accounts of individuals? civil rights struggles and achievements are significantly powerful messages that bring history alive in a personal way. Their availability far into the future provides our nation with permanent evidence for how far we have come, how much was sacrificed, and how much farther we have to go in advancing civil rights for all. IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) Library: Speedway Racing Collection Indianapolis and fast cars are intertwined by the highly unique and important history of motorsports sometimes called ?Greatest Spectacle in Racing? since its brickyard beginnings in 1908 through modern day race of 2016. The Speedway collection consists of image resources that reflect the Speedway?s rich physical photographic collection along with other materials. The documented history of motorsports in Indiana is also the history of advances in auto design, testing and related engineering advances. The IUPUI Library sought to preserve, but equally important, to freely share this immensely important resource with the Indianapolis citizenry and beyond. Because of its significance in the civic, cultural and economic life of the state, The Speedway Collection required a robust preservation option. DPN has provided deep and long lasting preservation for this unique and prized collection. We are pleased that the heritage of The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is now preserved via DPN. About DPN The Digital Preservation Network (DPN) is the only large-scale digital preservation service that is built to last beyond the life spans of individuals, technological systems, and organizations. DPN provides members of the academy and their successors with assurance that future access to their scholarly resources will be available in the event of disruptive change in administrative or physical institutional environments. By establishing a redundant and varied technical and legal infrastructure, the survival, ownership and management of preserved digital content in the future are assured for DPN members. DPN?s heterogeneous network is currently comprised of the following five nodes: HathiTrust , Academic Preservation Trust , Texas Preservation Node , DuraCloud Vault , and Stanford Digital Repository . Membership in DPN is open to any organization interested in or in need of long-term digital preservation. About DuraSpace DuraSpace is an independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization providing leadership and innovation for open technologies that promote durable, persistent access to digital data. They collaborate with academic, scientific, cultural, and technology communities by supporting projects and creating services to help ensure that current and future generations have access to our collective digital heritage. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From william.kilbride at Mon Dec 12 09:28:06 2016 From: william.kilbride at (William Kilbride) Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 14:28:06 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] OAIS Review: Deadlines Approaching Message-ID: Dear All, The deadline for sending submissions on changes in the OAIS standard to the official CCSDS channel ( is 31 december 2016 and is approaching fast. If you in the past added some suggestions for change to the DPC OAIS Community wiki, we would like to draw your attention to the following: * The DPC OAIS Community Wiki now has a page where proposals can be discussed before they are officially submitted to the OAIS 2012 review process: * This page will contain links to draft proposals for candidates, posted by authors who would like feedback from the community. Please use the discussion tab to give your feedback on the proposal. Ultimately you should submit your proposals for changes of the OAIS 2012 version to the official review website at But if you would like to discuss your proposed changes within the community before submitting an official review proposal you can post your proposal to the wiki, where the discussions can take place behind the discussion tab. The deadline for these discussions will be 16 December 2016, after that you could adapt your proposal based on the community feedback but you need to submit your proposal yourself to htt:// before 31 December 2016. Regards, The DPC OAIS community wiki group -- Dr William Kilbride FSA Executive Director, The Digital Preservation Coalition My email hours are 0800-1000 Monday-Friday @williamkilbride 0141 330 2252 -- The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be privileged. If you have received this message in error, please notify us and remove it from your system. The contents of this e-mail must not be disclosed or copied without the sender's consent and does not constitute legal advice. We cannot accept any responsibility for viruses, so please scan all attachments. The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the DPC. Registered in England No: 4492292 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From duncan at Fri Dec 16 13:03:43 2016 From: duncan at (Duncan, Sumitra) Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 18:03:43 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] NDSR Symposium: Open Call for Session Proposals and Applications for Travel Grants Message-ID: <> REMINDER: Open call for session proposals and applications for travel grants will be accepted now through mid-January. Please visit for more information. The National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR) will hold a Symposium on April 27-28, 2017 in Washington, D.C. It will be free and open to the public and aims to: discuss and create standardized guidelines based on previous NDSR evaluations; develop sustainability strategies; expand the geographic reach of NDSR; foster a digital preservation community of practice; and raise awareness of the NDSR program. Registration will be required and space is limited. Travel grants are available to NDSR alumni and those organizations interested in organizing a future iteration. This symposium is being funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and presented by The Metropolitan New York Library Council, in partnership with WGBH. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.