[Pasig-discuss] Free, Pre-PASIG Oracle Technology Seminar on October 25, NYC

Arthur Pasquinelli art.pasquinelli at oracle.com
Fri Aug 26 18:04:32 EDT 2016

Since a number of Oracle high-level archiving experts will be at PASIG, 
Oracle will have a separate, free piggyback event on Tuesday, October 25 
from 1:00pm-5:00pm. The location is the Oracle office at 120 Park 
Avenue, Room 26004/26006. Space is limited to 45, so you would like to 
attend, please send an email RSVP to donna.shawhan at oracle.com andcopy me 
on your RSVP.

The speakers below are all former PASIG presenters. Here is the agenda 
for the four hour Oracle Archive & Cloud Technology event:

1:00pm-1:20pm     Attendee Introductions - TBD

1:20pm-1:40pm     Technology and Archiving Trends - Chris Wood, 
Director, Storage Product Management

1:40pm - 2:00pm   Media Trends and Economics - Bob Raymond, Director, 
Storage Product Development

2:00pm - 2:40pm   Optimized Solutions for Tiered Storage - Donna 
Harland, Tiered Storage Solution Director


3:00pm - 3:45pm   Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager (HSM) Overview - 
Donna Shawhan, HSM Product Director

3:45pm - 4:30pm   Oracle Digital Media Solutions (DMS) Overview - Brian 
Campanotti, Global Director, DMS

4:30pm - 5:00pm   Oracle Archive Cloud Service - TBD

Art Pasquinelli
Storage Enablement and Archiving
Phone +1 650 607 0035 | Mobile: +1 650 430 2441
art.pasquinelli at oracle.com

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