[Pasig-discuss] NOW AVAILABLE: VIVO 1.9 Release

Carol Minton Morris cmmorris at duraspace.org
Tue Aug 9 08:51:04 EDT 2016


August 9, 2016
Read it online: http://bit.ly/2bbxkDs
Contact: Graham Triggs <gtriggs at duraspace.org>


The VIVO team is proud to announce that VIVO 1.9 was released on August 8,

Full release notes are included below and are also available on the wiki:

Downloads are available on the GitHub release page:

Version 1.9 of the VIVO open source software includes several significant
new features that will improve the user experience and make it simpler to
implement VIVO.

This release was made possible by contributions from the following
community members:

Ariel D Moya Sequoia, IT Alkaid Consulting S.A.
Stephan Zednik, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Christian Hauschke, Bibliothek der Hochschule Hannover
Roberto J. Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Benjamin Gross, UNAVCO
Chad Nelson, Temple University Library
Brain Lowe, Ontocale
Ted Lawless, Thomson Reuters
Graham Triggs, DuraSpace
Nate Prewitt, CU Boulder
Jim Blake, Cornell
Tim Worrall, Cornell
Rebecca Younes, Cornell
Huda Khan, Cornell
Joe McInerney, Cornell
John Fereira, Cornell
Alvin Hutchison, Smithsonian
Simon Porter, Digital Science / University of Melbourne
Matěj Korvas, University of Melbourne
Martin Kwok, University of Melbourne
Melissa Makin, University of Melbourne

*Here’s what’s new:*

*Capability Map* -- Matching research areas with experts just got easier

To address the desire for improved expert finding features in VIVO, we are
pleased to introduce a capability map. This feature allows you to search
for research areas, and see the relationship between the research areas and
the researchers.

Initially developed at the University of Melbourne, the map has been
updated to use the improved visualisation architecture introduced in VIVO
1.8.1. Results are cached in the same way as other VIVO visualizations such
as the Map of Science, Co-Author visualization, and Temporal Graph.

*SEO Improvements* -- Making profile pages more discoverable

For better indexing and discoverability of your VIVO profiles, a sitemap
generator for profiles is now included.

Additionally, citation meta tags are now included on the pages of works.

*AltMetrics Improvements*

Following the addition of AltMetric badges to publications with DOIs in
1.8.1, the support has been expanded to cover publications with PubMed IDs
or ISBNs.

AltMetric badges are now displayed on the publication lists within a
profile page.

*Maven Project Structure*

To make it easier to get started with VIVO, standard Maven project
structures are now used, replacing the custom Ant scripts of previous

Both VIVO and Vitro have been migrated to Maven. Developers cloning the
projects from GitHub, should place them in directories next to each other.

*Maven Based Installer*

Version 1.9 introduces an "installer" project, which will assemble the
application and home directories, and copy them to your Tomcat and
installation / home directories.

The installer will automatically download all of the necessary dependencies
- including pre-built Vitro and VIVO code - in order to complete the

This installer also provides a natural place for sites to add their
customizations, such as a custom theme, additional Java classes in the web
application or RDF in the home directory.

*OpenJDK Support*

The image processor for uploading and generating thumbnails has been
replaced with a new library. As a result, there are no known OpenJDK

*Performance Improvements*

Thanks to Brian Lowe, Ontocale, there are significant improvements writing
data to the triple store, with an updated inferencer batching changes in

There are also minor improvements to graph comparison code (improving
startup time for large graphs), and memory reductions for the caching of
data in the visualizations.

*SPARQL Editor Highlighting*

The YASQE highlighting editor for SPARQL has been incorporated into the
SPARQL Query page, thanks to a contribution from Ted Lawless, Thomson

*About VIVO*

VIVO (http://vivoweb.org) is an open source, open ontology, open process
platform for hosting information about the interests, activities and
accomplishments of scientists and scholars. VIVO supports open development
and integration of science and scholarship through simple, standard
semantic web technologies. VIVO was originally funded by Cornell University
and the National Institutes of Health (U24 RR029822) and is currently a
community-supported project under the DuraSpace umbrella.

*How Does DuraSpace Help?*

The DuraSpace (http://duraspace.org) organization is an independent
501(c)(3) not-for-profit providing leadership and innovation for open
technologies that promote durable, persistent access and discovery of
digital data. Our values are expressed in our organizational byline,
"Committed to our digital future."

DuraSpace works collaboratively with organizations that use VIVO to advance
the design, development and sustainability of the project. As a non-profit,
DuraSpace provides technical leadership, sustainability planning,
fundraising, communications, collaborations and strategic partnerships, and
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