[Pasig-discuss] Highlighting an Islandora digital repository at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Erin Tripp erin at discoverygarden.ca
Thu Apr 28 08:31:14 EDT 2016


A presentation on the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library's newly
launched Islandora repository is now available. I would like to thank Louisa
Lam and Jeff Liu for speaking about the project.

The presentation recording, slides, and repository URL are available below:

   - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhmO024MH6c&feature=youtu.be

   - http://repository.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en


Erin Tripp, BJH MLIS
Business Development Manager
discoverygarden inc.  <http://discoverygarden.ca>
erin at discoverygarden.ca
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