From cmmorris at Mon Mar 9 10:01:45 2015 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 10:01:45 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] ANNOUNCEMENT: Mike Conlon Appointed VIVO Project Director Message-ID: *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE* *=apologies for cross postings=* March 9, 2015 Read it online: Contact: Dean B. Krafft, (dean dot krafft at cornell dot edu ); Jonathan Markow, (jjmarkow at duraspace dot org ) *Mike Conlon Appointed VIVO Project Director* *From the VIVO Steering Group* We are pleased to announce that DuraSpace and the VIVO Steering Group have appointed Dr. Mike Conlon, University of Florida and member of the DuraSpace Board of Directors, as the new VIVO Project Director. He will begin in his new role immediately, working closely with the community and steering group to set the long term roadmap for VIVO , the open source semantic web platform that provides an integrated view of the scholarly work of an organization. As VIVO Project Director, Dr. Conlon brings key relevant experience and skills to the challenge of leading the community through implementation of the 2015-2016 VIVO Strategic Plan . As Co-director of the University of Florida Clinical and Translational Science Institute, his responsibilities include strategic program development, development of medical informatics, expansion and integration of research and clinical information resources, and strategic planning for academic health and university research. Previously, Dr. Conlon served as PI of the VIVO project from 2009-2012, leading a team of 120 investigators at seven schools in the development, implementation and advancement of the VIVO open source, semantic web application for research discovery. Dr. Conlon has served as Chief Information Officer for the University of Florida Academic Health Center, Co-Lead for the implementation of PeopleSoft at the University of Florida, and as collaborator and biostatistician on hundreds of research grants and projects. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Statistics from the University of Florida, undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Economics from Bucknell University, and is the author of over 200 scholarly publications and presentations. His current interests include enterprise change, organizational issues in the adoption of information technology, and the development of research capacity across the translational spectrum. The DuraSpace and VIVO project teams would like to extend a warm welcome to Dr. Conlon in his new role as the VIVO Project Director, and look forward to his contributions to the broad, collaborative VIVO movement that will shape the future of research discovery and collaboration. DuraSpace and VIVO will further add to the project?s staff by hiring a dedicated Technical Lead for the project to help meet the goals articulated in the VIVO Strategic Plan. The Technical Lead search will be announced in the coming days and the job posting will be made available through community lists and web sites. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cmmorris at Wed Mar 11 10:45:37 2015 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 10:45:37 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] OR2015 NEWS: Registration Opens; Speakers from Mozilla and Google Announced Message-ID: *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE* March 11, 2015 Read it online: Contact: *OR2015 NEWS: Registration Opens; Speakers from Mozilla and Google Announced* We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, to be held on June 8-11, 2015 in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America. Full registration details and a link to the registration form may be found at: OR2015 is co-hosted by Indiana University Bloomington Libraries, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, and Virginia Tech Libraries. *OR2015 Registration and Fees:* An early registration fee of $450 USD will be available until May 8. After May 8, the registration fee will increase to $500 USD. This registration fee covers participation in general conference sessions, workshops, and interest group sessions, as well as the conference dinner on Wednesday, June 10 and poster reception on Tuesday, June 9. For a draft outline of the conference schedule, please see: Participants may register online at: If you have any questions about registering for OR2015, please contact the Conference Registrar at iuconfs at Any other questions about the conference may be directed to the conference organizing committee by using the form at: *Hotel Reservations:* The OR2015 conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis hotel, conveniently located in the heart of downtown Indianapolis. Special room rates at the Hyatt starting at $159 USD per night have been negotiated for conference attendees and will be available for booking through May 16. More information on hotel reservations and travel is available at: *Keynote and Featured Speakers:* Reflecting the significant milestone of the 10th Open Repositories conference and this year's theme of "Looking Back, Moving Forward: Open Repositories at the Crossroads," we are pleased to announce the conference's two plenary speakers: Kaitlin Thaney will be giving the opening keynote talk on the morning of Tuesday, June 9. Kaitlin is director of the Mozilla Science Lab, an open science initiative of the Mozilla Foundation focused on innovation, best practice and skills training for research. Prior to Mozilla, she served as the Manager of External Partnerships at Digital Science, a technology company that works to make research more efficient through better use of technology. Kaitlin also advises the UK government on infrastructure for data intensive science and business, serves as a Director for DataKind UK, and is the founding co-chair for the Strata Conference series in London on big data. Prior to Mozilla and Digitial Science, Kaitlin managed the science program at Creative Commons, worked with MIT and Microsoft, and wrote for the Boston Globe. You can learn more about the Science Lab at and follow Kaitlin online at @kaythaney. Anurag Acharya will be the featured speaker at the plenary session on the morning of Wednesday, June 10, presenting on "Indexing repositories: pitfalls and best practices." Anurag is a Distinguished Engineer at Google and creator of Google Scholar, and he previously led the indexing group at Google. He has a Bachelors in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and a PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon. Prior to joining Google, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Maryland, College Park and an assistant professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. *We look forward to seeing you at OR2015!* *Jon Dunn, Julie Speer, and Sarah ShreevesOR2015 Conference Organizing CommitteeHolly Mercer, William Nixon, and Imma SubiratsOR2015 Program Co-Chairs* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mwerla at Sun Mar 15 19:48:44 2015 From: mwerla at (Marcin Werla) Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 00:48:44 +0100 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] TPDL2015 - CfP Deadline extended to March 30, 2015 Message-ID: <> *** IMPORTANT: CfP Deadline is now extended to March 30, 2015 *** Call for Contributions 19th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries Poznan?, Poland, September 14-18, 2015 The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) constitutes a leading scientific forum on digital libraries that brings together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries. TPDL 2015 will be organized by Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) and it will be held in Poznan, Poland on September 14-18, 2015. * Aims and scope * Valuable and rapidly increasing volumes of data are created or transformed into digital form by all fields of scientific, educational, cultural, governmental and industry activities. For this purpose the digital libraries community has developed long-term and interdisciplinary research agendas, providing significant results, such as development of Digital Libraries, solving practical problems, accomodating research data and satisfying the needs of specific user communities. The advent of the technologies that enhance the exchange of information with rich semantics is of particular interest in the community. Information providers inter-link their metadata with user contributed data and offer new services outlooking to the development of a web of data and addressing the interoperability and long-term preservation challenges. TPDL 2015 under the general theme "Connecting Digital Collections", invites submissions for scientific and research work in the following categories: Full Papers, Short Papers, Posters and Demonstrations, Workshops and Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral Consortium. Industry submissions are especially welcome, and a dedicated conference track is planned for them if many quality submissions are received. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity in a triple peer review process. The TPDL 2015 proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series ( The TPDL2015 Program Committee will also nominate papers they consider highlight work of significance in the field. Authors of these papers are then invited to submit extended version (at least 30% new material) of their papers. These submissions then go through the International Journal of Digital Libraries (IJDL, ISSN 1432-5012) review process before acceptance in a focused issue of the journal. * Topics * General areas of interests include, but are not limited to, the following topics, *Connecting digital libraries:* - exploring semantic web and linked data - data mining and extraction of structure from networked information - multilingual information retrieval - metadata aggregation models - interoperability and information integration - ontologies and knowledge organization systems, networked information - applications of digital libraries *Practice of digital libraries:* - quality assurance in digital libraries - scalability and high availability of digital libraries - infrastructures supporting content processing - user studies for and evaluation of digital library systems and applications - large scale digital preservation infrastructures for cultural heritage - digital curation - multimedia information management and retrieval - user interfaces and user experience *Digital libraries in science*: - digital humanities - scholarly primitives - research data and virtual organizations - visualisation in digital libraries - digital libraries as source of big data for humanities *Users, communities, personal data* - social networking, web 2.0 and collaborative interfaces in digital libraries - social-technical perspectives of digital information - user mobility and context awareness in information access - personal information management and personal digital libraries - long term preservation in personal digital libraries - community-driven digital libraries *Special track*: Digital Libraries in the industry * Important Dates * - Full and Short papers, Posters and Demonstrations: _March 30, 2015_ - Notification of acceptance for Papers, Posters, and Demonstrations: May 22, 2015 - Camera Ready Versions: June 12, 2015 - Doctoral Consortium Papers Submission Deadline: June 1, 2015 - Doctoral Consortium Acceptance Notification: June 22, 2015 - End of Early Registration: July 15, 2015 - Conference Dates: September 14-18, 2015 * Submission * More information on submission process, text formatting etc. can be found on submission websites dedicated for specific types of contributions: - Full and Short Papers, Posters, Demos - - Doctoral Consortium Papers - * Organization * General Chairs: Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Poland Marcin Werla, PSNC, Poland Program Chair: Sarantos Kapidakis, Ionian University, Greece Organizing Chair: Damian Niemir, PSNC, Poland -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 3390 bytes Desc: Kryptograficzna sygnatura S/MIME URL: From tibbo at Wed Mar 25 15:00:39 2015 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 19:00:39 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] iPRES2015 Call for Contributions Message-ID: <> iPRES 2015 Call for Contributions iPRES is the premier international conference on the preservation and long term management of digital materials. The iPRES 2015 will be held on November 2-6, 2015 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Contributions are currently being sought that present research and innovative practice in digital preservation. - The iPRES 2015 conference is seeking contributions from research and innovative practice in digital preservation. - The conference site is: - This call is available at: - Author information and guidelines are at: Contribution topics. We welcome contributions that address at least one of the following topics: Institutional opportunities and challenges - local, regional and national approaches - legislative context and requirements - institutional contexts for preservation - collaboration and alignment - collection content profiling - research data management - personal archiving - documenting authenticity and integrity - demonstrating benefits and incentives - providing and documenting added value - evaluating options: products, tools, registries, services, service providers - exploring the potential of bartering Infrastructure (organizational and technological) opportunities and challenges - bit preservation - scalability - complex formats - large data sets, e.g. web data or research data - system architectures and requirements - distributed and cloud-based implementations - digital forensics - standards-based practice Frameworks for digital preservation - models - standards and practice - core concepts - business models - sustainability and economic viability Preservation strategies and workflows - preservation strategies (e.g., migration, emulation, normalization) - preservation metadata management - preservation planning and action - archival storage and archival packages - acquisition, ingest, and submission packages - long-term access management and dissemination packages - measuring and mediating risks - content-specific approaches (e.g., GIS, digital art, audiovisual, research data, web-based content, models) Innovative practice - implementations - repositories - issues and wins - lessons learned - the future of digital preservation Training and education - educational needs - evaluating curricula and impacts - innovative offerings - support for lifelong learning - career management Program strands iPRES 2015 is being structured around two key strands - research and innovative practice. Papers are invited for both strands. The purpose of this distinction is to promote work from both a research and innovative practice perspective and work that is clearly rooted in the actual experience of institutions undertaking digital preservation. We expect that there will be work that manages to encapsulate both of these strands, and that is welcomed. All papers for iPRES 2015 should: - be leading edge - be innovative - help inform debate around what digital preservation is. Paper types Full and Short papers - Full papers (8 to 10 pages) will report research work with novel contributions and/or practical engagement with digital preservation problems that show a demonstrable advance in the practice of digital preservation. - Short papers (3 to 5 pages) can focus on new challenges and work in progress, whether in the research or innovative practice strand. All contributions must report on novel and previously unpublished work and will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the Program Committee. The accepted papers will be published in the iPRES 2015 proceedings. A best paper award will be offered and recommended for publication in an appropriate journal. Posters and demonstrations Submissions (up to 2 pages) are encouraged for posters reporting on emerging issues or work in progress, and also for demonstrations of innovative solutions. These submissions should describe the work to be presented and its contribution beyond the state of the art. Posters and demonstrations will be presented in a dedicated session during the conference. All contributions will be peer-reviewed. The accepted poster and demonstration submissions will be published in the proceedings. A best poster award will be offered. Panels Proposals for thematic panels to be held during the main conference program can be submitted by 3 to 5 experts. Acceptance will be judged on the merits of the proposal and relevance for the expected audience. Proposals must detail the subject, motivation and panelists. Workshops Proposals for thematic workshops are welcome. Proposals must detail the subject, scope, program strand and intended content. Ideally, workshops should be open to public registration and participation. Acceptance will be judged on the merits of the proposal, requirements for its organization, and local capability to support it (which should not be a major constraint). Tutorials Tutorials must be on a single topic, addressed at either an introductory level or an in-depth, expert level. Submissions for tutorials should be a maximum of 2 pages, including a brief abstract and an outline of the content, the duration (half-day 3 hours or full-day 6 hours), a description of the intended audience and the expected learning outcomes, and a short biography of the presenter(s). Peer review and inclusion in iPres 2015 Proceedings All submissions will be subject to peer review. Those that are accepted for inclusion in the conference will be published in the iPRES 2015 proceedings. For full and short papers, the full text will be published. For posters, demonstrations, workshops, tutorials and panels, abstracts will be published. After receiving results of the peer review, authors will have an opportunity to edit their submissions for the final proceedings. In order to ensure inclusion in the proceedings, authors should submit final text by August 15, 2015. Publication and Pre-publication at iPres 2015 iPRES is a venue where individuals from across the globe hash out ideas, share results and propose further actions to address the challenges and opportunities of digital preservation. This year, we would like to take further advantage of these rich exchanges by changing how the final proceedings are published. Participants at the conference will receive full pre-publication drafts of papers and abstracts of workshops, tutorials, panels, posters, and demos. Authors will be encouraged to link their own papers to others, to deal with criticisms or comments received, and to clear up any inaccuracies or misunderstandings. In addition panelists and workshop hosts will be invited to report their sessions more fully, and the program committee will commission a number of thematic syntheses to act as an accessible commentary to the whole conference. Authors will be given a short period after the conference to update their contributions to take account of discussion, debate and conference developments. Please note that pre-conference versions will be published if no revised version is provided. Additional opportunities Submissions are also encouraged for associated activities outside the formal program. Responsibility for planning and management of these would be with the submitting organization. The Program Committee would appreciate being notified and consulted about such activities in order to best coordinate efforts with the conference program. Conference Organizing Committee - Jonathan Crabtree, Odum Institute for Research in Social Science (Posters and Demos Co-Chair) - William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition (Workshops and Tutorials Co-Chair) - Leo Konstantelos, University of Melbourne (Program Co-Chair) - Christopher (Cal) Lee, University of North Carolina (General Co-Chair) - Yukio Maeda, University of Tokyo (Posters and Demos Co-Chair) - Nancy McGovern, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries (Program Co-Chair) - Helen Tibbo, University of North Carolina (General Co-Chair) - Eld Zierau, Royal Library of Denmark (Workshops and Tutorials Co-Chair) Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor President, 2010-2011 & Fellow, Society of American Archivists School of Information and Library Science 201 Manning Hall, CB#3360 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 919-962-8063 Fax: 919-962-8071 tibbo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From walsh.260 at Tue Mar 31 15:54:40 2015 From: walsh.260 at (Maureen P. Walsh) Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 15:54:40 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Position available: Ohio State University, Metadata Transformation Resident Message-ID: Mary P. Key Diversity Resident: Metadata Transformation Two other residencies (Digital Research Services and Latin American Studies) are also available: The Ohio State University (OSU) Libraries seeks a dynamic and self-motivated librarian for the position of Mary P. Key Diversity Resident. OSU Libraries? two-year Mary P. Key Diversity Residency Program is designed to provide mentorship through a successful transition from academic training to research librarianship, to provide the opportunity for hands-on exposure in many areas of the University Libraries? operations, and to increase diversity from underrepresented groups for academic librarianship and The Ohio State University Libraries. The program provides professional development in a nurturing, yet productive, real world environment at one of the top 10 public university libraries in the country. The resident will be encouraged to participate in selected workshops, conferences, institutes, and committees and develop a robust portfolio of engagement at the start of their library career. During 2015-2017, the resident will advance the Libraries digital initiatives through enhanced metadata design and transformation. OSU Libraries is currently accelerating and reconfiguring our digital initiatives program. New infrastructures, including a digital preservation repository, image management system, and digital exhibits platform along with initiatives to scale up digital collections will require substantial investment in metadata. As the library community prepares for a non-MARC based infrastructure, OSU Libraries is committed to exploring opportunities and rethinking current practices to prepare the Libraries? data for this future. The resident will work collaboratively across the organization to advance the Libraries? metadata program to prioritize, document, and execute metadata activities, to ensure that metadata for digital collections (often represented by diverse data types) are effectively integrated with traditional library collections across various discovery tools, migrate metadata between systems, and ensure that metadata is being created and maintained according to best practices. * Responsibilities:* - Support development of metadata guidelines. The resident will work with a variety of stakeholders to support the research and documentation components of developing guidelines for metadata for the OSU Libraries. Once developed, the resident will participate in creating, maintaining, and transforming metadata according to these guidelines. - Transition of metadata to ArchivesSpace. Migrate metadata to the newly-implement archival management systems using a variety of workflows including EAD loading, transformation of MARC, and other data sources. Identify, plan, and implement data normalization and clean-up projects. - Migration of existing content to the IMS. The resident will work on mapping and transforming metadata to migrate to the new Image Management System (IMS). - Metadata transformation for the Knowledge Bank. The resident will have the opportunity to learn relevant skills and standards by performing metadata transformation to prepare content for Knowledge Bank, OSU Libraries? Institutional Repository - Assist in the growth and development of metadata infrastructure to support Digital Initiatives and prepare OSUL for the transition from the present MARC environment to one that facilitates the management and use of library data as linked data (e.g. BIBFRAME, RDF, - Serve on selected library committees. - Begin development of a research agenda that will contribute to an area of scholarship. * Required qualifications:* - Master?s degree in Library/Information Science from an ALA-accredited program with a focus on metadata or digital libraries, completed by the time of appointment - Knowledge of one or more library metadata standards - Flexibility and creativity in adapting to rapidly changing metadata management environments - Effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills - Excellent analytic skills, including complex problems solving - Interest in professional development and research * Preferred qualifications:* - Experience in project planning, workflow development, and/or writing documentation - Experience working with library metadata standards, such as RDA, AACR2, and MARC, and non-MARC metadata standards such as Dublin Core, VRA Core, METS or MODS - Proficiency in XML or other relevant computer programming skills - Ability to work effectively and creatively in a collaborative and complex environment * About the Appointment:* This is a full-time, two year Visiting Faculty (non-tenure track) position. As a Visiting Faculty member, the resident is strongly encouraged to engage in professional research and publication. The resident will provide a faculty annual report as well as periodic reports to the Diversity Committee to track progress on established objectives. Salary is commensurate based on qualifications and experience. * About The Ohio State University:* Founded in 1870, The Ohio State University is a world-class public research university and the leading comprehensive teaching and research institution in the state of Ohio. With more than 63,000 students (including 56,000 in Columbus), the Wexner Medical Center, 14 colleges, 80 centers and 175 majors, the university offers its students tremendous breadth and depth of opportunity in the liberal arts, the sciences, and the professions. The Ohio State University Libraries contribute to the University?s eminence as dynamic partners and campus leaders in advancing inquiry and discovery for OSU, the state of Ohio and for an ever expanding community of world scholars. Additional information about The Ohio State University Libraries is available at * Benefits:* The University offers competitive benefits in the form of 22 days? vacation, 15 days? sick leave, 10 holidays, hospitalization, major medical, surgical-medical, dental, vision, long-term disability insurance, and life insurance at 2.5 times one?s annual salary. State and alternative retirement choices are also available. For a summary of benefits, see: *Application:* Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Preference will be given to applications received by May 15th, 2015. Please send cover letter, CV, references, and salary history and requirements to Erica Jonak at jonak.3 at Please include the position title in the subject field. * Contact Information*: Erica Jonak, Human Resources, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210, 614-247-8887, jonak.3 at *The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status.* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: