[Pasig-discuss] UC3 curation domain model

Walter Allasia allasia at eurixgroup.com
Thu Jan 22 04:45:59 EST 2015

Dear Stephen,
it is a really interesting work, very close to what I'm doing within the 
EU FP7 Forget-IT project (http://www.forgetit-project.eu)
and I think there are several overlaps that can benefit each other.
Hope to share some ideas with you in near future.
I took the opportunity to suggest to submit a paper/presentation to our 
dedicated workshop at the ICME2015 conference,
that will take place in Torino (June 29th - July 3rd).
Attached you have the call for papers 
Do not hesitate to contact me if further info are needed.
Kind Regards,

Walter Allasia, Ph.D
Chief Research Officer
tel.  +390112303729
fax.  +390112303066
web. www.unito.it/persone/wallasia
mail. allasia at eurixgroup.com
blog. https://www.prestocentre.org/blog/499
twit. @wallasia

On 1/22/15 12:20 AM, Stephen Abrams wrote:
> *** Cross-posted ***
> At the UC Curation Center (UC3) we’re working on modeling the curation 
> domain to provide a conceptually-coherent foundation for evaluating 
> and describing our technologies, policies, and activities.  We 
> attempted to derive the model from first principles assuming that 
> curation is an inherently semiotic activity and incorporating the many 
> important advances of prior modeling efforts such as FRBR, OAIS, NAA, 
> PLM, BRM, ICO, and others.  While not finalized, the model is 
> reasonably well-defined in a draft whitepaper available at 
> http://wiki.ucop.edu/display/Curation/Foundations. We welcome your 
> reactions, comments, and suggestions.
> “/Digital curation is a complex of actors, policies, practices, and 
> technologies that enables meaningful consumer engagement with 
> authentic content of interest across space and time. To ensure that it 
> is using its curation resources in the most productive manner, the 
> University of California Curation Center (UC3) has modeled the 
> curation domain to provide a consistent, comprehensive, yet 
> parsimonious conceptual foundation for the planning, implementation, 
> and evaluation of its manifold activities. The UC3 Sept model builds 
> upon, and attempts to consolidate, prior efforts such as Kahn and 
> Wilensky, FRBR, OAIS, NAA performance model, PLM, PREMIS, BRM, ICO, 
> SPOT, and NDSA levels of preservation. It also draws upon relevant 
> concepts from cognitive psychology, information science, game theory, 
> and semiotic theory. The model considers curated content with respect 
> to five distinct semiotic dimensions: semantics, syntactics, empirics, 
> pragmatics, and dynamics, which refer respectively to content's 
> underlying abstract meaning or affect, inner and outer symbolic 
> encoding structures, physical representations, behaviors, and 
> evolution through time. Correspondingly, there is a hierarchical 
> typology of accumulating content utility: entities, artifacts, 
> articles, commodities, assets, and heirlooms, which are respectively 
> existential, intentional, purposeful, meaningful, useful, and reliable 
> digital objects. Content engagement is modeled in terms of three roles 
> and related loci of concerns: producers/production, 
> managers/management, and consumers/consumption, all co-existing within 
> a continuum of formalizing, codifying, and pluralizing dimensions 
> encompassing the engendering of, imposition of structure upon, and 
> extension of reach and consequence of curated content. Curation 
> strategies are modeled in terms of six high-level imperatives: 
> predilect, collect, protect, introspect, project, and connect. The UC3 
> model components and terminology can be used to make precise yet 
> concise statements regarding curation intentions, activities, and 
> results./”
> http://wiki.ucop.edu/display/Curation/Foundations
> --sla
> Stephen Abrams
> Associate Director, UC Curation Center
> California Digital Library
> University of California, Office of the President
> Stephen.Abrams at ucop.edu <mailto:Stephen.Abrams at ucop.edu>
> +1 510-987-0370

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