From rappel at Fri Aug 14 09:37:34 2015 From: rappel at (Rachel Appel) Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 09:37:34 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Born-digital access research update at SAA 2015 In-Reply-To: <736426713.2120892.1439559415541.JavaMail.root@zimbra-mailbox> Message-ID: <1474718996.2121203.1439559454706.JavaMail.root@zimbra-mailbox> Dear colleagues, For the past year, a research team has been working to on a project to map the landscape of born-digital access. The team surveyed over 200 cultural heritage institutions regarding their access policies and procedures. The team is preparing to share initial findings at a session at the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting (, and we thought that you might be interested, too. The document outlining our research is available here: We welcome any feedback from your membership, and many thanks to those of you who participated in the survey. If you?d like to follow SAA and the session on Twitter, please keep an eye on the hashtags #saa15 #s110 next Thursday! Sincerely, Rachel -- Rachel Appel Digital Collections Librarian Bryn Mawr College 101 N. Merion Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 (610) 526-5093 From cmmorris at Mon Aug 17 09:12:12 2015 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 09:12:12 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] REGISTER: Fedora 4 Workshop and User Group Meeting in Paris Message-ID: A one-day Fedora 4 Workshop and User Group Meeting will be held on Sept. 25, 2015 in Paris, France. The event coincides with the Sixth RDA Plenary Meeting [1] and will take place in the same venue?the Conservatoire national des arts et m?tiers. The agenda includes a Fedora 4 workshop, Fedora user group presentations from regional Fedora users, and will conclude with a wrap-up discussion [2]. There is no charge for this event. Register here: Please join us! Space is limited so advance registration is required as soon as possible. Additional information may be found on the wiki [2], or contact David Wilcox with any questions . [1] [2] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Joanna.Efthymiou at Wed Aug 19 09:01:18 2015 From: Joanna.Efthymiou at (Joanna.Efthymiou at Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 14:01:18 +0100 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Preservica future-proofs 100TB of Appalachian History with Berea College Message-ID: Greetings, We are delighted to announce that Berea College, Kentucky has joined the growing number of educational institutions that have chosen Preservica Cloud Edition to digitally preserve and provide access to their unique collections and archives. Berea College selected Preservica after extensive research and testing, and will be preserving over 100 TB of Appalachian music and history in the Cloud. > Read their story here: Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, Joanna Joanna Efthymiou Business Development Preservica 26 The Quadrant, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3YS Registered in England No. 7998621 Preservica is part of Tessella Group T: +44 (0)1235 546611 E: joanna.efthymiou at W: TW: @dPreservation -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/gif Size: 5311 bytes Desc: not available URL: From cmmorris at Wed Aug 19 13:50:21 2015 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 13:50:21 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] REGISTER: Fedora 4 Training Workshop at eResearch Australasia Message-ID: Aug, 20, 2015 Read it online: Dear Community, A one-day Fedora 4 Training Workshop will be held on October 23, 2015 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The event coincides with the eResearch Australasia Conference ( and will take place in the same venue?the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. The workshop is being generously subsidized by the University of New South Wales (UNSW, so the cost for attending is only $80AUD. *Register here. * *About the Fedora 4 Training Workshop* Fedora is a robust, modular, open source repository platform for the management, preservation, and dissemination of digital content, including research data. Fedora, the new, revitalized version of the software, was released into production in November of 2014. Fedora 4 features include vast improvements in scalability, linked data capabilities, research data support, modularity, ease of use, and more. This Fedora 4 Training Workshop will provide an introduction to and overview of Fedora 4, with a focus on migration and Fedora 4?s latest features. After an initial review of the most significant new features, participants will learn about how to migrate from earlier versions of Fedora to Fedora 4. This will include a review and demonstration of available migration tools, as well as a discussion on data modeling best practices. There will also be a presentation on UNSW?s recently completed Fedora 3 to 4 migration work. Attendees will have the opportunity (in Section 4) to participate in a hands-on session and explore Fedora 4 by following step-by-step instructions using a preconfigured virtual machine environment. This will give participants a chance to explore the new features and experience Fedora 4 first-hand. Developers and administrators interested in working on Fedora 4 will learn about the software development process and procedures, including how to integrate Fedora 4 with external applications, such as search platforms (e.g. Solr) and triplestores. Two of the overall aims of the workshop are to encourage familiarity with and uptake of Fedora 4 within the Australian repository community, and bring Australian developers into the global Fedora community while raising our profile in the research support arena. For more information including a full agenda please visit the wiki. Space is limited so reserve your spot today! Register here: If you have any questions please contact David Wilcox, at . -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mwerla at Wed Aug 26 18:08:34 2015 From: mwerla at (Marcin Werla) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 00:08:34 +0200 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Last minute to register! TPDL 2015 - 19th Intl. Conf. on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries Message-ID: <> Dear all, *On Monday, August 31, we are closing registration for TPDL 2015 Conference*, which will take place in Pozna? (Poland) on September 14-18, 2015. *TPDL 2015 - The 19th edition of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries *in brief looks following*:* * 3 Keynote speakers o David Giaretta ? ?Data ? unbound by time or discipline ? challenges and new skills needed? o Joseph Cancellaro ? ?Digital Audio Asset Archival and Retrieval: A Users Perspective? o Costis Dallas ? ?The post-repository era: scholarly practice, information and systems in the digital continuum? * 31 Presentations and 14 posters/demos - showing work of 119 authors grouped in following sessions: o Interoperability and information integration o Multimedia information management and retrieval and digital curation o Personal information management and personal digital libraries o Social-technical perspectives of digital information o Systems and products - part 1 & 2 o User studies for and evaluation of digital library systems and applications o Applications of digital libraries o Digital humanities o Exploring semantic web and linked data * 300 Minutes of coffee breaks and 315 minutes of lunches, one evening reception and one conference dinner ;-) *Associated events include:* * 5 tutorials (day before the conference): o Automatic Methods for Disambiguating Author Names in Bibliographic Data Repositories (AM) o Building Digital Library Collections with Greenstone 3 (AM) o Catmandu ? a (meta)data toolkit (full day) o Dynamic Data Citation ? Enabling Reproducibility in Evolving Environment (PM) o Mappings, Application profiles and Extensions for cross-domain metadata in the Europeana context and beyond (PM) * 5 workshops (last day of the conference and the day after): o 5th International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2015) (full day) o Cloud based services for digital libraries (PM) o Extending, mapping and focusing the CRM (PM) o Kick-off workshop of the IMPACT-OPF MOOC on digitisation and digital preservation (full day) o Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems and Services (NKOS) (full day) Full agenda can be found here: If you want to join us soon in Pozna?, make sure you will register in the next few days. All registration information can be found at: Best regards, Marcin Werla and Cezary Mazurek TPDL 2015 Conference General Chairs -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tibbo at Thu Aug 27 07:52:01 2015 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 11:52:01 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] IPRES 2015 - New Student and Conference rates Message-ID: <> We are excited to announce that IPRES 2015, the premiere international conference on Digital Preservation, will be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA from November 2-6, 2015. IPRES rotates between North America, Asia, and Europe and it will not be North America again until 2018. For more detailed information regarding the 2015 event, please visit Earlybird Registration rates (until October 1) include: * $650 inclusive of the conference, workshops, tutorials, and all receptions and dinner (M-F); * $475 for the main conference including dinner and two receptions * $250 for full-times students for the entire week * $150 for full-day workshops and tutorials * $100 for half-day workshops and tutorials Full Registration Includes 5 days of activities: * All sessions * Workshops/tutorials (Monday and Friday) * Monday and Wednesday receptions * Conference dinner on Tuesday * Lunch daily * Morning and afternoon refreshments * Bus service to and from many hotels to the conference * Bus service to the Monday reception and Tuesday dinner * Free parking at the Friday Center for drivers See the Registration tab on the IPRES2015 website. Descriptions of the workshops and tutorials can be found at Conference topics include but are not limited to explorations in digital preservation focused on: * Institutional opportunities and challenges * Infrastructure (organizational and technological) opportunities and challenges * Innovative practice * Education and training Please see for more details regarding potential content. The program will be available very shortly. Chapel Hill is home to the University of North Carolina, the flagship campus of the UNC system, the oldest public university in the US, and one of the top schools in the country. While exuding a small town feel, Chapel Hill offers food, fun, and culture the caliber of a big city. Check out this recent New York Times travel piece, 36 Hours in Chapel Hill-Carborro, N.C., for just a taste of what the town has to offer. While here for the conference, you will have the opportunity to dine at world class eateries, grab a drink at some blossoming breweries, and experience a wealth of museums and other cultural offerings. Also, the leaves will just be turning the first week of November! IMPORTANT: A refund will be offered, minus a $100.00 processing fee, for refund inquiries submitted before October 1, 2015. NO REFUNDS ARE PERMITTED AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2015. For refund inquiries, please contact Cassie Ragan at cmragan at Thank you for your interest in the 2015 iPRES Conference, we look forward to seeing you in Chapel Hill in November! For accommodations, please visit For questions concerning the Conference please contact Cal Lee at callee at or Helen Tibbo at tibbo at For questions concerning registration or payment please contact Cassie Ragan at cmragan at Hope to see you in Chapel Hill! -Helen Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor President, 2010-2011 & Fellow, Society of American Archivists School of Information and Library Science 201 Manning Hall, CB#3360 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 919-962-8063 Fax: 919-962-8071 tibbo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: