[Pasig-discuss] Call for Applications: Digital Preservation Management (DPM) Workshop at Tufts University June 14-19

Nancy Y McGovern nancymcg at mit.edu
Wed Apr 1 16:51:15 EDT 2015

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Digital Preservation Management
Are you responsible for digital preservation at your organization?  Are you interested in learning the standards, resources, policies, and work flows integral to a successful program?  Do you want to join a cohort of similar professionals as you develop your skills and organizational readiness?  Come learn how to implement short-term strategies for long-term problems.

We are happy to announce that the five-day Digital Preservation Management Workshop directed by Nancy Y. McGovern is taking place this June 14 - 19, 2015 at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts near to Cambridge and Boston.  Tuition fee for the week is $1,200.00 and includes four lunches and a group dinner.  Information Website<https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/?eventid=1687934>   No fees are due at time of application.

Workshop Goals
Promote Practical and Responsible Stewardship of Digital Assets.  The goals of the workshop are to foster critical thinking in a technological realm and provide the means for exercising practical and responsible stewardship of digital assets in an age of technological uncertainty. The workshop sessions are geared towards making a digital preservation program doable for any organization and all of the sessions include as many relevant examples as we can fit.  The workshop focuses on the decision points involved in responding to ongoing technological changes while managing digital content across the life cycle.

Workshop Audience
The workshop series is intended for managers who are or will be responsible for digital preservation programs in libraries, archives, and other cultural institutions.

Faculty for June 2015
The faculty for the workshop will include Dr. Nancy Y. McGovern, Kari R. Smith, Courtney Mumma, and Brad Westbrook. Link here<http://www.dpworkshop.org/workshops/instructors.html> for information about each instructor.  We are very pleased that our keynote speaker will be Dr. Katherine Skinner, Executive Director of the Educopia Institute.

Workshop Content
The workshop includes interactive presentations, group discussions, exercises, individual assignments, and a keynote presentation by an international expert in digital preservation. Workshop attendees explore the range of components needed to develop an effective digital preservation program. Workshop materials include action plans for organizations to complete when participants return to their institutions. Action plans result in organization-specific plans that incorporate technical, financial, organizational, and policy aspects encompassing the full life cycle of digital objects. The workshop focuses on strategies for organizations to implement now, while research and development goes forward in creating longer-term solutions that can be incorporated into the program framework.

As a prerequisite for the workshop, we ask participants to work through the Digital Preservation Management Tutorial - a free resource for anyone interested in learning the foundations for digital preservation and as a starting point for advanced discussions.  The tutorial is online at:  www.dpworkshop.org<http://www.dpworkshop.org>.

Please let us know if you have questions about the workshop.
Dpmw-management at mit.edu<mailto:Dpmw-management at mit.edu>

Your Digital Preservation Management Workshop Team and
Director, Nancy Y. McGovern

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