[Pasig-discuss] Save the Date! iPRES2015 - Nov. 2-6, 2015, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Tibbo, Helen R tibbo at ils.unc.edu
Sun Nov 2 17:45:35 EST 2014

Please excuse cross postings:

The School of Information and Library Science, the UNC University Libraries, and the HW Odum Institute for Research in Social Science are pleased to announce iPRES 2015. This international conference focusing on digital curation and preservation will be held at the William and Ida Friday Center, November 2-6, 2015. This is a lovely time in Chapel Hill with lots of fall color and pleasant temperatures so plan on some extra days to tour around the countryside and see the local potters at their craft and have some fine pulled pork.

There will be a call for proposals early in 2015 and details regarding lodging at that time. I promise this will be a great conference with excellent food and fun. I look forward to seeing y'all in Chapel Hill next year!


Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor
President, 2010-2011 & Fellow, Society of American Archivists
School of Information and Library Science
201 Manning Hall, CB#3360
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Tel: 919-962-8063
Fax: 919-962-8071
tibbo at ils.unc.edu<mailto:tibbo at ils.unc.edu>

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