[Pasig-discuss] Free March 11 Webinar: Developing a long-term active preservation strategy for DSpace content

Arthur Pasquinelli art.pasquinelli at oracle.com
Thu Mar 6 11:49:02 EST 2014

*Free Webinar:* *Developing a long-term active preservation strategy for 
DSpace content*

Secure and affordable long-term active preservation of valuable digital 
records and content is a growing challenge facing many institutions, 
government organizations and businesses.

In this free webinar we will explore how some DSpace users are tackling 
this challenge using Preservica, Tessella's cloud-based active digital 
preservation software, to ensure their digital content remains 
accessible and readable for decades to come.

Register here now: _http://preservica.com/resource/dspacewebinar/_

*What you will learn*

·        How other DSpace users are tackling long term digital preservation
·        How to ensure your DSpace content remains accessible and 
readable for decades to come
·        How to automate the ingest of DSpace files and metadata into 
Preservica for secure and affordable long term preservation in the cloud
·        How Preservica's active preservation safeguards digital content 
against loss, degradation and format obsolescence

*Who Should Attend*

·        Archivists, Librarians, Record Managers, Business Decision 
Makers for IT

*When *

·        Tuesday 11^th March 2014 11:00am EST  or 3:00pm BST for 45 
minutes plus open time for questions

Please feel free to forward this to colleagues in your organisation or 
in sister organisations.

Finally do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

Yours sincerely,

Joanna Efthymiou

Business Development,
__Joanna.Efthymiou at tessella.com_
<mailto:Joanna.Efthymiou at tessella.com>


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