[Pasig-discuss] NEWS RELEASE: Symplectic, DuraSpace Partner to Provide Support Services for VIVO

Carol Minton Morris cmmorris at fedora-commons.org
Thu Jul 31 10:02:59 EDT 2014


July 31, 2014

Contact: Sabih Ali <sabih at symplectic.co.uk>, Jonathan Markow <
jjmarkow at duraspace.org>

Read it online: http://bit.ly/ULZoiB

*Symplectic and DuraSpace Partner to Provide Institutional Support Services
for VIVO  *

Symplectic Helps Manage Public Facing Research Networks and Profiles that
Enable Collaboration and Discovery

Symplectic Limited <http://symplectic.co.uk/>, a software company
specializing in developing, implementing, and integrating research
information systems, has become the first DuraSpace Registered Service
Provider (RSP) for the VIVO <http://www.vivoweb.org/> Project. DuraSpace
<http://www.duraspace.org/> is a not-for-profit organization providing open
technologies and services that promote durable access to digital data.
Symplectic is a long-time supporter of the VIVO project, both as a founding
sponsor and through continued support of the VIVO Conference
<http://vivoconference.org/> since it first began in 2010. Partnering with
DuraSpace means Symplectic can provide VIVO services like installation,
support, hosting and integration for institutions looking to join the VIVO

"As our first official Registered Service Provider for VIVO, Symplectic
will help ensure that any institution, large or small, can fully
participate in making research and institutional resources available for
search, discovery, and analysis,” explained Jonathan Markow, CSO of
DuraSpace. “We heartily welcome them to the RSP Program!”

VIVO <http://www.vivoweb.org/>, an open source, semantic web application
and growing global community, is aimed at integrating and sharing
information about researchers and institutions to support collaboration and
discovery. As an incubated DuraSpace project, VIVO institutions and
DuraSpace members now have a greater opportunity to develop related
technologies and services across broad academic and scientific communities.

“We are especially pleased to have been chosen as the first official
Registered Service Provider for VIVO”, says Jonathan Breeze, CEO of
Symplectic. “Working closely with the DuraSpace and VIVO communities will
help us better serve institutions that wish to join the VIVO network, but
do not necessarily have the capacity to do so themselves.”

Symplectic at the Upcoming 2014 VIVO Conference, Aug. 4-8

Join Platinum sponsors Symplectic at the 2014 VIVO Conference
<http://vivoconference.org/> in Austin, Texas! The Symplectic team will be
on hand to meet with the VIVO community, learn about exciting discovery
network developments, and discuss the ways in which they can help
institutions that want to join VIVO.

About VIVO

VIVO (http://vivoweb.org) is an open source, open ontology, open process
platform for hosting information about the interests, activities and
accomplishments of scientists and scholars. VIVO supports open development
and integration of science and scholarship through simple, standard
semantic web! technologies. VIVO was originally funded by Cornell
University and the National Institutes of Health (U24 RR029822) and is
currently a community-supported incubator project under the DuraSpace

About Symplectic

Symplectic (http://symplectic.co.uk) is a world-leading software
development and service company specialized in the delivery of integrated
research information management systems. Founded in 2003, the company
combines years of experience in the academic sector with a collaborative
approach to development to help research institutions collect, manage and
showcase their research and scholarly activity. Their flagship system,
Elements, is used by some of the world’s leading institutions including the
University of Cambridge, Duke University, Cornell University and the
University of Melbourne.

How Does DuraSpace Help?

The DuraSpace (http://duraspace.org) organization is an independent
501(c)(3) not-for-profit providing leadership and innovation for open
technologies that promote durable, persistent access and discovery of
digital data. Our values are expressed in our organizational byline,
"Committed to our digital future."

DuraSpace works collaboratively with organizations that use VIVO to advance
the design, development and sustainability of the project. As a non-profit,
DuraSpace provides technical leadership, sustainability planning,
fundraising, community development, marketing and communications,
collaborations and strategic partnerships, and administration.

Carol Minton Morris
Director of Marketing and Communications
cmmorris at DuraSpace.org
Skype: carolmintonmorris
607 592-3135
Twitter at DuraSpace <http://twitter.com/duraspace>
Twitter at DuraCloud <http://twitter.com/duracloud>
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