[Pasig-discuss] NEWS RELEASE: DuraSpace, Archive-It Partner to Offer Archive-It Collections Off-site Back-up/Preservation

Carol Minton Morris cmmorris at fedora-commons.org
Wed Feb 19 08:30:14 EST 2014


February 19, 2014
Contact: Carol Minton Morris <cmmorris at duraspace.org>
Read it online: http://bit.ly/1jLCsux

*DuraSpace and Archive-It Partner to Offer Off-site Back-up and
Preservation of Archive-It Collections *
*New DuraCloud feature enables instant Archive-It collection back-up

*Winchester, MA*  DuraSpace <http://duraspace.org/>, in partnership with
Archive-It <https://www.archive-it.org/>, is pleased to announce the newest
feature of DuraCloud <https://duracloud.org/>, a cloud based archiving and
preservation service. Archive-It partners can now seamlessly access
DuraCloud's key features for offsite back-up and preservation of their web
archive collections. In addition to Archive-It's existing storage and
access offerings, DuraCloud is another option for off-site preservation
that includes the ability to back up content in the cloud, access automatic
content health checks and health reports, and is directly integrated with
Amazon Glacier as an additional option for very low-cost storage.

Archive-It (archive-it.org), a web archiving service from Internet
and DuraCloud (duracloud.org), a managed service for archiving content in
the cloud from DuraSpace, teamed up to create this new feature and to
provide Archive-It partner organizations with additional options to back-up
their collections of archived content. During fall 2013 Columbia
University, Rice University, the North Carolina Department of Cultural
Resources: State Library and Archives were part of a pilot program that
successfully tested the service.

*How it works*

Archive-It partners who decide to subscribe to DuraCloud have the ability
to back up all of their Archive-It collections, specific web collections,
or exact time periods within individual collections. After signing up for
the service, DuraCloud will transfer a copy of content from an Archive-It
account and store the web archive files in DuraCloud. The Archive-It
account is then monitored for additions to the collection over time and
synchronizes those to DuraCloud. The best part of using this new service is
that it requires no additional user action. Once the service is enabled,
back-ups to DuraCloud are automatic.

*Get started today*

Preserving your Archive-It collection in DuraCloud allows you to check the
box on reliable offsite back-up and long term access of your content.

Archive-It partners can sign up for the service through the DuraCloud web
site (duracloud.org/archive-it), which includes more information and
pricing. *Sign up by March 31, 2013 and the content transfer fee will be

*About DuraSpace*

DuraSpace (http://duraspace.org) is an independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit
organization providing leadership and innovation for open technologies that
promote durable, persistent access to digital data. We collaborate with
academic, scientific, cultural, and technology communities by supporting
projects (DSpace, Fedora) and creating services (DuraCloud, DSpaceDirect)
to help ensure that current and future generations have access to our
collective digital heritage. Our values are expressed in our organizational
byline, "Committed to our digital future."

Carol Minton Morris
Director of Marketing and Communications
cmmorris at DuraSpace.org
Skype: carolmintonmorris
607 592-3135
Twitter at DuraSpace <http://twitter.com/duraspace>
Twitter at DuraCloud <http://twitter.com/duracloud>
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