[Pasig-discuss] Reminder: Call for Survey Participation: DAMS Migration

Thompson, Santi A sathomp3 at Central.UH.EDU
Wed Aug 6 17:14:46 EDT 2014

****Please excuse cross-postings****


This is a friendly reminder that our survey, "Identifying Motivations for DAMS Migration: A Survey", concludes on October 1, 2014.

We are soliciting survey responses from information professionals at institutions which are migrating, have migrated, or will migrate to a new digital asset management system.  The title of the survey is "Identifying Motivations for DAMS Migration: A Survey."

For the purposes of this survey, a digital asset management system (DAMS) is software that supports the ingest, "description, tracking, discovery, retrieval, searching, and distribution of collections of digital objects [1]".    Some examples of commonly used DAMS are: CONTENTdm, DSpace, Islandora, DigiTool, Fedora, etc.

Please note that this survey does not focus on systems used exclusively as institutional repositories, which we consider to be repositories that only provide access to the "intellectual output of an institution [2]".

The results from our survey will possibly lead to a publication in a professional journal and/or presentations at relevant professional conferences.

If your institution meets these parameters, we would appreciate your participation in this survey.  The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and will not ask for or obtain any personally identifying information.

You can access the survey here: <https://qtrial2013.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3JgGpZH0UNRSnlP> https://uiuc.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3aw56frpWbGLlgV

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us (information provided below).

We look forward to seeing your responses and sharing the results of our research.

Thank you.

Santi Thompson

sathompson3 at uh.edu<mailto:sathompson3 at uh.edu>

Ayla Stein
astein at illinois.edu<mailto:astein at illinois.edu>

[1] http://www2.archivists.org/glossary/terms/d/digital-assets-management-system
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_repository#cite_note-eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk-1

Santi Thompson, Head of Digital Repository Services
University Libraries
University of Houston
A Carnegie-designated Tier One public research university
sathompson3 at uh.edu<mailto:sathompson3 at uh.edu>
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