[Pasig-discuss] FEEDBACK REQUESTED: Planning a Fedora User Group Meeting in Karlsruhe

Carol Minton Morris cmmorris at fedora-commons.org
Mon Aug 4 09:40:28 EDT 2014

Aug. 4, 2014

Read it online: http://bit.ly/1tn8AJk


The Fedora community is gauging interest in hosting a full-day Fedora User
Group meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany on September 19, 2014, immediately
following the PASIG conference (September 16-18). All users of Fedora, the
open source, flexible and extensible digital repository platform, including
anyone thinking about adopting Fedora, are encouraged to plan on attending.
The meeting will be held at FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for
Information Infrastructure, and registration will be free.

This will be an informal event that will give Fedora community members an
opportunity to meet each other in person, discuss local projects and use
cases, and find potential collaborators. Attendees are encouraged to give
short (5 minutes) or long (15-20 minutes) project updates. Members of
DuraSpace and the Fedora Steering Group will also be present to provide an
update on the latest Fedora 4 developments and discuss opportunities for
engagement with the project.

*Please indicate your interest in attending the Fedora User Group meeting*
in Karlsruhe by contacting David Wilcox dwilcox at fedora-commons.org
<dwilcox at fedora-commons.org?subject=Fedora%20User%20Group%20Meeting%20in%20Karlsruhe>
a +1 (and any additional comments you may have). When it is clear there is
sufficient interest in the event, we will send out additional details and
registration information.

Thank you!
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