From dineshkatre at Tue Oct 1 03:19:39 2013 From: dineshkatre at (Dinesh Katre) Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 15:19:39 +0800 (SGT) Subject: [Pasig-discuss] CFP (Deadline Extended) APA International Conference on Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories, 5-6 February 2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <131601ce6885$f4a5aac0$ddf10040$> <> <> Message-ID: <> ????????? ? Dear All, As requested by many?we have?decided to?extend the?deadline for paper submission till 25th October 2013. We look forward to your valuable contributions as per the new deadline. With best regards, Dr David Giaretta, MBE?????????????????????????????????? Dr Dinesh Katre Director????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Associate Director & HOD Alliance for Permanent Access, EU?????????? ???? ???C-DAC, Pune, India ? ---- ? ? Final Call for Papers? ? The Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation, C-DAC, India and Alliance for Permanent Access (APA), EU are pleased to announce the APA International Conference on Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories to be held at New Delhi, India, during 5-6 February 2014. Conference Website The organizers of this conference invite research papers, case study papers and position papers based on the following thematic areas which have to be submitted before 01 October 2013. Thematic Areas - Digital preservation in various domains such as e-government, scientific and research data, geospatial information, electronic health records, audio and video, media archives, government and cultural archives, corporate data archives, etc. - Domain specific adaptation of Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model - Digital disasters and recovery - Digital forensic for authenticity of information - Technological infrastructure development for trusted digital repositories - Trusted digital repositories in cloud - Digital preservation for legal compliances - The challenges and techniques for maintaining trust in electronic records over long period - Integrating e-record management with e-government - Approaches for long term sustainability of digital repositories?? - Data mining and repurposing of digital information stored in digital repositories - Long term storage solutions with techniques for optimization and efficacy - Preparing for audit and certification of digital repositories - Design of domain specific digital preservation policy framework - Curriculum design for digital preservation We invite three types of papers - Case studies & work in progress (6 to 8 pages) - Full research papers (max 10 pages) - Position papers (4 to 6 pages) Download paper template with format specifications For submissions to the working conference, the authors must use the LNCS templates and style files available from: All papers should be in the specified conference publication format and sent as both pdf and MS Word files to dinesh at and director at by 31st October 2013. Important Dates Extended deadline?for paper submission:??25 October 2013 Acceptance notification:?05 November 2013 Conference:???5-6 February 2014 General Conference Chairs Dr. Dinesh Katre, Associate Director & HOD, C-DAC, Pune, India Dr. David Giaretta, Director, Alliance for Permanent Access (APA), EU Advisory Committee Dr. Luciana Duranti, Director, InterPARES, University of British Columbia, Canada Prof. John Wood, Secretary General, Association of Commonwealth Universities, UK Dr. Juan Bicarregui, Head of Data Services Division, Scientific Computing Department, STFC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK Monica Marinucci, Director for Research, Oracle (Europe, Middle East and Africa) S. A. Kumar, Director, R & D in IT Division, Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India Renu Budhiraja, Senior Director, National e-Governance Action Plan (NeGP), DeitY, New Delhi, India Dr. Gautam Bose, Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre, New Delhi, India Dr. Mukul Sinha, Managing Director, Expert Software Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Noida, India Bill LeFurgy, Digital Initiatives Manager, National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program at the Library of Congress, USA Dr. Reagan W. Moore, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Prof. Matthias Hemmje, Fern Universit?t Hagen, Germany Dr. Jussi Nuorteva, Director General, The National Archives of Finland Programme Committee Carlo Meghini,? Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche- Institute of Information Science and Technologies, Italy Dr. Anne Thurston OBE, Director, International Records Management Trust, UK Dr. Peter Doorn, Data Archiving and Networking Services (DANS), Netherlands Abhishek Jee, Director, e-Governance and Green IT, NASSCOM, Bangalore Vakul Sharma, Cyber Law Expert & Advocate, New Delhi, Supreme Court, India Dr. Ramesh Gaur, Head-Librarian, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Prof. Makhlouf Shabou Basma, University of Geneva, Switzerland Dr. Usha Mujoo Munshi, Librarian, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, India Richard Rinehart, Digital Media Director, Bucknell University, USA Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Deputy Director, National Resource Centre, NIFT, New Delhi, India Pratapanand Jha, Director, Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi, India R. Venkata Kesavan, DGM & Head Times Archives & Knowledge Centre, The Times Group, India Dr Jeremy Leighton John, Curator of eMSS, The British Library, London, UK Barbara Sierman, Digital Preservation Manager, National Library of Netherlands Jason R. Baron, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, USA Dr. Christopher Lee, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina, USA T. Hussain, Assistant Director, National Archives of India, New Delhi, India ? Dr. Dinesh Katre Chief Investigator | Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation Project Associate Director and HOD | Human-Centred Design & Computing Group Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), (A Scientific Society of Department of Electronics and Information Technology | Government of India) 4th Flr., RMZ Westend, D. P. Road, Aundh, Pune - 411007, INDIA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 30461 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dineshkatre at Tue Oct 1 04:19:44 2013 From: dineshkatre at (Dinesh Katre) Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 16:19:44 +0800 (SGT) Subject: [Pasig-discuss] CFP (Deadline Extended till 25 Oct 2013) APA International Conference on Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories, 5-6 February 2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <131601ce6885$f4a5aac0$ddf10040$> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> ????????? ? Dear All, As requested by many?we have?decided to?extend the?deadline for paper submission till 25th October 2013. We look forward to your valuable contributions as per the new deadline. You may like to visit the?conference website for more details at? ? With best regards, Dr David Giaretta, MBE?????????????????????????????????? Dr Dinesh Katre Director????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Associate Director & HOD Alliance for Permanent Access, EU?????????? ???? ???C-DAC, Pune, India ? ---- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 30461 bytes Desc: not available URL: From cmmorris at Fri Oct 4 12:06:51 2013 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 12:06:51 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] NEWS RELEASE: Fedora 3.7.0 is now available Message-ID: *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE* October 4, 2013 Contact: Andrew Woods Read it online: *NOW AVAILABLE: Fedora 3.7.0* The Fedora team is pleased to announce the launch of Fedora 3.7.0 with thanks to the following individuals and institutions for their contributions: - Benjamin Armintor, Columbia University - Frank Asseg FIZ Karlsruhe - Jesper Damkjaer, DMC - Thomas Pii, DMC - Scott Prater, University of Wisconsin - Edwin Shin, Data Curation Experts - Adam Soroka, University of Virgina Fedora 3.7.0 is a bug fix release with some improvements. The principle goals of the release are compatibility with JDK 7 which is now the target platform, and upgrades of library dependencies to the most modern versions possible for stability as development effort on Fedora shifts towards Fedora 4. It is recommended that all current users upgrade to Fedora 3.7.0. Release notes and downloads: The Fedora 3.7.0 and 3.7.1 releases will be the last in the 3.0 line prior to the release of Fedora 4.0. Fedora 3.0 was launched in July of 2008 offering users an integrated structure?Content Model Architecture?for persisting and delivering the essential characteristics of digital objects in Fedora. The final 3.0 releases are aimed at making sure that Fedora 3 users continue to have access to stable repository functionality. The Fedora repository platform is an unqualified success in the digital preservation and repository arena. More than twelve years since its inception, the project has seen three major releases, has hundreds of institutional adopters worldwide, and is the centerpiece of countless systems where preservation is a primary function. *About Fedora* Fedora is an open source project of the DuraSpace organization that provides a flexible, extensible and durable digital object management services. First released in 2004, it has hundreds of adopters worldwide, with deep roots in the research, scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage communities. See for more information. It is supported by its community of users, and stewarded by DuraSpace ( -- Carol Minton Morris DuraSpace Director of Marketing and Communications cmmorris at Skype: carolmintonmorris 607 592-3135 Twitter at DuraSpace Twitter at DuraCloud -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From carey.ijbht at Sun Oct 6 07:46:03 2013 From: carey.ijbht at (Carey Annie) Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2013 17:46:03 +0600 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Call for Papers Message-ID: Call for Papers International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology ISSN 2162-1357 (Print), ISSN 2162-1381 (Online) International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology (IJBHT) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. The objective of IJBHT is to provide a forum for the publication of scientific articles in the fields of business, humanities and technology. In pursuit of this objective the journal not only publishes high quality research paapers but also ensures that the published papers achieve broad international credibility. The journal publishes research papers in the fields of management, business law, public responsibility and ethics, marketing theory and applications, business finance and investment, general business research, business and economics education, international business and economics, tourism and hospitality management, production/operations management, organizational behavior and theory, strategic management policy, social issues and public policy, management organization, statistics and econometrics, personnel and industrial relations, gender studies, cross cultural studies, entrepreneurship development, linguistics, library science, media studies, methodology, philosophy, political science, population Studies, psychology, public administration, sociology, social welfare, technology and Innovation, case studies, management information systems, information technology and so on. The journal is published both in print and online versions. IJBSS is indexed with and included in Cabell?s, EBSCO, Ulrich?s , IndexCopernicus International and Gale. Moreover the journal is under the indexing process with ISI, ERIC, DOAJ, Scopus, and Econlit. IJBHT publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews. Special Issues devoted to important topics in business, humanities and technology will occasionally be published. IJBHT is inviting papers for Vol. 3 No. 8 which is scheduled to be published on November 15, 2013. Last date of submission: October 25, 2013. However, an early submission will get preference in case of review and publication process. Send your manuscript to the editor at editor at, or editor.ijbht at For more information, visit the official website of the journal With thanks, Dr. Ronald M. Flower The Chief Editor International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Contact: editor at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dineshkatre at Thu Oct 17 04:22:08 2013 From: dineshkatre at (Dinesh Katre) Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 16:22:08 +0800 (SGT) Subject: [Pasig-discuss] CFP (Deadline Extended till 25 Oct 2013) APA International Conference on Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories, 5-6 February 2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <131601ce6885$f4a5aac0$ddf10040$> <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Only 8 days are remaining for submission of papers. Soft reminder regarding the extended deadline. ? From: Dinesh Katre To: "pasig-discuss at" Sent: Tuesday, 1 October 2013 1:49 PM Subject: CFP (Deadline Extended till 25 Oct 2013) APA International Conference on Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories, 5-6 February 2014 ????????? ? Dear All, As requested by many?we have?decided to?extend the?deadline for paper submission till 25th October 2013. We look forward to your valuable contributions as per the new deadline. You may like to visit the?conference website for more details at? ? With best regards, Dr David Giaretta, MBE?????????????????????????????????? Dr Dinesh Katre Director????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Associate Director & HOD Alliance for Permanent Access, EU?????????? ???? ???C-DAC, Pune, India ? ---- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 30461 bytes Desc: not available URL: From cmmorris at Tue Oct 15 09:50:47 2013 From: cmmorris at (Carol Minton Morris) Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:50:47 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] NEWS RELEASE: Drag and Drop Upload with DuraCloud 2.4.0 is Now Available Message-ID: *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE* October 15, 2013 Contact: Carol Minton Morris Read it online: *NOW AVAILABLE: Easy Drag and Drop Upload with DuraCloud 2.4.0* *Winchester, MA* Today the DuraSpace organization announced the release of DuraCloud 2.4.0. The latest version of DuraCloud offers customers significantly improved content upload and download capabilities including the drag and drop upload feature, installers that make it easy to use the Sync Tool, and more. DuraCloud ( is an archiving and preservation service that gives users the choice of where to store their content while providing a suite of services that ensure their content's long term accessibility. *Primary features of the 2.4.0 release are:* *Improved Content Upload:* ? DuraCloud now provides the option to upload files using the familiar file selector or with simple drag and drop through the web interface. ? New Sync Tool installers provide a simple graphical installation flow and are consistent with the usual installation process on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. ? The Sync Tool now provides 3 options for handling files which have changed locally: 1. Overwrite the file (the default, and the only option available in previous versions) 2. Skip the file (ensures that there are no changes made to any existing files in DuraCloud) 3. Rename original (rename the old copy of this file first, then add the new file to DuraCloud) *Improved Content Download:* ? The Retrieval Tool now allows users more flexible content retrieval options, including downloading from: 1. A list of the files in a space 2. A specific set of files from a space 3. An entire space *Videos to help users get started with DuraCloud are now available:* ? Get Started! ? Automatically Upload Files and Directories For more information, a complete list of the new features and improvements in DuraCloud 2.4.0 are available in the release notes: *ABOUT DURASPACE* DuraSpace ( is an independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization providing leadership and innovation for open technologies that promote durable, persistent access to digital data. We collaborate with academic, scientific, cultural, and technology communities by supporting projects and creating services to help ensure that current and future generations have access to our collective digital heritage. Our values are expressed in our organizational byline, "Committed to our digital future." -- Carol Minton Morris DuraSpace Director of Marketing and Communications cmmorris at Skype: carolmintonmorris 607 592-3135 Twitter at DuraSpace Twitter at DuraCloud -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From walsh.260 at Mon Oct 21 16:13:31 2013 From: walsh.260 at (Maureen Walsh) Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 16:13:31 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Call for Proposals: ALCTS Scholarly Communications Interest Group at 2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting Message-ID: **Please excuse cross-postings** The ALCTS Scholarly Communications Interest Group invites proposals for presentations at its meeting at the 2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia on Saturday, January 25th from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. Presentations focusing on new and emerging services in scholarly communications are preferred. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to: * Research data services * Implementation and integration of disparate tools and services such as altmetrics, author identifiers, etc. * Services related to compliance with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memorandum * Open educational resources Presentations will be approximately 30 minutes, including Q&A. To submit a proposal for presentation, please email an abstract to Maureen Walsh ( walsh.260 at and Doug Way (wayd at by Wednesday, November 6, 2013. We look forward to hearing from you! Maureen P. Walsh Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications Interest Group Associate Professor / Institutional Repository Services Librarian The Ohio State University Libraries walsh.260 at Doug Way Vice-Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications Interest Group Head of Collections and Scholarly Communications Grand Valley State University Libraries wayd at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jfarmer at Thu Oct 24 17:11:57 2013 From: jfarmer at (Jacob Farmer) Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 17:11:57 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Usenix Data Storage Event - Wash DC - Nov 6 Message-ID: <> Hi, folks. I wanted to alert the group to an event in Washington DC on November 6 that might be relevant to some of you. The Usenix LISA (large installation system administration) conference is in DC the week of November 4 at the Marriot Wardman Park. On Wednesday, November 6 there is a free one-day seminar and vendor expo dedicated to the latest trends in data storage technologies. One of the topics covered is object-based storage which has all kinds of implications for digital preservation. The conference program this year is really spectacular. LISA is generally regarded as the best training event and technical conference for hands-on system administrators. This is the 27th year that the conference has been running. If you have conference budget left this year, I would recommend spending more time at the conference. If not, come to this one day event! Date: November 6 Location: Marriot Wardman Park, Washington DC What: Lectures on data storage technologies and vendor expo Cost: FREE More info: - Jacob *Jacob Farmer | Chief Technology Officer | Cambridge Computer | "Artists In Data Storage" * Phone 781-250-3210 | jfarmer at | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From matt.schultz at Wed Oct 30 16:49:46 2013 From: matt.schultz at (Matt Schultz) Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:49:46 -0400 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Register now! Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation II (Barcelona) Message-ID: Please excuse cross-posting *********************** *Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation I! November 18-20, 2013 Biblioteca de Catalunya (Barcelona) * Hashtag: #anadp13 *Registration closes November 4! * * About the ANADP II Event:* ANADP II seeks to align digital preservation efforts internationally between communities?including national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, research centers, archives, corporations, and funding agencies. ANADP II will be a highly participatory event in which digital preservation stakeholders will engage in facilitated discussions and action sessions to produce a set of concrete outcomes for the extended digital preservation community in three areas: Community Alignment, Resource Alignment, and Capacity Alignment. *Keynotes:* Opening Keynote: Clifford A. Lynch (Coalition for Networked Information) Closing Keynote: Adam Farquhar (The British Library) *Panel Chairs:* Joy Davidson (Digital Curation Centre) Rachel Frick (DLF) Neil Grindley (JISC) Martin Halbert (University of North Texas) Tyler Walters (Virginia Tech) * Speakers include:* Llu?s Anglada (Consorci de Biblioteques Universit?ries de Catalunya/MetaArchive Cooperative) Juan Bicarregui (Research Data Alliance) Tom Cramer (Stanford/DuraSpace Foundation) Luciana Duranti (InterPARES/CISCRA) Chris Greer (RDA, NIST) Cathy Hartman (International Internet Preservation Consortium, UNT) Ross King (SCAPE, OPF) Christopher (Cal) Lee (UNC-Chapel Hill) Liz Lyon (UKOLN) Nancy McGovern (MIT, DPM Workshop) Gail McMillan (Virginia Tech) Mr. Ferran Mascarell (Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia) Mary Molinaro (University of Kentucky, DPOE/NDSR) Laura Molloy (DigCurV) Maureen Pennock (The British Library) Oya Y. Rieger (Cornell University) Eug?nia Serra (Director of Biblioteca de Catalunya) Matt Schultz (MetaArchive Cooperative) Sabine Schrimpf (nestor) Katherine Skinner (Educopia Institute) Aaron Trehub (Auburn University/ADPNet) Paul Wheatley (SPRUCE Project) Martha Whitehead (Education and Training Sub-Committee of Research Data Canada) Tom Wilson (The University of Alabama/ADPNet) Jeremy York (HathiTrust/University of Michigan) Eld Zierau (Royal Library of Denmark) * Registration and conference information:* -- Matt Schultz Program Manager Educopia Institute, MetaArchive Cooperative @metaarchive matt.schultz at @mattgschultz 616-566-3204 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hbchen at Wed Oct 30 17:48:33 2013 From: hbchen at (Chen, Hb) Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:48:33 +0000 Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Register now! Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation II (Barcelona) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Here is the new du data [alldiskcont008 32] /var > du --max-depth=2 | sort -n | tail -n 20 50M ./lib/Pegasus 68K ./spool/postfix 80K ./lib/amanda 92K ./log/prelink 100K ./cache/ldconfig 100M ./cache/yum 148K ./lib/alternatives 148M ./lib/rpm 160K ./log/gdm 200K ./lib/gdm 216K ./www/error 236K ./lib/readahead 244K ./log/bizstore 303M ./lib 380K ./lib/cluster 464K ./run 548K ./cache/fontconfig 676K ./spool/abrt 848K ./spool 948K ./www/icons HB ________________________________ From: Pasig-discuss [pasig-discuss-bounces at] on behalf of Matt Schultz [matt.schultz at] Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 2:49 PM To: Pasig-discuss at Subject: [Pasig-discuss] Register now! Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation II (Barcelona) Please excuse cross-posting *********************** Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation I! November 18-20, 2013 Biblioteca de Catalunya (Barcelona) Hashtag: #anadp13 Registration closes November 4! About the ANADP II Event: ANADP II seeks to align digital preservation efforts internationally between communities?including national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, research centers, archives, corporations, and funding agencies. ANADP II will be a highly participatory event in which digital preservation stakeholders will engage in facilitated discussions and action sessions to produce a set of concrete outcomes for the extended digital preservation community in three areas: Community Alignment, Resource Alignment, and Capacity Alignment. Keynotes: Opening Keynote: Clifford A. Lynch (Coalition for Networked Information) Closing Keynote: Adam Farquhar (The British Library) Panel Chairs: Joy Davidson (Digital Curation Centre) Rachel Frick (DLF) Neil Grindley (JISC) Martin Halbert (University of North Texas) Tyler Walters (Virginia Tech) Speakers include: Llu?s Anglada (Consorci de Biblioteques Universit?ries de Catalunya/MetaArchive Cooperative) Juan Bicarregui (Research Data Alliance) Tom Cramer (Stanford/DuraSpace Foundation) Luciana Duranti (InterPARES/CISCRA) Chris Greer (RDA, NIST) Cathy Hartman (International Internet Preservation Consortium, UNT) Ross King (SCAPE, OPF) Christopher (Cal) Lee (UNC-Chapel Hill) Liz Lyon (UKOLN) Nancy McGovern (MIT, DPM Workshop) Gail McMillan (Virginia Tech) Mr. Ferran Mascarell (Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia) Mary Molinaro (University of Kentucky, DPOE/NDSR) Laura Molloy (DigCurV) Maureen Pennock (The British Library) Oya Y. Rieger (Cornell University) Eug?nia Serra (Director of Biblioteca de Catalunya) Matt Schultz (MetaArchive Cooperative) Sabine Schrimpf (nestor) Katherine Skinner (Educopia Institute) Aaron Trehub (Auburn University/ADPNet) Paul Wheatley (SPRUCE Project) Martha Whitehead (Education and Training Sub-Committee of Research Data Canada) Tom Wilson (The University of Alabama/ADPNet) Jeremy York (HathiTrust/University of Michigan) Eld Zierau (Royal Library of Denmark) Registration and conference information: -- Matt Schultz Program Manager Educopia Institute, MetaArchive Cooperative @metaarchive matt.schultz at @mattgschultz 616-566-3204 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: