[Pasig-discuss] Oracle Offers Complimentary NAB Exhibit Passes April 8-11

Arthur Pasquinelli art.pasquinelli at oracle.com
Fri Mar 29 22:02:51 EDT 2013

Oracle will have a booth at the National Association of Broadcasters 
NABShow exhibit April 8-11 in Las Vegas and is offering *complimentary 
exhibit hall passes* (There is now a $25 NAB processing fee.).

In addition, PASIG members can register for 1-1 meetings with Oracle 
Tiered Storage, LTFS, Content Management and Personalization, Media 
Analytics, and Workflow Management experts. Go to:


Second, Oracle also invites you for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres on 
Tuesday, April 9, 4:30 p.m. -- 6:00 p.m. in the Oracle Booth SL13309, 
South Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center. The URL is at:



Art Pasquinelli, Principal
Digital Libraries, Repositories, and Preservation
Phone +1 650 607 0035 | Mobile: +1 650 430 2441
art.pasquinelli at oracle.com

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