[Pasig-discuss] iPres Workshop, Preservation at Scale Announcement

Amy Kirchhoff Amy.Kirchhoff at ithaka.org
Fri Aug 16 12:47:13 EDT 2013

Hi all ~

Registration for iPres 2013<http://ipres2013.ist.utl.pt/index.html> (September 2nd to 6th in Lisbon, Portugal) is still open!

As you are registering consider joining us for Workshop 5 - Preservation at Scale (afternoon of September 5th and morning of September 6th).  We have a great line-up of speakers and plenty of time for discussion among colleagues also wrestling with the issues of scale (hardware, software, policies, organizational structure, etc.)

Speakers and topics include:

1.       Marcel Ras, Program manager International e-Depot, Koninklijke Bibliotheek and Caroline van Wijk: "Balancing between technique, organization, roles and long-term strategies"

2.       Andrea Goethals, Manager of Digital Preservation and Repository Services, Harvard University: "Challenges and lessons learned in migrating an entire repository"

3.       Maureen Pennock, Digital Preservation Manager at The British Library: "Organizational perspectives on strategy and non-technical issues"

4.       David Rosenthal, Chief Scientist, LOCKSS Program, Stanford University Libraries: "Economics and operational issues in distributed preservation at scale"

5.       Ross King, Chairman of the Board of the Open Planets Foundation: "The SCAPE Project"

6.       Vinay Cheruku, Director of Content Management Systems, Portico & JSTOR: "Scaling Up - issues and solutions"

7.       Tobias Steinke, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: "Ingest levels for handling preservation of different object types in a large collection"

8.       Tim Dilauro, IT Architect, Digital Research & Curation Center, The Johns Hopkins University: "Lessons learned at the Data Conservancy and Johns Hopkins University Library"

9.       Lars Bjornshauge, Managing Director at DOAJ: "Challenges in preserving OA content and the long tail of very small publishers"

10.   Peter Burnhill, Director of Edina: "Using The Keepers Registry To Assist Collaboration Between Keepers"

The full agenda is available to the public<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x-1e6SbgkULin3lJ6o0G26iBmjzzHj9v4Argy_-4eV0/edit?usp=sharing> in the workshop Google Docs space<https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1X7I2IVBtwzcGVhWUF0TmJIUms&usp=sharing>.

If you cannot make it, please follow along on Twitter at #presatscale.

We look forward to seeing you there!

~ Amy Kirchhoff (amy.kirchhoff at ithaka.org), Sheila Morrissey (sheila.morrissey at ithaka.org), and Marcel Ras (Marcel.Ras at KB.nl)

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