[Pasig-discuss] 2nd Call for Papers APA International Conference on Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories, 5-6 February 2014

Dinesh Katre dineshkatre at yahoo.co.in
Fri Aug 2 05:57:10 EDT 2013

2nd Call for Papers 
The Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation, C-DAC, India and Alliance for Permanent Access (APA), EU are pleased to announce the APA International Conference on Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories to be held at New Delhi, India, during 5-6 February 2014. 

Conference Website


The organizers of this conference invite research papers, case study papers and position papers based on the following thematic areas which have to be submitted before 01 October 2013.

Thematic Areas

- Digital preservation in various domains such as e-government, scientific and research data, geospatial information, electronic health records, audio and video, media archives, government and cultural archives, corporate data archives, etc.
- Domain specific adaptation of Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model
- Digital disasters and recovery
- Digital forensic for authenticity of information
- Technological infrastructure development for trusted digital repositories
- Trusted digital repositories in cloud
- Digital preservation for legal compliances
- The challenges and techniques for maintaining trust in electronic records over long period
- Integrating e-record management with e-government
- Approaches for long term sustainability of digital repositories   
- Data mining and repurposing of digital information stored in digital repositories
- Long term storage solutions with techniques for optimization and efficacy
- Preparing for audit and certification of digital repositories
- Design of domain specific digital preservation policy framework
- Curriculum design for digital preservation

We invite three types of papers

- Case studies & work in progress (6 to 8 pages) 
- Full research papers (max 10 pages) 
- Position papers (4 to 6 pages)

Download paper template with format specifications

For submissions to the working conference, the authors must use the LNCS templates and style files available from: 


All papers should be in the specified conference publication format and sent as both pdf and MS Word files to dinesh at cdac.in and director at alliancepermanentaccess.org by 31st October 2013. 

Important Dates

Last date of paper submission:  01 October 2013

Acceptance notification: 05 November 2013

Conference:   5-6 February 2014

General Conference Chairs

Dr. Dinesh Katre, Associate Director & HOD, C-DAC, Pune, India
Dr. David Giaretta, Director, Alliance for Permanent Access (APA), EU

Advisory Committee 

Dr. Luciana Duranti, Director, InterPARES, University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. John Wood, Secretary General, Association of Commonwealth Universities, UK
Dr. Juan Bicarregui, Head of Data Services Division, Scientific Computing Department, STFC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Monica Marinucci, Director for Research, Oracle (Europe, Middle East and Africa)
S. A. Kumar, Director, R & D in IT Division, Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India
Renu Budhiraja, Senior Director, National e-Governance Action Plan (NeGP), DeitY, New Delhi, India
Dr. Gautam Bose, Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre, New Delhi, India
Dr. Mukul Sinha, Managing Director, Expert Software Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Noida, India
Bill LeFurgy, Digital Initiatives Manager, National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program at the Library of Congress, USA
Dr. Reagan W. Moore, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Prof. Matthias Hemmje, Fern Universität Hagen, Germany
Dr. Jussi Nuorteva, Director General, The National Archives of Finland

Programme Committee

Carlo Meghini,  Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche- Institute of Information Science and Technologies, Italy
Dr. Anne Thurston OBE, Director, International Records Management Trust, UK
Dr. Peter Doorn, Data Archiving and Networking Services (DANS), Netherlands 
Abhishek Jee, Director, e-Governance and Green IT, NASSCOM, Bangalore
Vakul Sharma, Cyber Law Expert & Advocate, New Delhi, Supreme Court, India
Dr. Ramesh Gaur, Head-Librarian, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Prof. Makhlouf Shabou Basma, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Usha Mujoo Munshi, Librarian, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, India
Richard Rinehart, Digital Media Director, Bucknell University, USA
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Deputy Director, National Resource Centre, NIFT, New Delhi, India
Pratapanand Jha, Director, Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi, India
R. Venkata Kesavan, DGM & Head Times Archives & Knowledge Centre, The Times Group, India
Dr Jeremy Leighton John, Curator of eMSS, The British Library, London, UK
Barbara Sierman, Digital Preservation Manager, National Library of Netherlands
Jason R. Baron, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, USA
Dr. Christopher Lee, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina, USA 
T. Hussain, Assistant Director, National Archives of India, New Delhi, India


Dr. Dinesh Katre
Chief Investigator | Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation Project
Associate Director and HOD | Human-Centred Design & Computing Group
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC),
(A Scientific Society of Department of Electronics and Information Technology | Government of India)
4th Flr., RMZ Westend, D. P. Road, Aundh, Pune - 411007, INDIA
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