[Pasig-discuss] Remembering Lee Dirks

Arthur Pasquinelli art.pasquinelli at oracle.com
Fri Aug 31 12:45:49 EDT 2012

I want to just send a quick message to the PASIG list expressing my 
personal sorrow and the sorrow of the entire PASIG steering committee at 
the tragic loss of Lee Dirks of Microsoft Research and his wife;
I hope this message isn't the first time you have heard this sad news.

Lee has been instrumental in helping the PASIG survive and grow and he 
has been one of the leaders in the Library, Repository, and Preservation 
community over the years. We have lost one of Higher Education's best 
friends and he will be sorely missed as a collaborator, adviser, and friend.

We will have a remembrance for Lee at the PASIG Dublin. All our sympathy 
goes to both his family and co-workers at Microsoft Research.

Best Regards,


Art Pasquinelli, Director
Digital Libraries, Repositories, and Preservation
Phone +1 650 607 0035 | Mobile: +1 650 430 2441
art.pasquinelli at oracle.com

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